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Afghans united in anger against Pakistan.

Again, I wanna blame it on your text books and not you.

We did not terrorize them. It was PA who went on a killing and raping spree against their own people. We just intervened
(only after you attacked us) to save those Bengalis. And we did it successfully and liberated them.

I don't expect your textbook to teach you this as this would bring you shame. But now since you are adult and have access to internet, I expect you to find out the truth and come back.

Going by that logic, we certainly missed a few opportunities in recent times.... Punjab and Gujarat are prime example and places like Manipur are still crying rape by the Indian security forces.
We are going off-topic here, but let me remind you that Pakistan launched attack in western theatre on 3rd December 1971, whereas several air engagements and artillery duels had already taken place in the Eastern sector in the third week of November, resulting with casualties on both sides and Indira Gandhi claiming the Indian forces have entered East Pakistan......in self defence. !!

You're right this is off topic. I could have continued this by asking you the link about your claim but lets keep it for some other day.

Going by that logic, we certainly missed a few opportunities in recent times.... Punjab and Gujarat are prime example and places like Manipur are still crying rape by the Indian security forces.

Yes you certainly can if we attack you and declare war on you officially.
Going by that logic, we certainly missed a few opportunities in recent times.... Punjab and Gujarat are prime example and places like Manipur are still crying rape by the Indian security forces.

hmm... None of them want separate country , But i think India has nice opportunity in Baluchistan.. :lol:
Need to capture Afghanistan by entering 50,000 troops void creates unnessisary problems
Need to capture Afghanistan by entering 50,000 troops void creates unnessisary problems

they (NOT you ) kicked the cr@p out of the soviets- you will be an insignificant challenge to the, Maybe you should pray that thye don't decide to send 50,000 people to take over pakistan...5000 afghans might be more than enough to take on the whole PA, PN & PA I guess. Even the chinese won't come to your rescue then.
they (NOT you ) kicked the cr@p out of the soviets- you will be an insignificant challenge to the, Maybe you should pray that thye don't decide to send 50,000 people to take over pakistan...5000 afghans might be more than enough to take on the whole PA, PN & PA I guess. Even the chinese won't come to your rescue then.

When a dozen rag tags can hold your financial capital hostage for two days, you are bound to get these grand illusions or shall we call them nightmares. !!
they (NOT you ) kicked the cr@p out of the soviets- you will be an insignificant challenge to the

Without the assistance , weapons , training and money being distributed to them by the ISI and provided by Americans and Saudis , you would have seen Krushchov and Gobachov's at the end of Afghan's name today . :azn:

Actually , these stone agers tried once to invade Bajaur , to be turned back by tribals and later bombed by RPAF . So , you need not tell us the fictional myths of " unconquerable Afghanistan " . No foreign power wanted to occupy that country for long hence they left ,not because of causalities but because there's nothing in that god forsaken country .
Without the assistance , training and money being distributed to them by the ISI , you would have seen Krushchov and Gobachov's at the end of Afghan's name today . :azn:

Actually , these stone agers tried once to invade Bajaur , to be turned back by tribals and later bombed by RPAF . So , you need not tell us the fictional myths of " unconquerable Afghanistan " . No foreign power wanted to occupy that country for long hence they left .

ISI was just a conduit. The money, assistance and traning were american. That you didn't have the tech to build stingers then is one thing...you can't do it even today. Uncle sam rules!!
When have you ever won a fight?

When have you ever talked on topic ? :azn:

I can easily tell you what have we won and occupy till today but I will not derail the thread .

ISI was just a conduit. The money, assistance and traning were american. That you didn't have the tech to build stingers then is one thing...you can't do it even today. Uncle sam rules!!

Now , if you do not know the history and facts of Afghan war to the point of dismissing ISI's role as insignificant , then I am in no mood to spoon feed you that part . Americans weren't training them and providing assistance and support , that was all Pakistani , money and weapons are a different matter .

Nah , we moved past stingers and trust me it isn't looking good coming from a person who's country is still trying to make something after 30 years without no shore in sight :lol:
no such 'united' anger was on display when americans bombed afghanistan , occupied afghan cities and in the process killed hundreds of thousands of people ( mainly pashtuns ) and put many more in prisons at bagram and guantanamo

the CIA PR machine is trying very hard to use animosity against Pakistan as some kind of lighting rod for 'uniting' afghanistan so that they can depart knowing that they have created a new conflict for Pakistan to handle

we can just draw in the afghan army further into the tribal area and then lets see how long this 'united in anger' against Pakistan is going to last.
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