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Afghanistan agrees to pact with Iran, while resisting US accord


Jan 20, 2013
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What in the world are Afghans thinking?

Story reported by Fox news (and other news outlets) here, excerpts below:


Afghan President Hamid Karzai agreed on a cooperation pact with Iran, despite continuing to resist signing a security agreement with the U.S., Reuters reported.

Karzai made the deal with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Tehran Sunday.

"Afghanistan agreed on a long-term friendship and cooperation pact with Iran," Karzai's spokesman Aimal Faizi said, according to Reuters. "The pact will be for long-term political, security, economic and cultural cooperation, regional peace and security."
What in the world are Afghans thinking?

Story reported by Fox news (and other news outlets) here, excerpts below:


Afghan President Hamid Karzai agreed on a cooperation pact with Iran, despite continuing to resist signing a security agreement with the U.S., Reuters reported.

Karzai made the deal with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Tehran Sunday.

"Afghanistan agreed on a long-term friendship and cooperation pact with Iran," Karzai's spokesman Aimal Faizi said, according to Reuters. "The pact will be for long-term political, security, economic and cultural cooperation, regional peace and security."
Iran is our neighbour, we are historical and cultural close to eachother, we have huge economic ties with them.
So why is this pact so wrong according to you?

It has nothing to do with the BSA?
Iran is our neighbour, we are historical and cultural close to eachother, we have huge economic ties with them.
So why is this pact so wrong according to you?

It has nothing to do with the BSA?

In the remote chance that your really don't get it, here is an excerpt from the Business Insider (here) which might help you understand how the American public (the hardworking US taxpayer who's tax dollars have enabled your country's girls to finally see the inside of a school) will perceive this move:

In August Afghanistan signed a strategic cooperation pact with Iran covering mainly security issues, but Faizi said the proposed new agreement would have much broader scope.

Many Afghans believe such a bargain with Iran, at odds with the United States since the 1979 Islamic revolution, may harm Afghanistan's uneasy relationship with its Western allies.
This is a meaningless gesture by Karzai just to pressurize US to agree to accept Afghan Sovereignty in Afghanistan and make US Forces subject to Afghan Laws.
Who takes Hamid Karzai seriously anyways he wouldn't be taking himself seriously by now after God knows how many times he keeps moving back and forth with his statements. First tell him to give a statement that he won't contradict within the next few days and then we might take him seriously.
Iran is our neighbour, we are historical and cultural close to eachother, we have huge economic ties with them.
So why is this pact so wrong according to you?

It has nothing to do with the BSA?

Karzay wants to visit India now. It's interesting. he was in Iran a few days ago. It seems that he is trying to travel to Afghanistan's ally countries to seek some support probably about the security deal with US. what is your point of view about it?

I am not sure whether you can read Farsi or not, but this is the source of news from BBCPersian:
‮افغانستان‬ - ‭BBC ‮فارسی‬ - ‮سفر قریب الوقوع حامد کرزی به هند‬
you know something !?

we were here for more than 3000 years and will be here in future but what about USA and westerns !?

sooner of later , they will force to leave Afghanistan ...

they shouldn't see only in front of their noise , if they act recklessly and put their historical neighbors to danger then Iran and others ( china , Russia , Pakistan ) won't forget them in future ....
you know something !?

we were here for more than 3000 years and will be here in future but what about USA and westerns !?

sooner of later , they will force to leave Afghanistan ...

they shouldn't see only in front of their noise , if they act recklessly and put their historical neighbors to danger then Iran and others ( china , Russia , Pakistan ) won't forget them in future ....
You are right they are mistaking..This is our land and we will bury those american bastards and won,t let them rule this land and making pakistan,iran,afghanistan fight with each other by their dirty politics.
you know something !?

we were here for more than 3000 years and will be here in future but what about USA and westerns !?

sooner of later , they will force to leave Afghanistan ...

they shouldn't see only in front of their noise , if they act recklessly and put their historical neighbors to danger then Iran and others ( china , Russia , Pakistan ) won't forget them in future ....
I agree that they will leave sooner or later, but Afghanistan needs the BSA for the upcoming 10 years.
I don't think that 12.000 US troops can harm Pakistan or Iran in any way.
The BSA clearly says that the US is not allowed to use Afghanistan soil for an attack on an other country, except if the attack is in Afghanistans interest.

But Afghanistan is neither planning or thinking of a war with any of our border countries.

Karzay wants to visit India now. It's interesting. he was in Iran a few days ago. It seems that he is trying to travel to Afghanistan's ally countries to seek some support probably about the security deal with US. what is your point of view about it?

I am not sure whether you can read Farsi or not, but this is the source of news from BBCPersian:
‮افغانستان‬ - ‭BBC ‮فارسی‬ - ‮سفر قریب الوقوع حامد کرزی به هند‬
Yeah, he is travelling to see what our neighbours thinks about The BSA.

Iran clearly said that they wasn't for it.
And know he is in India discussing the BSA, and trying to push for his arms list, which include Helicopters, Artillery, Tanks and logistical vehicles.
I don't think that 12.000 US troops can harm Pakistan or Iran in any way.

they can support some individual groups , train them , arm them against us ....

in modern wars , number of troops are not matter .... the equipment is important ..... and 12000 US troops are more than enough to use modern weapons against Iran or Pakistan ....

if it wasn't that important , USA could withdraw them as well ... any way , these 12000 troops are immune to Afghanistan law and can do what they want without any fear .... Their immunity to law will humiliate Afghans as well
they can support some individual groups , train them , arm them against us ....

in modern wars , number of troops are not matter .... the equipment is important ..... and 12000 US troops are more than enough to use modern weapons against Iran or Pakistan ....

if it wasn't that important , USA could withdraw them as well ... any way , these 12000 troops are immune to Afghanistan law and can do what they want without any fear .... Their immunity to law will humiliate Afghans as well
They can't do what they will, they have some guidelines to follow.
The immunity covers a small area of incidents, and not if they violate the contract.Afghanistan need the US troops for at least 10 more years, we need training and advising.

They will not pose a threat against Iran, many of their bases will be located in the east, and far away from your border.
So as long as our countries are friendly, US forces will not harm Iran.
Iran is our neighbour, we are historical and cultural close to eachother, we have huge economic ties with them.
So why is this pact so wrong according to you?

It has nothing to do with the BSA?

Absolutely right. The security of the region lies in close cooperation among neighbors. US is an outsider. It will not keep its army in Afghanistan for Afghanistan. It will be for security of its interests.
the important part is that we continue supporting afghanistan even if they go on with us pact .

for sure afghanistan has integrity and is in control of its decisions . although i was disappointed by the decision of the "lowi jarga" (i hope i said that right ) to continue with the pact with us , but afghanistan is much closer to iran that these things wont even make anyone scratch his head here
Karzai is putting pressure on USA to back down. Smart move.

Its a stupid move. If he forces U.S. led coalition forces out. Whos going to help him if the Taliban gains territory and power? Is Iran going to help him under this so called security pact? Iran wants U.S. forces out does not mean helping Karzai stay in power.
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