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A Tribute to President Hu and Premier Wen.


Nov 25, 2011
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United States
In 2002, we were a nation on the edge.

Inflation hit 20% a few years earlier. There was loss of 50 million high paying technical jobs. An entire nation of 1 billion people could not even compete with tiny Italy economically. Average wages were less than 1000 RMB, or 125 dollars, per month.

Scientifically, an entire nation of 1 billion could not even compete with France and only ranked 6th in scientific output. We had zero commercial semiconductor foundries, zero multinational companies, our highest tech planes were imported Su-27s, our entire internet backbone was made of foreign suppliers, foreign cell phones held 80% market share, and not even in fast food noodles could we compete with Japan.

Socially, we were a nation in despair. Our young people in the rural areas were burdened with the triple humiliation of agricultural taxes, strictly enforced hukou (temporary pass 暂住证)system and no public medical care. Over 30% of people lived on less than 1 dollar a day. It is no wonder that it was in these days that emigration hit an all time high and so did rates of marriage to foreigners. We had no confidence in ourselves. Our intelligentsia was openly questioning the very merits of Chinese culture, asking, "were we really simply worse?"

In 2012, we are a nation on the edge - of prosperity.

Inflation has never exceeded 10% this decade. Unemployment has gone down to 4%. Average wages have risen to 3000 RMB, or 450 USD, per month, and still growing at double digit rates. We have the 2nd most number of companies in the Fortune Global 500 list. Our currency appreciated over 50%.

Scientifically, we have a long way to go, but we've also gone far. Today we have the 2nd greatest amount of published papers. We have a top 4 domestic semiconductor foundry and several multinational invested ones. We are the second nation in the world to field two 5th gen projects, a long way from the J-8's and Su-27's of the past. We've sent not just a man, but multiple men, and a woman, into space, being one of 3 countries able to do so. We've set world records in high speed rail length, quantum optics and supercomputing. All major infrastructure is now domestic. Domestic firms enjoy 80% market share in the mobile phone sector. We have our own computer chips now, designed and fabricated at home.

Socially, we now have hope. The agricultural tax has been abolished, as has the temporary pass system. 90% of the people have public medical care. Emigration is down. The public debate is now on "how will we take our rightful place in the world", not about the value of our own culture. The number of people living in absolute poverty has gone down to less than 10% of the population. We finally have confidence in ourselves. We can hold our heads up high in the world today.


They do what they should do,just like doctors should save lives or police should protect the public.That's all,nothing worth exalting.

It's a long road for our nation to go.
Whether you like their style, personality, policy, political bent or not, 感恩 is a huge part of Chinese traditional value that I think no Chinese should forget!
I was born in the late 80's. For the 80's and 90's generation, the Hu era has been the era of firsts. No era before, and no era after, will ever compare.


Our stories are endless, yet somehow, all typical.


For 30% of us, we were first generation college students. Do you remember how mom and dad said "study hard!" as they waved us off at the bus stop?


For 70% of us, it was our first time leaving the farm and the village high school. Do you remember how mom and dad said "take care in the big city?" as they waved us off at the bus stop?


For 80% of us, it was the first time we've used a mobile phone.


For 90% of us, it was the first time we've used the internet.


For 100 million of us, it was the first time we've boarded a train to Shanghai or Beijing with 500 RMB in the pocket and some crazy dreams of striking it rich. It was also the first time some of us boarded a train back, disappointed but stronger and ready for the next round. And some of us, well, we've made it and when we boarded the train back, it was with pride.


For another 100 million of us, it was the first time we've lived in a college dorm and talked with someone our age about our dreams and aspirations. It was the first time we made friends and made mistakes. It was our first time internet dating, and learning in the big school of society. It was our first time designing a project, it was our first glimpse at research.


For 30 million of us, it was our first time graduating, and then finding, that we're now adults and unemployed adults at that. But in a rapidly rising world power, jobs get filled quickly, wages rise quickly, and soon we've gone from living in basements to getting married in a 100 m2 apartment.


Never forget where you came from. Never lose sight of where you're going.


To the 80's generation, 90's generation and our Hu era. 2002-2012

Yuck, Hu and Wen let China accumulate too much foreign currency reserves and now they are worthless (especially US treasury). Should never have exported any natural resources, never privatized so many state assets and should have saved the environment instead. Hu Jintao and (much worst) Wen Jiabao are the worst Chinese leaders since Chiang Kai-Shek.
Lol kid, how about open wikipedia, type in Zhu or Jiang's names, and see who actually did everything you said. In 2002 SOEs were on the verge of dying out because of Zhu's reforms. 50 million people were out of jobs because of them. Today people are talking about 国进民退 because the SOE's are incredibly profitable and powerful.
As an outsider looking in, I think Hu and Wen did as good a job as any pair of leaders did for their respective country, contemporary or historically. Their quiet demeanor hide their professional skills as economic managers, bureaucratic administrators and diplomats.

They are underrated and their services will be missed.
Lol kid, how about open wikipedia, type in Zhu or Jiang's names, and see who actually did everything you said. In 2002 SOEs were on the verge of dying out because of Zhu's reforms. 50 million people were out of jobs because of them. Today people are talking about 国进民退 because the SOE's are incredibly profitable and powerful.
What do you know about China when you don't even live here? :rofl:

When Hu took over, China had just $200 billion foreign exchange reserves. Today China has $3,290 billion. That $3000 billion difference is basically wealth handed over to foreign countries that China will never get back. Some of it came from backbreaking labor, some of it came from exploiting natural resources. $3000 billion divided by China's population works out to about $2500 or about 50% of China's GDP / capita. In other words, Hu and Wen over their 10 years in power handed over about 6 months of income from every single Chinese citizen to foreign countries and we'll never see that back.

Only Chinese people living abroad whose wealth came from "suspicious sources" could thank Hu and Wen for what they did ;)
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