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Adulterers May Be Stoned Under New Afghan Law

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Adulterers May Be Stoned Under New Afghan Law
Afghanistan Government Must Reject Stoning Law: HRW

KABUL, Nov 25, (Agencies): Death by stoning for convicted adulterers is being written into Afghan law, a senior official said on Monday, the latest sign that human rights won at great cost since the Taleban were ousted in 2001 are rolling back as foreign troops withdraw. “We are working on the draft of a sharia penal code where the punishment for adultery, if there are four eyewitnesses, is stoning,” said Rohullah Qarizada, who is part of the sharia Islamic law committee working on the draft and head of the Afghan Independent Bar Association. Billions have been invested on promoting human rights in Afghanistan over more than 12 years of war and donors fear that hard won progress, particularly for women, may be eroding. During the Taleban’s 1996-2001 time in power, convicted adulterers were routinely shot or stoned in executions held mostly on Fridays.

Women were not permitted to go out on their own, girls were barred from schools and men were obliged to grow long beards. Providing fresh evidence popular support for the brutal punishment has endured, two lovers narrowly escaped being stoned in Baghlan province north of Kabul, but were publicly shot over the weekend instead, officials said. “While they were fleeing, suddenly their car crashed and locals arrested them. People wanted to stone them on the spot but some elders disagreed,” the provincial head of women’s affairs, Khadija Yaqeen, told Reuters on Monday. “The next day they decided and shot both of them dead in public. Our findings show that the woman’s father had ordered to shoot both man and woman.” Human Rights Watch says that the Afghan government should reject a proposal to reintroduce public stoning as a punishment for adultery, but the Justice Ministry says such a law has not yet been submitted. The human rights organization said Monday that a working group that is assisting in drafting Afghanistan’s new penal code has proposed including public execution by stoning as a punishment for adultery. But Mohammad Ashraf Azimi, the head of the Justice Ministry’s punishment laws department, says such a proposal has not yet been submitted for review. He added that the new penal code was a work in progress and that at least two more years were needed before it was completed
Adulterers may be stoned under new Afghan law
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