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after one year democracy has still not matured in Pak, musharraf was a lot better


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
in may soon we will pass one year period since elections were held in Pakistan few points i need to analysed in the current period

1) lack of interest from all leaders(PPP, PMLN, PTI) to highlight the priorities that is security issue

2) any urgent action to revive local governments?

3) steps taken on urgent bases to revive the economy, not one major project announced to give relief to Pakistani people, not one new project initiated in either KPK, Punjab and Sind

4) the govt reps seem very dull and not active, major portion of this period was spend on political mudslinging whether it be PTI's dhandhli, dharna schemes, PPP Sind card scheme and Punjab's festivities

5) political parties remained reluctant to do the damage control when some terrorism happened, no police investigation no nothing, very shameful

6) women were gangraped, tortured themselves because of judicial idiotic and clownish judgements and still no damage control by visiting the victims, condemning it in unison, even separately, only tweets, facebook, is it enough?

7) political point scoring then talking on national issues

8) iranian gas pipeline project gone to the dogs, how will we adress our energy needs?

9) gwadar port went into slumber, no major investment from the chinese? nawaz could have at least done something about 70% completed gwadar ratodero highway but nothing

10) no major economic reforms other than infamous ones which increased sales tax etc etc ohh yeah PMLN took 1.5 billion aid from saudis

11) the two big parties PMLN and PTI even failed to emphecise on the national anti terrorism policy and its amazing to know a party which calls itself the second biggest in terms of votes acquired and holds one of the most volitile provinces in terms of security didn't even bother to submit its recommendations on national anti terror policy

12) not a definite policy is announced how the negotiations are held with talibans, very obscured negotiations are happening with no proper directions

13) ok, anti terror policy announced but no practical steps to define what will the centre do how they will deal with ttp, bla, sindi nationalist terrorism, any policy to deweaponise the country?, absolutely blank in security policy which must have been our top priority

in short i don't find any major difference since transition from the past democratic era to the present, why have the democratic forces failed to learned their lesson?, one year is one big year and still pakistani democratic fails to evolve, change, improve etc
Take it as it is---or don't.

Mr Gillani---when he was the PM---used to visit his Pir Sahib in Lahore very often and seek advice on what needed to be done. So---the Pir Sahib would give him advice---but the issue that the Pir Sahib was having---none of that advice was followed---. So---during my visit to lahore---me and the Pir Sahib is chatting---he is very near and dear to me---he asks I don't understand why after all this advice he wants, Gillani would not follow what he was asking---I told him---there was nothing wrong with your advice---the problem was that Gilani did not have any experience of understanding what was being told. Gilani leaves his people---comes visits you for an hour and then goes back to the same crowd---there is nobody back there to confirm what you have told him---so out of fear he goes back to doing what he feels he is secure in.

An example----Gillani had given lucrative jobs to people who were in jail with him---the Pir Sahib told him---these people are incompetent---don't give them jobs---just pay them off each 30-40 crores in cash as goodwill but give those jobs to competent people who will build the infrastructure.

Gillani---a wonderful man---just could not grasp the moment when it came to him. He was a gtood man----his sons destroyed his legacy----he was never known for corruption---but his sons destroyed his name. What a shame---. The ephedrine case---brain child of Ghauri medical store in chowk ghanta ghar multan---. Even Gillani's wife was on the take. This is just an example.
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Nothing more than normal MQM rant.

Economy is in much better position then compared to last government. Focus is very much thereon key issues including revival of economy, power shortage, and security

Economy as you like to claim was brought by the God sent Mushy in a take off position, but then he handed it to Zardari to crash it on the runway. but fortunately, it's in much better position, but still there is great room for improvement, and if people like you and your party stop pulling legs of the present government through urban terrorism and negative politics, it will InshAllah improve further.

Power sector had always been neglected, there is huge gap in supply ad demand, and setting up power plants be it hydro, fuel or nuclear requires huge investment, and long time to set up, but eventually it will improve as all the projects that it had started or planned are completed.

Security issues were again the result of inept policies of your favourite commando. Hopefully with the departure of Us forces from Afghanistan and present governments initiative to start dialogue with TTP would bear good fruits in days to come.

While all these good things happen in Pakistan, you can keep kissing the filthy arse of money laundering murderer in London and keep cribbing.

in may soon we will pass one year period since elections were held in Pakistan few points i need to analysed in the current period

1) lack of interest from all leaders(PPP, PMLN, PTI) to highlight the priorities that is security issue

2) any urgent action to revive local governments?

3) steps taken on urgent bases to revive the economy, not one major project announced to give relief to Pakistani people, not one new project initiated in either KPK, Punjab and Sind

4) the govt reps seem very dull and not active, major portion of this period was spend on political mudslinging whether it be PTI's dhandhli, dharna schemes, PPP Sind card scheme and Punjab's festivities

5) political parties remained reluctant to do the damage control when some terrorism happened, no police investigation no nothing, very shameful

6) women were gangraped, tortured themselves because of judicial idiotic and clownish judgements and still no damage control by visiting the victims, condemning it in unison, even separately, only tweets, facebook, is it enough?

7) political point scoring then talking on national issues

8) iranian gas pipeline project gone to the dogs, how will we adress our energy needs?

9) gwadar port went into slumber, no major investment from the chinese? nawaz could have at least done something about 70% completed gwadar ratodero highway but nothing

10) no major economic reforms other than infamous ones which increased sales tax etc etc ohh yeah PMLN took 1.5 billion aid from saudis

11) the two big parties PMLN and PTI even failed to emphecise on the national anti terrorism policy and its amazing to know a party which calls itself the second biggest in terms of votes acquired and holds one of the most volitile provinces in terms of security didn't even bother to submit its recommendations on national anti terror policy

12) not a definite policy is announced how the negotiations are held with talibans, very obscured negotiations are happening with no proper directions

13) ok, anti terror policy announced but no practical steps to define what will the centre do how they will deal with ttp, bla, sindi nationalist terrorism, any policy to deweaponise the country?, absolutely blank in security policy which must have been our top priority

in short i don't find any major difference since transition from the past democratic era to the present, why have the democratic forces failed to learned their lesson?, one year is one big year and still pakistani democratic fails to evolve, change, improve etc
DEMOCRAZY in Pakistan will never improve, not even one step. As they only work for the enemies of Pakistan & their interests. I miss Gen. Musharraf as his time of rule was the best.
The only true reason behind this support for Musharraf is because he is a migrant.. had he been anything else.. this thread would not have existed.
he is still non existant, not been allowed to run in elections?
thats what the damocrazy is all about?
but hey, this dirty damocrazy only means to talk peace with the killers of 60,000 innocent pakistanis, right?
he is still non existant, not been allowed to run in elections?
thats what the damocrazy is all about?
but hey, this dirty damocrazy only means to talk peace with the killers of 60,000 innocent pakistanis, right?

There is nothing like " dirty democracy".. use the word " dirty pollitics "instead of that.. your democracy is immature and also under threats.. democracy is considered as a greatest concept of administration.. lincon once said govt of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.. the concepts like dictactoships, millitary rules, kings etc.. are all slavery.. some good dictactors never took dictactorship above democracy..
my dear nation of shorcuts, there are no shortcuts to build a nation.
havent we seen the shortcuts 4 times in our short life
merey hum watano aaj phir mulk ko bachaney ka waqat aa gya hay, kitna bacha abhi tuk?
chalo adha to bacha lya hay
he is still non existant, not been allowed to run in elections?
thats what the damocrazy is all about?
but hey, this dirty damocrazy only means to talk peace with the killers of 60,000 innocent pakistanis, right?

Whatever the people of Pakistan want.. and not one man.
DEMOCRAZY in Pakistan will never improve, not even one step. As they only work for the enemies of Pakistan & their interests. I miss Gen. Musharraf as his time of rule was the best.
I understand why you see his rule as best. But lets all remember the only reason Pakistan had a degree of economic prosperity during his time was because Uncle Sam was giving us millions of dollars, just like what happened under Zia and Ayub. He made countless blunders and I believe it's good to see him out of power.
Patience is the key, though i dont support out politics but patient is what we have to be.
Nothing more than normal MQM rant.

Economy is in much better position then compared to last government. Focus is very much thereon key issues including revival of economy, power shortage, and security

Economy as you like to claim was brought by the God sent Mushy in a take off position, but then he handed it to Zardari to crash it on the runway. but fortunately, it's in much better position, but still there is great room for improvement, and if people like you and your party stop pulling legs of the present government through urban terrorism and negative politics, it will InshAllah improve further.

Power sector had always been neglected, there is huge gap in supply ad demand, and setting up power plants be it hydro, fuel or nuclear requires huge investment, and long time to set up, but eventually it will improve as all the projects that it had started or planned are completed.

Security issues were again the result of inept policies of your favourite commando. Hopefully with the departure of Us forces from Afghanistan and present governments initiative to start dialogue with TTP would bear good fruits in days to come.

While all these good things happen in Pakistan, you can keep kissing the filthy arse of money laundering murderer in London and keep cribbing.

Correction Thorough Pro people of pakistan gave the chair to Zardari Not General Retired Musharaf. Personally i would love to give all Pakistani politicians Electric chair over and over and over again.

As far as security is concerned sorry no such thing is happening other then the complete surrender of the state to terrorist.Revival of the economy cannot and will not happen until real and painfull measures are taken which isn't taken place at the present.
There is nothing like " dirty democracy".. use the word " dirty pollitics "instead of that.. your democracy is immature and also under threats.. democracy is considered as a greatest concept of administration.. lincon once said govt of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.. the concepts like dictactoships, millitary rules, kings etc.. are all slavery.. some good dictactors never took dictactorship above democracy..
plz dont teach us , the utopia of damocrazy of india, no it never works in pakistan, how hard you try?

Whatever the people of Pakistan want.. and not one man.
sorry sir,
if peoples of pakistan been made fool by the croupt ruthlessly rich political mafia, then we need to shut the hell up?
to save mother land , even jst a single patriot holding it out, the lastman standing if it takes to be the only, nuclear muslim state in the face of earth?
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