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Adultery is not cruelty, Supreme Court says

Neither Asian women or man give freedom to find solace outside.. But it doesnt stop people to find solace outside :D.. If you dont believe me search youtube.. You will find plenty of women and men find solace outside their marriage.. Its plainly wrong that woman can do anything and husband have to listen to him all the time.. You cannot expect a person to abandon his parents because his wife wanted him too.. These kind of issues makes men find solace outside...

agreed with bold part BUT women do not commit suicide due to the mentioned bold part.

Why men's solace lead to only physical relations outside marriage?


This is real life, people lie all the time... people are afraid to lose their kids, their settled life which is why they lie. It ends in divorce anyway sometimes, sometimes it does not.

I know. unfortunate but true.

BUT I personally believe Cheating couples' compromises lead to disasters for kids.

Cheating and abusive relations SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED.
I know. unfortunate but true.

BUT I personally believe Cheating couples' compromises lead to disasters for kids.

Cheating and abusive relations SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED.

nobody is tolerating cheating... but I dont understand what you found objectionable in the judgement. It does not legalize cheating, but its not a ground for criminal prosecution.
People can file for divorce and get separated, but cant commit suicide and expect the partner to be jailed just based on suicide note.
nobody is tolerating cheating... but I dont understand what you found objectionable in the judgement. It does not legalize cheating, but its not a ground for criminal prosecution.
People can file for divorce and get separated, but cant commit suicide and expect the partner to be jailed just based on suicide note.

your country your judgment.

All I find it uneasy to just let go the man who is responsible for mental torture of a woman that led to her death.
your country your judgment.

All I find it uneasy to just let go the man who is responsible for mental torture of a woman that led to her death.

what if it was other way around.. woman cheats/wants to separate and man does something crazy.... have you heard of those multiple homicide in which guy kills his wife and kids before shooting himself?

We cant promote abnormal behaviour (driven by extreme possessiveness) by automatically assuming other side is wrong, for something that is so commonplace now a days.

BTW, for a woman, its not the physical relation thats the most objectionable, its the emotional connection with another lady, that she finds most abhorrent.
what if it was other way around.. woman cheats/wants to separate and man does something crazy.... have you heard of those multiple homicide in which guy kills his wife and kids before shooting himself?

We cant promote abnormal behaviour (driven by extreme possessiveness) by automatically assuming other side is wrong, for something that is so commonplace now a days.

same applies to women. If she cheats and that leads to husband's mental torture to an extent that he commits suicide then do punish her.

If a woman wants to separate similarly if a man wants to separate even without a reason then its their right and in such case taking it as mental torture is uncalled for.

BUT you are living with your spouse , get all the benefits and use him or her for your daily needs and still cheats then surely this is NOT justified.
same applies to women. If she cheats and that leads to husband's mental torture to an extent that he commits suicide then do punish her.

If a woman wants to separate similarly if a man wants to separate even without a reason then its their right and in such case taking it as mental torture is uncalled for.

BUT you are living with your spouse , get all the benefits and use him or her for your daily needs and still cheats then surely this is NOT justified.

Its extremely difficult to prove mental torture simply based on the fact that one is having an affair. Many times it ends in divorce and both sides happy to part ways.
Just because one commits suicide is not enough evidence of torture, thats what the judge seems to believe. Especially when cheating is a case for divorce and she had legal remedy, why would she continue to allow herself to be tortured?

Punishing the husband for a what is more and more common phenomena just becase she committed suicide is wrong and can encourage other men/women to do same. What they should do is file divorce case immediately.
agreed with bold part BUT women do not commit suicide due to the mentioned bold part.

Why men's solace lead to only physical relations outside marriage?


I know. unfortunate but true.

These are the first step of every marriage failure.. This is the reason why men and women try to find love outside their marriage..
most often its the woman who refuse to agree to divorce... just to make the husband's life a little bit difficult.

tell me how extramarital affair constitute cruelty... its a ground for divorce though...

Actually, I spoke in the same language that your supreme court spoke. It's not cruelty, it's adultery.
Actually, I spoke in the same language that your supreme court spoke. It's not cruelty, it's adultery.

ah .. i thought in your twisted mind you thought judge is encouraging adulery... :girl_wacko:
:lol: lustful eyes of women, damn whats there in men to be lusty about :D

lol, you sound like an old grumpy maiden. :angel:

And NO softening up on cheating. :D I believe when people feel they are not a right choice for each other they must end the marriage or relation and move on instead of assuring the partner that he is NOT cheating her whereas he is, similarly she is pretending as if despite cheating he can be trusted.

Ok just for a moment give him a second chance if still doesn't reform then just beat him blue and then drag him to court. Get all the money and kick him away .

Sometimes ending the marriage isn't possible due to children, residence, money issues. I feel it's best if each then find solace on his/her own. That way you have an ugly situation, but in which at least there is minimized tension due to unsatisfied needs.
Besides, you're getting all worked up like it's only men who cheat. And in general, throughout this thread you're acting as if men are the only culprit.
Who wants to come home to a nagging woman that doesn't even put out because of myriad of stupid reasons. If it's like that, men would be crazy if they didn't find someone "on the side".
And if the wife disagrees, the husband makes a poker face and says ok...and then they continue to have a happy life ever after.... :coffee:

Well, if they marry without permission. They have God to answer to on the day of judgement. Simple. :)
This decision of SC is not maintainable in all the cases of adultery, because of reasons of adultery differs in every case
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