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Afghans rescue Indian national flag from Pakistan at Chaman Friendship Gate. Border closed

no, it was a sane decision. Nation comprises of entire population. And there are many examples of illiterates doing better jobs than highly educated ones as far as politics is concerned. Its honesty and intent that is needed, education is not a guarantee of having these virtues. How does a master degree holder in physics or a PhD in German studies become good for politics?

You are right that intelligence does not mean wisdom and education is not virtue.....but there is still demonstrable effect on what illiteracy does to voting patterns. People simply are unaware of their rights a lot of the time...and are more easily gullible too.

Anyways its too long of a discussion and it will derail this thread.
If someone is illiterate, you cannot expect them to be educated enough in politics. If you allow illiterate children to vote, then you have to allow children to vote. Are you really going to want that? Just looking at India's PM should tell you that letting illiterate people vote isn't a good idea.

Want to strengthen democracy? Make it a serious affair, not a joke.
As they say politics is not run by IASthe educated class) neither in Pakistan. How is so different for Afghanistan. If people are coming to vote, then yes it's democracy and it needs to be nurtured. No democracy fall from sky and becomes most efficient, it becomes by involving people from all folks of life. And people only participate when they belive their leader is taking them in right direction otherwise government don't win next election (by-party or multi party, not single party democracy aka CCP). Thank you.

If someone is illiterate, you cannot expect them to be educated enough in politics. If you allow illiterate children to vote, then you have to allow children to vote. Are you really going to want that? Just looking at India's PM should tell you that letting illiterate people vote isn't a good idea.

Want to strengthen democracy? Make it a serious affair, not a joke.
Serious affairs by imposing martial law, military rule, no I would keep those Kind of democracy aaay from India. And yes Indian people voted for current prime minister only and judging by the economic activity I don't think their choosing was wrong at all.

No, it means how much joke pakistan has made of democracy.
Illiterates are educated enough to choose who is best suited to take major decisions for them in politics. They may not make a good choice, but they CAN make their own choice, and that is what democracy is. Way better than military or communist dictatorship, where no one, even educated ones, have the power of choice.
That is the democracy that every Citizen irrespective of knowledge, caste, Creed, religion, locality, region, state, district, village, city has equal right to participate in the true election.
As they say politics is not run by IASthe educated class) neither in Pakistan. How is so different for Afghanistan. If people are coming to vote, then yes it's democracy and it needs to be nurtured. No democracy fall from sky and becomes most efficient, it becomes by involving people from all folks of life. And people only participate when they belive their leader is taking them in right direction otherwise government don't win next election (by-party or multi party, not single party democracy aka CCP). Thank you.

Serious affairs by imposing martial law, military rule, no I would keep those Kind of democracy aaay from India. And yes Indian people voted for current prime minister only and judging by the economic activity I don't think their choosing was wrong at all.

Afghanistan can have democracy so long as it's literate population are all that can vote. In my opinion, illiterate people should not be allowed to vote unless you have some sort of way to override any stupid decisions they may make (like in Pakistan).

In Pakistan our tactics work, we allow illiterate people to vote, but if a bad leader is chosen, he is ousted. That's a sane system, and it has worked pretty well so far. I don't see any major negatives coming from it other than enemies of Pakistan whining about it.

The Indian people voted for a horrible person, possibly responsible for mass murder who was banned from entering several countries and is from a party with historic links to the Nazis. If you think it was not wrong, that's abhorrent.

No, it means how much joke pakistan has made of democracy.
Illiterates are educated enough to choose who is best suited to take major decisions for them in politics. They may not make a good choice, but they CAN make their own choice, and that is what democracy is. Way better than military or communist dictatorship, where no one, even educated ones, have the power of choice.

Our version of democracy has worked well for us, your whining won't stop it. Illiterate people cannot make a proper political decision, that's a fact. I know you'd love to see Pakistan crumble by letting illiterates have political power, but it won't happen.

A military dictatorship is better, as it will ensure the country does not fall apart.
No, it means how much joke pakistan has made of democracy.
Illiterates are educated enough to choose who is best suited to take major decisions for them in politics. They may not make a good choice, but they CAN make their own choice, and that is what democracy is. Way better than military or communist dictatorship, where no one, even educated ones, have the power of choice.
That is the democracy that every Citizen irrespective of knowledge, caste, Creed, religion, locality, region, state, district village city has equal right to participate in the true election.
Afghanistan can have democracy so long as it's literate population are all that can vote. In my opinion, illiterate people should not be allowed to vote unless you have some sort of way to override any stupid decisions they may make (like in Pakistan).

In Pakistan our tactics work, we allow illiterate people to vote, but if a bad leader is chosen, he is ousted. That's a sane system, and it has worked pretty well so far. I don't see any major negatives coming from it other than enemies of Pakistan whining about it.

The Indian people voted for a horrible person, possibly responsible for mass murder who was banned from entering several countries and is from a party with historic links to the Nazis. If you think it was not wrong, that's abhorrent.

Our version of democracy has worked well for us, your whining won't stop it. Illiterate people cannot make a proper political decision, that's a fact. I know you'd love to see Pakistan crumble by letting illiterates have political power, but it won't happen.

A military dictatorship is better, as it will ensure the country does not fall apart.
Dear friend do you know what a democracy is, what are the fundamental building blocks of its system? What does a democratic process aaks for from those who are in power of implementing the democratic process and leading it to the full functional system. Perfection is a illusion, nobody/system can be perfect, however what kind of participation general masses receive from this system defines the democracy. I am frankly learning this first time that imposing martial law, throwing Democratic government is a type of democracy. Really are we going this low??? @waz sir what is your opinion on the democracy and what is democracy? Thank you.
Dear friend do you know what a democracy is, what are the fundamental building blocks of its system? What does a democratic process aaks for from those who are in power of implementing the democratic process and leading it to the full functional system. Perfection is a illusion, nobody/system can be perfect, however what kind of participation general masses receive from this system defines the democracy. I am frankly learning this first time that imposing martial law, throwing Democratic government is a type of democracy. Really are we going this low??? @waz sir what is your opinion on the democracy and what is democracy? Thank you.

We let our people vote, but when things go to sh!t the army overrides the decision. It's a democracy that works for us, because when you have a 40% illiteracy rate you are bound to get people with no knowledge voting. This stops us from getting brutal leaders like Modi. If you don't think Modi is bad, ask yourself if you would like Hafiz Saeed as Pakistan's PM first.

No system is perfect, but some are better than others and some work better for different countries. Look at Syria, under dictatorship they were prosperous and grand, but when they got a whiff of democracy the country went to sh!t. In Iraq, you tell me, which one is better, the current democratic one or Saddam Hussein's one? Democracy is not the end all be all system, it doesn't always work. Oh and it has a major negative: division of the people. Rather than collectively striving to make the country prosper, they could be pitted against each other.
Is it really an authentic news site? @A-Team

Afghan-India Brotherhood forever anyways:

And may Pakistan,afgan Talibans brotherhood live for next 1000 of yrs :P
Long live Afghanistan, it has the potential to be one of the strongest muslim country due to resources and geography.

Just need some stability though.
Seriously, i mean seriously????, what geography are u talking about, the land locked one lol and potential to become strongest muslim country, i suggest u stop smoking whatever shit u smoke cause it definately aint weed..

Strategy of irking Pakistan has worked really well for India and Afghanistan, I suppose
Pakistan doesnt look itked to me, to me pakistan is THE most coolheaded and mature nations on the face on earth, its impossible to get them angry...
Sure. Just dont cry when they go on rampages within your country for whatever reason.
Babes don't worry we know how to deal with and how to clean others shit.... after all we are fighting with many powers
U just need to worry abt yourself
I tell u one thing if USA or India weren't worried they wudn't had signed deals lol,
U guys should be thankful to us :D
I tell u one thing if USA or India weren't worried they wudn't had signed deals lol,

Thats to deal with countries that actually mean something geopolitically like China.

Pakistan is just a distraction with a "pay attention to me" syndrome for the most part.
Thats to deal with countries that actually mean something geopolitically like China.

Pakistan is just a distraction with a "pay attention to me" syndrome for the most part.
Yes yes yes
Thats why they are spreading terrorism
Yes yes yes
Thats why they are spreading terrorism

Yah everyone takes you "dossiers" so seriously.


A serious laugh that is.

Has even China your biggest ally released any statement anywhere supporting this claim of India-US-Israel etc etc spreading terrorism?
We let our people vote, but when things go to sh!t the army overrides the decision. It's a democracy that works for us, because when you have a 40% illiteracy rate you are bound to get people with no knowledge voting. This stops us from getting brutal leaders like Modi. If you don't think Modi is bad, ask yourself if you would like Hafiz Saeed as Pakistan's PM first.

No system is perfect, but some are better than others and some work better for different countries. Look at Syria, under dictatorship they were prosperous and grand, but when they got a whiff of democracy the country went to sh!t. In Iraq, you tell me, which one is better, the current democratic one or Saddam Hussein's one? Democracy is not the end all be all system, it doesn't always work. Oh and it has a major negative: division of the people. Rather than collectively striving to make the country prosper, they could be pitted against each other.
There are ample proofs in market Sayyed is terrorist, is there any against Modi? Thank you.
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