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A Facist Party is Choking Democracy


Nov 3, 2008
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United States
Friday August 21 2009 20:32:28 PM BDT

By Chan Mongol

Bangladesh Awami League is a Fascist party. The party and its leaders do not have any democratic and political idealogy but advocating how to choke democracy by basing disturbance and by cheap movements in falsely claiming national belongings and wrongful ethnic identity. They are untrue nationalists. Their party rejects liberal ideas such as human rights and individual rights. Everything got to be for the party leader and for the party.

Awami League always does destruction in elections, in legislatures and in other elements of democracy. As a fascist, Sheikh Mujib built the foundation of terror politics in East Bangla, he caused the death of millions. Mistakenly people were trapped in his false prophecy. He was a fanatic, a totalitarian and a violant man. His daughter, Hasina is following his footsteps. Recently, her fascist ideas surfaced in all over Bangladesh. Her attempts to gain power in fraud patriotism with the collaboration of General (rtd.)Moieen and his army goons uncovered the mask of Awami League. It helped us to firmly point fingers at Hasina as another Fascist, as a daughter of an ex-Fascist. They both capitalized on the intense narrow patriotism for people, who cannot see outer world. We have to dismiss fascism from our fore fathers land, whatever the fascists named it now. The recent history of Bangladesh is crude, barbaric. It lacks any coherent ideals.

When people talk nasty against American Presidents, nobody goes to jail. They even burn the effigies of those public figures. Public enjoy their human rights, constitutional rights in all civilized countries. To enjoy freedom and rights, administrations in democratic countries do not put obstacles before the public. This is what democracy is! In United States, there are talk show hosts, who restlessly talk against Obama and they are not subject to go to jail. But what kind of Fundamental and maniac politician Hasina is who provokes to kill democracy in Bangladesh! Democracy in Bangladesh means street fights and might is right. Hasina is very clever in practicing her kind of democracy. She thinks nobody is watching her.

When people bring issues of Mujib about what he did as a Pakistani Patriot, his evil sons do not like that. I am sorry to tell that those sons of Mujib are chained people only to serve his dynasty. They are armed and dangerous. Whenever they find a freedom liking man who attempts to uncover the real face of Mujib and of his dirty acts, those evil warrior sons jump on that lonely person. They start doing beat up, humiliation, throw in prison and even kill him. In Bangladesh people get killed because of their different political view. This is not Democracy! Rather, fascism what Mussolini and others adopted as the political tool to hold highest authority over everybody.

Fact of the matter is, UK and USA are watching Hasina’s ill practice of democracy. They are watching if she is promoting terrorists, they are watching how evil and hypocrite she can be by doing Hajj and by doing things that are anti-Islam. Terrorists are not necessarily limited to those poor Madrasa Students. USA does not like state sponsored terrorism, which perhaps PM of Bangladesh is sponsoring. End of the day all foreign nations are going to find how PM Hasina did with her production. Bunch of leaches and suckers are acting as her very loyal subjects and tools in Bangladesh. For those low lives, rest of Bengalis got bad reputations in all over the world since a long time. Their act of collaboration with another fellow powerful person can surprise people in any part of the world.

Whatever Awami League kissers are doing, can no way be heroic or patriotic. Their activities do not give good name to Mujib dynesty. Such are evils and they are writing history based on their evil works. That is why we are facing a huge confusion on Mujibur Rahman and on his wrong and confused actions. These loyalists are far away from democracy. For them, people cannot open their mouths to raise voices. It is very funny! Awami league Voters are as same as Awami Slaves. The thing is, these slaves also need freedom and they have to come out of darkness to educate themselves, to understand the rights of others, to vow respect to opinions of other people.

I feel sorry for them, as they are just fools who get whimsical and united to act like thugs. Because of their on going bad manners, our peace and freedom got jeopardized throughout the dark history. It is very important to teach them human values, democracy and human rights through books, newspapers, televisions and medias. They must know that each man is entitled to speak up and express his opinions.

There are too many avenues to criticize Mujibur Rahman and establish doubts about his patriotism. One thing must be clear to all that he was a TRUE PATRIOT OF PAKISTAN UNDER OATH. Is it hard for Awami soldiers or supporters to learn the true history of their father of nation. It is very important to know history. Without the truth they can not sell their political products and always there will be a conflict between the truth and the evil forces of Mujib and Hasina. Morning shows the day.

During BDR mutiny, those ordinary BDR men established their firm support to Hasina and it surely rings the bell that who could have engineered the massacre in pilkhana and why? Was that for distraction? Was that for money? Was that for smuggling? People of Bangladesh should know who guarded the borders during that so called mutiny. Government must reveal all records of all movements and traffic activities in Border areas. We have to find out if PM Hasina got a huge profit by doing or encouraging billions of dollars worthed smuggling between Bangladesh and India. We have to find out how much was the bite, share for Gen(rtd).Moeen in such a smuggling. There was big money involved in BDR massacre. We have reasons to suspect Hasina’s involvement in smuggling. We have to know what are the hidden reasons to change the name of BDR to BBG (Bangladesh Border Guards)!

Hasina proclaimed the superiority of her family on our faces what only a fascist can do! As a fascist, she abolished the politicians of the past. She is relying on the extensive use of theatrical style of politics designed create a sense of a new historical era in the slogan of DIGITAL BANGLA and DIN BODALER PALA. In her actions she already made the country the object of a public cult. PM wants to scare the people of BD and putting her loyals from villages to the supreme court. PM pushing the people too hard to bend over to the picure of her father, who was a true patriot of Pakistan, who even did not hold a gun for freedom. Again, we must be clear on that, her Father did not die for the country Bangladesh. He died for other cause. Does it bring shame to her dynasty? What are those reasons! Should not we know those to fairly judge him!

People of Bangladesh need to know who guarded the borders during that so called mutiny. Someone should collect records of all movements and traffic activities in Border areas in that crisis. We have to find out if PM Hasina got a huge profit by doing or encouraging billions of dollars worthy smuggling between Bangladesh and India! We have to find out how much the bite was, share for Gen (rtd).Moeen in such smuggling! There was big money involved in recent BDR massacre! We have reasons to believe in Hasina’s involvement in such a lucrative smuggling! Mutineers praised PM Hasina; they confirmed their loyalty and devotion to her. However, unfortunately Hasina had to catch them and felt to get rid of these loyal slaves as their services were no long required. From such an example and incident, the rest devotees of BAL should visualize their own fate. They should know how BAL would dump them! They can do prayers and they can take time to rectify.

Is not it a big lesson that how disrespectfully Hasina kicked out Razzak Bhai, Tofael Bhai! Who can deny the leadership of Razzak Bhai, Tofael Bhai, and their contribution to Bangladesh, Awami League and Mujib dynesty! Hasina’s workers can take deep breathes and learn how their own party sack them and dishonor them. In awami politics none can come clean. It’s better to get out of this satanic party when you can from slavery and anti democracy. Awami workers need to know how BAL treats own crews when preparing the escape from mistakes and when establishing the interests of their supreme authority. B.A.L is fully an anti-democratic party. It is a party of disturbance only.

PM wants to scare hell out of the people of BD. She is putting her loyalists in administrations and in social structures from villages to the Supreme Court. PM Hasina is pushing the people too hard to bend over to the picture of her Father, a patriot of Pakistan, who even did not hold a gun for freedom. Again, we must be clear on this that her Father did not die for the country Bangladesh. He died for other reasons. People must know what those reasons are behind his death! Every thing his party slaves and him orchestrated for us was joke.

It is a big shame that a man who provoked the communal riot of 1946 became a friend of Hindus. I don't think India and Hindus will trust Mujib or Mujib Putri. It is another laughing matter that People of west bongo dislike him but he got the title of bongobhandu without their endorsement! Mr. Nazrul Islam, a good writer of NFB genuinely urged us to find out if he was Bongobhandu or he was Bongoshatro. In 1975, few soldiers killed Mujib Ur Rahman, not because he was Bongobhandu; he got elimination because he was Bongoshatro, the arrogant, the killer, the fascist, and the crook. Shouldn't we know the points to judge him!

Hasina embraced fascist myth to bring a change in political and social life. Her too much ambitious policies to seize power permanently will exhaust the people soon. Her fall will have a nosedive. Today, she is attacking the defeated brothers, the weak and freedom fighters of “Bodo land”. She cannot just act as a savior. She is mean to her rival political parties, she is dirty with her own people, she is cruel to the prisoners. She even stands on a constant fear, she is smelling doubts and fear in her life. She should give political freedom to people. She should sack those bribe takers in her administration. She should stop the corruption in judicial system. She should be strong against those illegal land buyers.

All political prisoners should be freed soon. Her violent behavior need to be stopped. PM must change her track from being fascist to democrat. Why on earth, she gave her the title as “BONGO MATA”. My fellow Bengali friend from POCHIM BONGO was laughing to death after he heard the bomb bursting title for the mother of HASINA. He said, “ha, ha, ha, why not Bangladesh Mata? Or, why not Purbo Bongo Mata? In what sense she is titled as Bongo Mata”? Sheikh Mujib never allowed that poor lady to face the nation, to say few words in TV, in Radio and even never in NewsPaper. What contribution she possibly gave to both PURBO AND POCHIM BONGO to earn the title of BONGO MATA? Prime Minister Hasina, May god bless your mother’s soul! Please, do not use her in your dirty politics! This is 2009, not 1970. Please do not put us any more down with senseless words and titles. Your people and you have done enough damage!

Written by: Chan Mongol
E Mail : chanmongolkhan@yahoo.com>

Friday August 21 2009 20:32:28 PM BDT

By Chan Mongol

Bangladesh Awami League is a Fascist party. The party and its leaders do not have any democratic and political idealogy but advocating how to choke democracy by basing disturbance and by cheap movements in falsely claiming national belongings and wrongful ethnic identity. They are untrue nationalists. Their party rejects liberal ideas such as human rights and individual rights. Everything got to be for the party leader and for the party.

Awami League always does destruction in elections, in legislatures and in other elements of democracy. As a fascist, Sheikh Mujib built the foundation of terror politics in East Bangla, he caused the death of millions. Mistakenly people were trapped in his false prophecy. He was a fanatic, a totalitarian and a violant man. His daughter, Hasina is following his footsteps. Recently, her fascist ideas surfaced in all over Bangladesh. Her attempts to gain power in fraud patriotism with the collaboration of General (rtd.)Moieen and his army goons uncovered the mask of Awami League. It helped us to firmly point fingers at Hasina as another Fascist, as a daughter of an ex-Fascist. They both capitalized on the intense narrow patriotism for people, who cannot see outer world. We have to dismiss fascism from our fore fathers land, whatever the fascists named it now. The recent history of Bangladesh is crude, barbaric. It lacks any coherent ideals.

When people talk nasty against American Presidents, nobody goes to jail. They even burn the effigies of those public figures. Public enjoy their human rights, constitutional rights in all civilized countries. To enjoy freedom and rights, administrations in democratic countries do not put obstacles before the public. This is what democracy is! In United States, there are talk show hosts, who restlessly talk against Obama and they are not subject to go to jail. But what kind of Fundamental and maniac politician Hasina is who provokes to kill democracy in Bangladesh! Democracy in Bangladesh means street fights and might is right. Hasina is very clever in practicing her kind of democracy. She thinks nobody is watching her.

When people bring issues of Mujib about what he did as a Pakistani Patriot, his evil sons do not like that. I am sorry to tell that those sons of Mujib are chained people only to serve his dynasty. They are armed and dangerous. Whenever they find a freedom liking man who attempts to uncover the real face of Mujib and of his dirty acts, those evil warrior sons jump on that lonely person. They start doing beat up, humiliation, throw in prison and even kill him. In Bangladesh people get killed because of their different political view. This is not Democracy! Rather, fascism what Mussolini and others adopted as the political tool to hold highest authority over everybody.

Fact of the matter is, UK and USA are watching Hasina’s ill practice of democracy. They are watching if she is promoting terrorists, they are watching how evil and hypocrite she can be by doing Hajj and by doing things that are anti-Islam. Terrorists are not necessarily limited to those poor Madrasa Students. USA does not like state sponsored terrorism, which perhaps PM of Bangladesh is sponsoring. End of the day all foreign nations are going to find how PM Hasina did with her production. Bunch of leaches and suckers are acting as her very loyal subjects and tools in Bangladesh. For those low lives, rest of Bengalis got bad reputations in all over the world since a long time. Their act of collaboration with another fellow powerful person can surprise people in any part of the world.

Whatever Awami League kissers are doing, can no way be heroic or patriotic. Their activities do not give good name to Mujib dynesty. Such are evils and they are writing history based on their evil works. That is why we are facing a huge confusion on Mujibur Rahman and on his wrong and confused actions. These loyalists are far away from democracy. For them, people cannot open their mouths to raise voices. It is very funny! Awami league Voters are as same as Awami Slaves. The thing is, these slaves also need freedom and they have to come out of darkness to educate themselves, to understand the rights of others, to vow respect to opinions of other people.

I feel sorry for them, as they are just fools who get whimsical and united to act like thugs. Because of their on going bad manners, our peace and freedom got jeopardized throughout the dark history. It is very important to teach them human values, democracy and human rights through books, newspapers, televisions and medias. They must know that each man is entitled to speak up and express his opinions.

There are too many avenues to criticize Mujibur Rahman and establish doubts about his patriotism. One thing must be clear to all that he was a TRUE PATRIOT OF PAKISTAN UNDER OATH. Is it hard for Awami soldiers or supporters to learn the true history of their father of nation. It is very important to know history. Without the truth they can not sell their political products and always there will be a conflict between the truth and the evil forces of Mujib and Hasina. Morning shows the day.

During BDR mutiny, those ordinary BDR men established their firm support to Hasina and it surely rings the bell that who could have engineered the massacre in pilkhana and why? Was that for distraction? Was that for money? Was that for smuggling? People of Bangladesh should know who guarded the borders during that so called mutiny. Government must reveal all records of all movements and traffic activities in Border areas. We have to find out if PM Hasina got a huge profit by doing or encouraging billions of dollars worthed smuggling between Bangladesh and India. We have to find out how much was the bite, share for Gen(rtd).Moeen in such a smuggling. There was big money involved in BDR massacre. We have reasons to suspect Hasina’s involvement in smuggling. We have to know what are the hidden reasons to change the name of BDR to BBG (Bangladesh Border Guards)!

Hasina proclaimed the superiority of her family on our faces what only a fascist can do! As a fascist, she abolished the politicians of the past. She is relying on the extensive use of theatrical style of politics designed create a sense of a new historical era in the slogan of DIGITAL BANGLA and DIN BODALER PALA. In her actions she already made the country the object of a public cult. PM wants to scare the people of BD and putting her loyals from villages to the supreme court. PM pushing the people too hard to bend over to the picure of her father, who was a true patriot of Pakistan, who even did not hold a gun for freedom. Again, we must be clear on that, her Father did not die for the country Bangladesh. He died for other cause. Does it bring shame to her dynasty? What are those reasons! Should not we know those to fairly judge him!

People of Bangladesh need to know who guarded the borders during that so called mutiny. Someone should collect records of all movements and traffic activities in Border areas in that crisis. We have to find out if PM Hasina got a huge profit by doing or encouraging billions of dollars worthy smuggling between Bangladesh and India! We have to find out how much the bite was, share for Gen (rtd).Moeen in such smuggling! There was big money involved in recent BDR massacre! We have reasons to believe in Hasina’s involvement in such a lucrative smuggling! Mutineers praised PM Hasina; they confirmed their loyalty and devotion to her. However, unfortunately Hasina had to catch them and felt to get rid of these loyal slaves as their services were no long required. From such an example and incident, the rest devotees of BAL should visualize their own fate. They should know how BAL would dump them! They can do prayers and they can take time to rectify.

Is not it a big lesson that how disrespectfully Hasina kicked out Razzak Bhai, Tofael Bhai! Who can deny the leadership of Razzak Bhai, Tofael Bhai, and their contribution to Bangladesh, Awami League and Mujib dynesty! Hasina’s workers can take deep breathes and learn how their own party sack them and dishonor them. In awami politics none can come clean. It’s better to get out of this satanic party when you can from slavery and anti democracy. Awami workers need to know how BAL treats own crews when preparing the escape from mistakes and when establishing the interests of their supreme authority. B.A.L is fully an anti-democratic party. It is a party of disturbance only.

PM wants to scare hell out of the people of BD. She is putting her loyalists in administrations and in social structures from villages to the Supreme Court. PM Hasina is pushing the people too hard to bend over to the picture of her Father, a patriot of Pakistan, who even did not hold a gun for freedom. Again, we must be clear on this that her Father did not die for the country Bangladesh. He died for other reasons. People must know what those reasons are behind his death! Every thing his party slaves and him orchestrated for us was joke.

It is a big shame that a man who provoked the communal riot of 1946 became a friend of Hindus. I don't think India and Hindus will trust Mujib or Mujib Putri. It is another laughing matter that People of west bongo dislike him but he got the title of bongobhandu without their endorsement! Mr. Nazrul Islam, a good writer of NFB genuinely urged us to find out if he was Bongobhandu or he was Bongoshatro. In 1975, few soldiers killed Mujib Ur Rahman, not because he was Bongobhandu; he got elimination because he was Bongoshatro, the arrogant, the killer, the fascist, and the crook. Shouldn't we know the points to judge him!

Hasina embraced fascist myth to bring a change in political and social life. Her too much ambitious policies to seize power permanently will exhaust the people soon. Her fall will have a nosedive. Today, she is attacking the defeated brothers, the weak and freedom fighters of “Bodo land”. She cannot just act as a savior. She is mean to her rival political parties, she is dirty with her own people, she is cruel to the prisoners. She even stands on a constant fear, she is smelling doubts and fear in her life. She should give political freedom to people. She should sack those bribe takers in her administration. She should stop the corruption in judicial system. She should be strong against those illegal land buyers.

All political prisoners should be freed soon. Her violent behavior need to be stopped. PM must change her track from being fascist to democrat. Why on earth, she gave her the title as “BONGO MATA”. My fellow Bengali friend from POCHIM BONGO was laughing to death after he heard the bomb bursting title for the mother of HASINA. He said, “ha, ha, ha, why not Bangladesh Mata? Or, why not Purbo Bongo Mata? In what sense she is titled as Bongo Mata”? Sheikh Mujib never allowed that poor lady to face the nation, to say few words in TV, in Radio and even never in NewsPaper. What contribution she possibly gave to both PURBO AND POCHIM BONGO to earn the title of BONGO MATA? Prime Minister Hasina, May god bless your mother’s soul! Please, do not use her in your dirty politics! This is 2009, not 1970. Please do not put us any more down with senseless words and titles. Your people and you have done enough damage!

Written by: Chan Mongol
E Mail : chanmongolkhan@yahoo.com>

One of the finest army officers ever was thrown out by the fascist RAWAMY criminals. Please open the following link the see how justice is getting murdered in the 'Banana republic' called Bangladesh,

::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::
One of the finest army officers ever was thrown out by the fascist RAWAMY criminals. Please open the following link the see how justice is getting murdered in the 'Banana republic' called Bangladesh,

Bastards. I know this malaun Ala uddin. Azmi need get involve with his father political party.
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