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A question about Democracy in India


Mar 26, 2013
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I always wondered, with Canada and US not having that many people and all.

What's the situation with protests and riots and stuff in India?

If China were to become democratic I want to know, the right to protest in a country as large as India and China would it work?

Is it manageable? Are there a lot of it? Even if there isn't a lot of it, when it does happen, does it disrupt daily life?

Would it cause Chaos?
I always wondered, with Canada and US not having that many people and all.

What's the situation with protests and riots and stuff in India?

If China were to become democratic I want to know, the right to protest in a country as large as India and China would it work?

Is it manageable? Are there a lot of it? Even if there isn't a lot of it, when it does happen, does it disrupt daily life?

Would it cause Chaos?

We dont have daily riots ... and its mostly manageble ... it does disrupt daily life, but as it happens rarely we get used to it.
City dwellers worry more about traffic jams and pollution.
yes..right to dissent is an essence of democracy..and thats a boon as long as its peaceful.i'm sure they happen in ur country too.but in democracies people have the power to influence the policies.large countries like ours need democracy they wont stand long authoritarian govts..as the people grow their demands grow and when the govts fail to reach the expectations they will demand democracy.and that too in india where we have so many diversities its not possible for us to manage with any other means of rule..all the people must have the say else the country will simply break up.things might be slow but people get voices in a democracy.protesting is not bad..as a dutiful citizen its ur responsibility to criticize the govts.

it will temporarily disrupt the daily lives but again depends on the public interest in the dissent.why are u worrying abt these things now??
yes..right to dissent is an essence of democracy..and thats a boon as long as its peaceful.i'm sure they happen in ur country too.but in democracies people have the power to influence the policies.large countries like ours need democracy they wont stand long authoritarian govts..as the people grow their demands grow and when the govts fail to reach the expectations they will demand democracy.and that too in india where we have so many diversities its not possible for us to manage with any other means of rule..all the people must have the say else the country will simply break up.things might be slow but people get voices in a democracy.protesting is not bad..as a dutiful citizen its ur responsibility to criticize the govts.

it will temporarily disrupt the daily lives but again depends on the public interest in the dissent.why are u worrying abt these things now??

Not talking democracy, I grew up in Canada, I know what it is.

But the thing is Canada has only 30 million people, China 1.4 Billion. If a massive protest happens, I want to know if there is violence and stuff.

A 100 people protest in Canada could be a million people protest in China, that's larger than the whole Chinese land forces. Could something like that be managed?

India has about the same populatino and has been long democratic, I'm just asking to know if it's a problem.
Not talking democracy, I grew up in Canada, I know what it is.

But the thing is Canada has only 30 million people, China 1.4 Billion. If a massive protest happens, I want to know if there is violence and stuff.

A 100 people protest in Canada could be a million people protest in China, that's larger than the whole Chinese land forces. Could something like that be managed?

India has about the same populatino and has been long democratic, I'm just asking to know if it's a problem.
I dont know how homogeneous china is.. but India is a country of countries... very rarely people strike all at once everywhere that too in a violent manner...

The last large scale riot happened was probably in 90s ... that too only in urban centers.
Not talking democracy, I grew up in Canada, I know what it is.

But the thing is Canada has only 30 million people, China 1.4 Billion. If a massive protest happens, I want to know if there is violence and stuff.

A 100 people protest in Canada could be a million people protest in China, that's larger than the whole Chinese land forces. Could something like that be managed?

India has about the same populatino and has been long democratic, I'm just asking to know if it's a problem.

well yes but obviously not everybody's needs are same right?? so not every body join the protests.if everybody joins the protests then the govt has failed utterly.but mostly u see a section of people protesting because of govt policies or to attract their attention.that too when the existing system fails to address their grievances..like for example a group of farmers may protest to increase the cost of their produce or a group of govt officials may protest to increase their pay or a group of workers to give health benefits etc..most of the time the protests are local but some times it can be wide spread like what happened after the delhi rape case after which the rape law is further intensified.but people donot have strength to protest for a long time.they do have patience.so yes things would be affected temporarily.
Not talking democracy, I grew up in Canada, I know what it is.

But the thing is Canada has only 30 million people, China 1.4 Billion. If a massive protest happens, I want to know if there is violence and stuff.

A 100 people protest in Canada could be a million people protest in China, that's larger than the whole Chinese land forces. Could something like that be managed?

India has about the same populatino and has been long democratic, I'm just asking to know if it's a problem.

In protest its seen mostly the party workers organizing protest participate so there number can be in thousands or couple of 100,000. they are not allowed to protest in main city centers. A place is marked for them to protest and all arrangements made three like police, ambulances, fir brigades to meet any contigencies
@Genesis .. most of the time protesters and govt come to some compromise.
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Thanks, but it just worries me that a protest in a country as large as China may not be a great idea. I mean you think France and Greece have probelms to deal with protest.

They have seen nothing yet.
Not talking democracy, I grew up in Canada, I know what it is.

But the thing is Canada has only 30 million people, China 1.4 Billion. If a massive protest happens, I want to know if there is violence and stuff.

A 100 people protest in Canada could be a million people protest in China, that's larger than the whole Chinese land forces. Could something like that be managed?

India has about the same populatino and has been long democratic, I'm just asking to know if it's a problem.

The no. of protesters is always higher then the no. of forces deployed to control the situation, Plus the security forces are trained in weapons and tactics for controlling such situations.
No one can tell when a peaceful protest will turn violent in a democracy. Peacefull protest is a right given in almost every democracy if the demands are suitable, going violent and destroying public or private property is always considered as an breech of law and govt is always allowed to forcefully deal with them.The larger population you have the lager no of security personals will be recruited by the govt.
Indian democracy is different, we have many regions and we have many different regional political parties and so the Governments. It isn't necessary that a matter that is effecting the people to go violent will do the same to the people of other regions.
Can't forget this quip by a friend of mine (he's also of Indian origin), "India, a democracy? You must be kidding. It's not a democracy, but the world's largest hypocrisy."
I always wondered, with Canada and US not having that many people and all.

What's the situation with protests and riots and stuff in India?

If China were to become democratic I want to know, the right to protest in a country as large as India and China would it work?

Is it manageable? Are there a lot of it? Even if there isn't a lot of it, when it does happen, does it disrupt daily life?

Would it cause Chaos?

It is important and your first right- Protest PEACEFULLY. When you have multiple parties they are a check valve for large scale dissent because if you have opinions that don't match with the ruling party (read BJP fanboys of the right wing), their representatives (childish and clueless BJP leaders) will be able to present their case in the parliament- at the highest level. In a parliamentary democracy previlage is given to both ruling as well as leading opposition party. As a convention the ruling party tries to 'negotiate' with opposition to get a majority passage on any bill. That's the real check valve. In mature countries with long established traditions this process runs more smoothly (read UK). In other countries, there are stages where things get rambunctious but over time things become more stable. A good example is Pak right now. Their previous govt was a real joke. But the current govt. with Nawaz being one of those really seasoned political leaders who can 'weild' power with more intelligence, his negotiating stance at home and abroad is more sophisticated.
Thanks, but it just worries me that a protest in a country as large as China may not be a great idea. I mean you think France and Greece have probelms to deal with protest.

They have seen nothing yet.

Protest against a popular govt is usually not serious. If a govt is unpopular, people wait a few years and bring alternative parties in. Protest will be violent only if people think they can't change anything. In a democracy that risk is mitigated because of frequent elections. I think you're needlessly scared. You need to seize a historic moment and just go for it. Sure you'll stumble a bt but you'll work things out for the next 500 years.
Protest against a popular govt is usually not serious. If a govt is unpopular, people wait a few years and bring alternative parties in. Protest will be violent only if people think they can't change anything. In a democracy that risk is mitigated because of frequent elections. I think you're needlessly scared. You need to seize a historic moment and just go for it. Sure you'll stumble a bt but you'll work things out for the next 500 years.

You really didn't said that:no: you know what i mean don't you?:P
Can't forget this quip by a friend of mine (he's also of Indian origin), "India, a democracy? You must be kidding. It's not a democracy, but the world's largest hypocrisy."

you should have asked him why he thinks so.. we got democratic institutions in place... regular elections.. govt listens to people and opposition ... a functioning judiciary and independent election commission...
what is missing?
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