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Afghan soil being used against Pakistan: DG ISI


Aug 7, 2009
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Director General ISI Ahmad Shuja Pasha (R) said that peace cannot be established in Pakistan unless infiltration from Afghan border is stopped. –APP/ File photo Pakistan

Afghan war could spill over into Pakistan, warns FM Afghan war could
spill over into Pakistan, warns FM

KARACHI: Director General ISI Ahmad Shuja Pasha said on Tuesday that Afghan soil is being used for terrorist activities in Pakistan, adding that peace cannot be established in Pakistan unless infiltration from Afghan border is stopped.

Pasha's statement came in the backdrop of increased US pressure to launch a parallel operation in North Waziristan.

Briefing the parliamentary committee on national security, the DG said that the drug mafia in Afghanistan is supporting terrorists who are creating unrest within Pakistan. [ remember that Kharzoi's brother Ahmed Wali Karzai is the biggest drug dealer in the country ]

According to reports, the committee members believe that the Pak-Afghan border should be fenced and movement across the border should be strictly monitored.

The members also called for the need to enhance security along the Pak-Afghan border.

After the meeting, Senator Raza Rabbani the chairman of the Parliamentary committee on national security briefed the media during which he informed that the committee members condemned the screening of Pakistani citizens at US airports, terming it a 'violation of international Human Rights Declarations.' –DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Afghan soil being used against Pakistan: DG ISI
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Pakistan should send some cruise missiles to the houses of those terrorist cum drug lords cum war lords cum northern alliance.
We need to go after these terrorists across the border into Afghanistan and hunt them down. Apply the same anti-terror strategy as Turkey did chasing terrorists in Iraq. There is not a single shred of doubt that Afghan soil is being used extensively to plot and carry out suicide missions in Pakistan. Terror consulates are operating day and night. This cannot be tolerated for too long or otherwise the situation will only escalate. Additionally, Pakistan should go ahead and initially mine and fence the most vulnerable parts with the border region. At least cover the hotspots and pro-actively do something about the deteriorating situation instead of nagging and complaining all the time. Time has come to turn the fence into a reality. The sooner Pakistan acknowledges that the border area is actually the main source as well as the epicentre of terror and instability the better. The protection of the border region has become a dire necessity which cannot be ignored any longer. Whatever resources are available should be put to good use. Otherwise, terror will keep on finding its way to the cities and nooks of Pakistan.
Lol Afghan soil is the birthplace of these cowards terriost wat are we just waking up to this bs ? comon thats where they were first formed ! thats where they come from ! and thats where there heart is and thats where they need to be finished . A saying finish the core the rest dies by its self .
Lol Afghan soil is the birthplace of these cowards terriost wat are we just waking up to this bs ? comon thats where they were first formed ! thats where they come from ! and thats where there heart is and thats where they need to be finished . A saying finish the core the rest dies by its self .

Conclusion is that inaction from the GoP has resulted in terror flowing from across the border hills into Pakistani towns and cities. Instead of pro-actively implementing feasible solutions these people have wasted precious time and allowed terror to spread all across the country. The lethargic approach on such a matter of life and death is simply put inexcusable. However, better late than never. There couldn't be a better time and opportunity to rectify this blunder at this moment. There are a series of measures that can be initiated immediately with which the desired effect of drastically decreasing terror can be achieved. The most important measure would be to monitor the in and outflow of people across the border. The border areas should become a no go zone. This region should be heavily militarized and the local populace moved out of such a troubled region. Also, very important is to start increasing the repatriation of millions of refugees. Just couple these two solutions together and analyse the end result.
If drone can come to our side in hot search of terrorist why cant our F 16 go to other side of border. We should send some birds to deal with these scumbags.
How about giving a Political go ahead signal to the ISI to lauch sting ops inside Afghanistan against hostile agencies.
How about giving a Political go ahead signal to the ISI to lauch sting ops inside Afghanistan against hostile agencies.

I think it's time to be very open about our intentions. We should express our concern openly which is legitimate. We have the right to go after those that cross from the other side and kill our innocent people.
Fedup with this kind of news.. kudha ka waasta hey bohat bolya ub kuch kar b loo!
ISLAMABAD (Agencies) – Director General ISI Ahmad Shuja Pasha said on Tuesday that Afghan soil is being used for terrorist activities in Pakistan, adding that peace cannot be established in Pakistan unless infiltration from Afghan border is stopped.
Briefing Parliamentary Committee on National Security, the DG said that the drug mafia in Afghanistan is supporting terrorists who are creating unrest within Pakistan.
According to reports, the committee members believe that the Pak-Afghan border should be fenced and movement across the border should be strictly monitored.

The members also called for the need to enhance security along the Pak-Afghan border.

The committee also discussed US President Obama’s new Afghan policy’s implications and possible backlash on Pakistan’s sovereignty.
The Parliamentary Committee assembled under chairmanship of Senator Raza Rabbani at Parliament House here and discussed various issues of prime national importance, especially over Afghan policy with reference to upcoming international conference in London later this month.

Briefing a group of journalists after the meeting, Senator Rabbani said that the DG ISI briefed them on important issues and gave overview of the present situation, however, the Senator declined to share details of the briefing due to classified nature of the information. “Well, we studied repercussions of Barack Obama’s Afghan policy and the members were given preview of the current circumstances. We discussed that what backlash can be on Pakistan’s national security?” said Rabbani.

Former Leader of the House further said that like ISI earlier Foreign Office (FO) had also briefed the committee on national security matters in wake of changing geo-political paradigms. The committee would analyse the Obama policy and provide the FO with recommendations for representing Pakistan’s stance at London Conference effectively. “We look forward to finalise the recommendations by tomorrow afternoon. and those inputs will be prepared in light of FO and ISI briefings, besides proposals submitted by the parliamentarians will also be incorporated,” he maintained.
Rabbani said that the committee expressed its serious concern over discretionary laws against Pakistani-origin people at various international airports and observed that the revised regulations were total violation of International Human Rights Declaration. We demand the government to take up the issue at various international forums through the diplomatic channels, the committee chairman said.
Meanwhile, the chairman expressed his regret over increasing drone attacks in Pakistani territories despite cry of the Parliamentary Committee and continuous condemnations by the nation.
بھارت میں بیٹھے کئی عناصر بھی مداخلت کررہے ہیں‘ پاکستان میں دہشتگردی افغان سرزمین سے ہو رہی ہے : ”ڈی جی“ آئی ایس آئی

اسلام آباد (آن لائن + وقائع نگار خصوصی) ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی لیفٹیننٹ جنرل احمد شجاع پاشا نے گذشتہ روز قومی سلامتی کے بارے میں پارلیمانی کمیٹی کو افغانستان کے لئے نئی امریکی پالیسی اور پاکستان کی سلامتی کے حوالے سے دیگر اہم امور پر تفصیلی بریفنگ دی، کمیٹی ذرائع کے مطابق کمیٹی کے اجلاس کی صدارت چیئرمین سینیٹر میاں رضا ربانی نے کی، جس میں امریکہ کی نئی افغان پالیسی پر اراکین کی طرف سے بھجوائی گئی مختلف تجاویز کا جائزہ لیا گیا اور اس بات پر زور دیا گیا کہ پاکستان چونکہ اس خطہ کا اہم ملک ہے لہٰذا نئی افغان پالیسی میں پاکستان کا کردار انتہائی نمایاں ہونا چاہئے، کمیٹی کے بعض ارکان نے دہشت گردوں کی آمدورفت روکنے کے لئے پاک افغان سرحد پر باڑ لگانے کی تجویز دی، ذرائع کے مطابق ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی نے اجلاس کو بتایا کہ پاکستان کے حالات افغانستان کے ذریعے خراب کئے جارہے ہیں اور وہاں سے پاکستان کے معاملات میں مداخلت جاری ہے پاکستان کو غیر مستحکم کرنے کی سازش ہو رہی ہے اور افغانستان میں پوست کی کاشت اور منشیات سے حاصل ہونے والی رقم پاکستان میں دہشت گردی کے لئے استعمال کی جارہی ہے ہم اپنی قومی سلامتی کے تقاضوں سے پوری طرح آگاہ ہیں اور کسی کو بھی اس بات کی اجازت نہیں دی جائے گی کہ وہ پاکستان کے اندر عدم استحکام پیدا کرے انہوں نے کہا کہ نئی افغان پالیسی پر امریکہ اور اس کے اتحادیوں کو اپنے تحفظات سے آگاہ کر دیا ہے،ذرائع کے مطابق ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی نے بتایا کہ بھارت اور افغانستان میں بیٹھے ہوئے کئی اور ملک دشمن عناصر پاکستان کو عدم استحکام کا شکار کرنے کے لئے مداخلت کر رہے ہیں یہ بات سفارتی و عسکری قیادت کی طرف سے افغان حکومت کے ساتھ اٹھائی بھی گئی ہے جبکہ ڈرون حملوں کے حوالے سے پوری قوم کا ایک ہی موقف ہے کہ ان کو روکا جانا چاہئے، اجلاس کے بعد میڈیا سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے چیئرمین رضا ربانی نے کہا کہ ڈی جی آٰئی ایس آئی نے قومی سلامتی کے امور بارے ان کیمرہ بریفنگ دی ہے جن کی تفصیلات وہ نہیں بتا سکتے تاہم پاکستانیوں کی برہنہ تلاشی لینے کے حوالے سے نئے امریکی قوانین پر ہمارے شدید تحفظات ہیں یہ انتہائی سنگین معاملہ ہے اور انسانی حقوق کے چارٹر کی واضح خلاف ورزی ہے پاکستان کو فوری طور پر خصوصی ممالک کی فہرست سے نکالا جائے ہم نے دفتر خارجہ سے کہا کہ وہ اس معاملے کو امریکہ کے ساتھ سفارتی سطح پر اٹھائے۔ ایک سوال پر انہوں نے کہاکہ ہم نے ڈرون حملوں کی شدید مذمت کی ہے یہ حملے اب بھی جاری ہیں یہ پاکستان کی قومی سلامتی پر کاری ضرب ہیں انہیں فوری روکا جانا چاہئے، انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم نے 28 جنوری کو افغانستان کے حوالے سے ہونے والی کانفرنس سے متعلق مختلف آپشنز کا بھی جائزہ لیا ہے جو تجاویز اراکین نے دی ہیں اور جو ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی نے دی ہیں اس کا آج بدھ کو جائزہ لیں گے اور اپنی سفارشات مرتب کر کے پارلیمنٹ کو بھجوائیں گے۔ مانیٹرنگ نیوز کے مطابق لیفٹنینٹ جنرل احمد شجاع پاشا نے کہا ہے کہ افغانستان کی سرزمین پاکستان میں دہشت گردی کے خلاف استعمال ہورہی ہے۔ اس حوالے سے سکیورٹی سخت کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔ رضا ربانی نے کہا ہے کہ قومی سلامتی کمیٹی میں پاک افغان سرحد بارڈر پر باڑ لگانے کا معاملہ زیر غور نہیں آیا۔ کمیٹی نے حکومت پر زور دیا ہے کہ وہ ڈرون حملے رکوانے کے لئے سخت اقدامات کرے اور امریکی سفیر کو بلا کر اس پر احتجاج کیا جائے۔
Director General ISI Ahmad Shuja Pasha said on Tuesday that Afghan soil is being used for terrorist activities in Pakistan, adding that peace cannot be established in Pakistan unless infiltration from Afghan border is stopped.

Pasha’s statement came in the backdrop of increased US pressure to launch a parallel operation in North Waziristan.

Briefing the parliamentary committee on national security, the DG said that the drug mafia in Afghanistan is supporting terrorists who are creating unrest within Pakistan. According to reports, the committee members believe that the Pak-Afghan border should be fenced and movement across the border should be strictly monitored. The members also called for the need to enhance security along the Pak-Afghan border.

After the meeting, Senator Raza Rabbani the chairman of the Parliamentary committee on national security briefed the media during which he informed that the committee members condemned the screening of Pakistani citizens at US airports, terming it a ‘violation of international Human Rights Declarations. Source - Pakistan Ideology

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