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Ahmedi man held for ‘desecrating’ Quran amid rampage

naveen mishra

Mar 1, 2013
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HYDERABAD: A number of residents of various localities of Tando Allahyar city and activists of religious parties took to the streets against alleged desecration of the Holy Quran and attacked the home-cum-worship place of a man belonging to the Ahmedi community for his involvement in the alleged sacrilege.

The charged crowd rushed to Tahir Ahmed’s place and went on the rampage in the worship place on the ground floor. He took refuge on the upper floor, where his family lived, and the crowd did not pursue him there.

A heavy contingent of police and Rangers arrived at the spot and detained Mr Ahmed while protesters threw stones at the suspect and injured him.

According to sources, 12-year-old Salman was coming from a seminary in Mansoor Colony, Tando Allahyar city, when he was intercepted by two men riding a motorbike and snatched the Quran from him and beat him up.

Salman crying went back home and told his family and others that Mr Ahmed and an unknown man riding a motorbike had roughed him up and snatched the Quran and desecrated it.

Then a big charged crowd gathered and chanted slogans against the suspect and reached his home in Mansoor Colony. Salman lives in the neighbourhood of the suspect. The crowd went on the rampage on the ground floor of the house, said to be a small worship place.

A heavy contingent of police and Rangers arrived there and arrested Tahir Ahmed and took him to the A-Section police station of Tando Allahyar, where the crowd threw stones at the suspect and demanded registration of a case against the suspect.

An FIR (68/2014) was registered on a complaint of Qari Mohammad Ayub Siddique, Salman’s paternal uncle, under Sections 295-b, 337-A-1 and F-1 against the two suspects at the A-Section police station.

The protesters burnt tyres and resorted to firing in the air, forcing traders to shut their businesses. Tando Allahyar was tense till late in the night.

A couple of Ahmedi families live in Mansoor Colony and many more families of the community live across Tando Allahyar district. After the registration of the case, the crowd dispersed.

Tando Allahyar DSP Noor Mohammad Marri told Dawn that a case was registered and a suspect arrested.

He said that according to Tahir Ahmed’s wife, Salman and their son had fought over some petty matter in the afternoon .

Tando Allahyar SSP Javed Baloch told Dawn that police were investigating the case from different angles and had beefed up security measures for the Ahmedi community in Tando Allahyar and were patrolling the streets also.

According to sources, it was rumoured that some people wanted to grab Tahir’s house.

Ahmedi man held for ‘desecrating’ Quran amid rampage - DAWN.COM
Yeah its even mentioned in the article,

"He said that according to Tahir Ahmed’s wife, Salman and their son had fought over some petty matter in the afternoon".

Told you so. All the cases are like this. Personal enmity or grudge.

judging by the crowd! its more than personal enmity.

Easy to rile up people when "religious" sentiments are at play.

Disrespecting the Holy Quran is a punishable crime in our religion and also in our law!!
The democracy people must LEARN to respect others religion and laws or to shut up!! :)

If we do not speak of your cow pi$$ drinking and worshiping of hundreds of thousands of stone pieces then you must also either learn to respect the religion and law and if you cant, as it seems you cant, then at least stay out of such topics!!
Isn't this something hr largest democracy taught?

What Chutiyapa is this? You have a position, respect it.

@Manticore reel this dude in.
Doesn't the Ahmedi community also recite and hold the Q'uran to be a holy book ?
Why would an Ahmadi desecrate the holy Qur'an when he reads it every day and tries to follow its commandments?

Mirza Sahib (as) on the Holy Qur'an:
The Holy Qur’an is a Book which has proclaimed its own matchlessness and has

claimed its own greatness, its wisdom, its truth, the beauty of its composition and its

spiritual lights. It is not true that the Muslims have themselves put forward these

excellences on behalf of the Qur’an. It sets out its own merits and excellences and puts

forward its matchlessness and peerlessness as a challenge to the whole of creation and

calls out loudly: Is there any contestant? Its eternal truths and fine points are not

confined to two or three which would leave room for doubt on the part of an ignorant

person, but are like the surging ocean and are visible in every direction like the stars of

heaven. There is no truth that lies outside it. There is no wisdom that is not comprised

in it. There is no light that is not obtainable through following it. These things are not

without proof and are not mere words. It is an established and clearly proved fact which

has been shining through 1,300 years. We have set out this eternal truth in great detail

in this book and have expounded the fine points of the Qur’an at such length as to
constitute a surging ocean for the satisfaction of a seeker after truth
.” [Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya,
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, pp. 662-665, footnote 11]
Stupid people! These are illiterates fighting over petty issues.
Yeah its even mentioned in the article,

"He said that according to Tahir Ahmed’s wife, Salman and their son had fought over some petty matter in the afternoon".

This shows that some average muslims are a citadel of ignorance that they so readily agree to become pawns in a dirty trick of some low life criminal. Some Stupid Sarkari muslims of Pakistan don't even know that the Holy Qur'an is the only Holy book of Ahmadis and there is one in every Ahmadi household. Why would we desecrate it when we try to live up to its morals?

EDIT: I edited to say not all Pakistanis are like that, only some. Apologies to anyone who was offended.
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This shows that the average muslim is a citadel of ignorance that he so readily agrees to become a pawn in a dirty trick of some low life criminal. Stupid Sarkari muslims of Pakistan don't even know that the Holy Qur'an is the only Holy book of Ahmadis and there is one in every Ahmadi household. Why would we desecrate it when we try to live up to its morals?
don't bring all the pakistani muslims in it -- then you will say that moderators are biased as well
What Chutiyapa is this? You have a position, respect it.

@Manticore reel this dude in.

You should have read the beginning posts by some fellow members and you will understand where this came from!! Reel me in for being what? replying in the same tone as the stupid comments being made?
I fear for the day when MODS start taking dictations from people like you,, judging everyone from a personal point!! DO NOT JUDGE THE NATION ON ACTIONS OF A SINGLE PERSON. If there is no proof that such blasphemy was not conducted then there also is no proof that it was not so putting it on Pakistan was lame to start with.

I am not replying to any comments as i have better things to do here on this forum so do not want to start a post war here!!
You should have read the beginning posts by some fellow members and you will understand where this came from!! Reel me in for being what? replying in the same tone as the stupid comments being made?
I fear for the day when MODS start taking dictations from people like you,, judging everyone from a personal point!! DO NOT JUDGE THE NATION ON ACTIONS OF A SINGLE PERSON. If there is no proof that such blasphemy was not conducted then there also is no proof that it was not so putting it on Pakistan was lame to start with.

I am not replying to any comments as i have better things to do here on this forum so do not want to start a post war here!!

I saw your previous posts and i did read yours. Yours reeked of hypocrisy cum double standard. Our Prophet Or Honor brigade. Idiots hell bent upon destroying your own nation over something the Prophet himself never raised an issue of. He handled it with calm and cool, not fucking shit up and killing people in the name of honor or religion.

Find me one Ayah or Sunnah of people reneging on religion being liable by death? Such is the case with blasphemy. You want to make something as religious obligation then better back it up with a proper circumstantial example.
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