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A cow is safer in India than a Muslim ! - Shashi Tharoor


Jul 30, 2015
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Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims
Tuesday, 1 December 2015 - 9:22pm IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country,"
  • 400392-shashi-tharoor.jpg
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday quoted some "Bangladeshi friend" to contend that a "cow is safer in India than a Muslim" to suggest "growing intolerance" in the country.

Participating in the debate on intolerance in the Lok Sabha, he said the Modi government cannot promote 'Make in India' while there is "hate in India". Targeting Narendra Modi for his "silence", Tharoor said he was a "different person" before becoming the Prime Minister as cited how he had avoided resorting to "divisive" politics unlike any "clever politician" when bombs exploded during his rally in Gandhi maidan in Bihar in the run up to the Lok Sabha polls. "The government must know you cannot promote 'Make in India' abroad while condoning 'hate in India' at home," he said.

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country," Tharoor said. In this context, he said a Bangladeshi friend of his on a visit told him that "Islamic fundamentalists in his country were having a field day attacking India as a place where it is safer to be a cow than a Muslim."

The member from Kerala said Modi was "silent" even when his party colleagues are resorting to "political polarisation" in the country. "They are such explosives who can destroy Indian ideology," he said as he went on to reciete urdu couplet 'Mazhab nahi sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna (Religion does not teach animosity against each other)'. Tharoor said he had seen a "different" Modi before the 2014 Lok Sabha elections when bombs exploded in Gandhi Maidan in Patna during his election rally. Modi had not used divisive politics or provoked, he said. "He (Modi) continued his speech peacefully and so no one in the crowd of 3-4 lakh came to know of the blasts that had killed six people."

His positive message at the rally was that Hindus had options of fighting either poverty or Muslims. "In such a situation a clever politician could have said that his rivals or a terrorist from a particular community has tried to distrupt the rally. But Modi knew that if he said that it would provoke communal violence in which innocent people would be killed. At the end of the rally, Modi asked people to go home peacefully so there is no stampede," Tharoor said. "Modi did not try to reap benefits of divisive politics," he said. "But what has happened to Modiji now. Where has he lost is voice. After he became Prime Minister, he has forgotten the policy of taking along everyone. His senior party leaders are using political polarisation but he is silent."

Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
Anybody who speaks the truth in India becomes a "traitor", just shows the rising intolerance in the country.
These idots must meets and live with ahmadias and other minorities in Pakistan then o returning to india they will surely bow down and kiss this mother land thousand times. Muslims are very happy in India , it is their mother land too.
Poor muslims are unsafe all over the world, they are victim of non muslims intolerance toward them. On a daily basis, a non muslim blow 100s of innocent muslims. Just see how RSS is beheading muslims in Syria.
Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims
Tuesday, 1 December 2015 - 9:22pm IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country,"
  • 400392-shashi-tharoor.jpg
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday quoted some "Bangladeshi friend" to contend that a "cow is safer in India than a Muslim" to suggest "growing intolerance" in the country.

Participating in the debate on intolerance in the Lok Sabha, he said the Modi government cannot promote 'Make in India' while there is "hate in India". Targeting Narendra Modi for his "silence", Tharoor said he was a "different person" before becoming the Prime Minister as cited how he had avoided resorting to "divisive" politics unlike any "clever politician" when bombs exploded during his rally in Gandhi maidan in Bihar in the run up to the Lok Sabha polls. "The government must know you cannot promote 'Make in India' abroad while condoning 'hate in India' at home," he said.

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country," Tharoor said. In this context, he said a Bangladeshi friend of his on a visit told him that "Islamic fundamentalists in his country were having a field day attacking India as a place where it is safer to be a cow than a Muslim."

The member from Kerala said Modi was "silent" even when his party colleagues are resorting to "political polarisation" in the country. "They are such explosives who can destroy Indian ideology," he said as he went on to reciete urdu couplet 'Mazhab nahi sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna (Religion does not teach animosity against each other)'. Tharoor said he had seen a "different" Modi before the 2014 Lok Sabha elections when bombs exploded in Gandhi Maidan in Patna during his election rally. Modi had not used divisive politics or provoked, he said. "He (Modi) continued his speech peacefully and so no one in the crowd of 3-4 lakh came to know of the blasts that had killed six people."

His positive message at the rally was that Hindus had options of fighting either poverty or Muslims. "In such a situation a clever politician could have said that his rivals or a terrorist from a particular community has tried to distrupt the rally. But Modi knew that if he said that it would provoke communal violence in which innocent people would be killed. At the end of the rally, Modi asked people to go home peacefully so there is no stampede," Tharoor said. "Modi did not try to reap benefits of divisive politics," he said. "But what has happened to Modiji now. Where has he lost is voice. After he became Prime Minister, he has forgotten the policy of taking along everyone. His senior party leaders are using political polarisation but he is silent."

Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Hummmm, After all millions of Muslims are killed in India in last one and half year.

Anybody who speaks the truth in India becomes a "traitor", just shows the rising intolerance in the country.

Hum you see how much truth he spoke. Millions of muslims have been killed in india in last one and half year. Nobody was able to speak against this atrocities. It is the great shashi tharoor who gave the voice to these inhuman treatment of muslims in India.
Hum you see how much truth he spoke. Millions of muslims have been killed in india in last one and half year. Nobody was able to speak against this atrocities. It is the great shashi tharoor who gave the voice to these inhuman treatment of muslims in India.

He is not the voice of Muslims. He just said the truth.

Look at PDF, I have been called a false flagger, isn't that a sign of intolerance? Imagine what happens in real life.
Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims
Tuesday, 1 December 2015 - 9:22pm IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country,"
  • 400392-shashi-tharoor.jpg
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday quoted some "Bangladeshi friend" to contend that a "cow is safer in India than a Muslim" to suggest "growing intolerance" in the country.

Participating in the debate on intolerance in the Lok Sabha, he said the Modi government cannot promote 'Make in India' while there is "hate in India". Targeting Narendra Modi for his "silence", Tharoor said he was a "different person" before becoming the Prime Minister as cited how he had avoided resorting to "divisive" politics unlike any "clever politician" when bombs exploded during his rally in Gandhi maidan in Bihar in the run up to the Lok Sabha polls. "The government must know you cannot promote 'Make in India' abroad while condoning 'hate in India' at home," he said.

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country," Tharoor said. In this context, he said a Bangladeshi friend of his on a visit told him that "Islamic fundamentalists in his country were having a field day attacking India as a place where it is safer to be a cow than a Muslim."

The member from Kerala said Modi was "silent" even when his party colleagues are resorting to "political polarisation" in the country. "They are such explosives who can destroy Indian ideology," he said as he went on to reciete urdu couplet 'Mazhab nahi sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna (Religion does not teach animosity against each other)'. Tharoor said he had seen a "different" Modi before the 2014 Lok Sabha elections when bombs exploded in Gandhi Maidan in Patna during his election rally. Modi had not used divisive politics or provoked, he said. "He (Modi) continued his speech peacefully and so no one in the crowd of 3-4 lakh came to know of the blasts that had killed six people."

His positive message at the rally was that Hindus had options of fighting either poverty or Muslims. "In such a situation a clever politician could have said that his rivals or a terrorist from a particular community has tried to distrupt the rally. But Modi knew that if he said that it would provoke communal violence in which innocent people would be killed. At the end of the rally, Modi asked people to go home peacefully so there is no stampede," Tharoor said. "Modi did not try to reap benefits of divisive politics," he said. "But what has happened to Modiji now. Where has he lost is voice. After he became Prime Minister, he has forgotten the policy of taking along everyone. His senior party leaders are using political polarisation but he is silent."

Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
leave aside Muslims, even Cow is more safer then Hindu women they patrol on streets to save Cow and punish the smugglers but women in India being raped in moving busses even 5 years old child not spared.
Muslims are like dalits under modi raaj their lives have no value they are being killed even in suspison of eating beef, Dalit children burnt alive and state machinery used to cover up. Such a shame.
Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims
Tuesday, 1 December 2015 - 9:22pm IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country,"
  • 400392-shashi-tharoor.jpg
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday quoted some "Bangladeshi friend" to contend that a "cow is safer in India than a Muslim" to suggest "growing intolerance" in the country.

Participating in the debate on intolerance in the Lok Sabha, he said the Modi government cannot promote 'Make in India' while there is "hate in India". Targeting Narendra Modi for his "silence", Tharoor said he was a "different person" before becoming the Prime Minister as cited how he had avoided resorting to "divisive" politics unlike any "clever politician" when bombs exploded during his rally in Gandhi maidan in Bihar in the run up to the Lok Sabha polls. "The government must know you cannot promote 'Make in India' abroad while condoning 'hate in India' at home," he said.

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country," Tharoor said. In this context, he said a Bangladeshi friend of his on a visit told him that "Islamic fundamentalists in his country were having a field day attacking India as a place where it is safer to be a cow than a Muslim."

The member from Kerala said Modi was "silent" even when his party colleagues are resorting to "political polarisation" in the country. "They are such explosives who can destroy Indian ideology," he said as he went on to reciete urdu couplet 'Mazhab nahi sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna (Religion does not teach animosity against each other)'. Tharoor said he had seen a "different" Modi before the 2014 Lok Sabha elections when bombs exploded in Gandhi Maidan in Patna during his election rally. Modi had not used divisive politics or provoked, he said. "He (Modi) continued his speech peacefully and so no one in the crowd of 3-4 lakh came to know of the blasts that had killed six people."

His positive message at the rally was that Hindus had options of fighting either poverty or Muslims. "In such a situation a clever politician could have said that his rivals or a terrorist from a particular community has tried to distrupt the rally. But Modi knew that if he said that it would provoke communal violence in which innocent people would be killed. At the end of the rally, Modi asked people to go home peacefully so there is no stampede," Tharoor said. "Modi did not try to reap benefits of divisive politics," he said. "But what has happened to Modiji now. Where has he lost is voice. After he became Prime Minister, he has forgotten the policy of taking along everyone. His senior party leaders are using political polarisation but he is silent."

Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

At least ten people were injured at a Hindu temple in Bangladesh on Saturday when a group of unidentified assailants threw homemade bombs.

At least three petrol bombs were hurled at a large group of people who were at the open-air theatre of the Kantaji Mandir.

Hundreds of people had gathered at the 17th century temple in Dinajpur district, northern Bangladesh, for an annual fair called Rashmela.

Six of the injured were being treated at Dinajpur Medical College and Hospital and four others sustained less serious injuries, the district’s Superintendent of Police, Ruhul Amin.

Though no group immediately claimed responsibility for the explosions at the popular tourist attraction, the police have detained at least five people for questioning.

Mizanur Rahman, another senior police official, said investigators were trying to determine the motive for the attack.

The incident comes amid concern that religious extremism in Bangladesh is rising after a series of attacks have left four secular bloggers, two foreigners and a publisher dead this year.

Christian priests and the media have been threatened with dire consequences if they continue to employ women.

While local radical groups, including Ansarullah Bangla Team have claimed responsibility for some of the previous attacks, the Sunni-radical group Islamic State has said its supporters slayed the Italian aid worker and Japanese agriculture researcher.

The group has also claimed responsibility for two separate attacks on Shia Muslims in the country. The Islamic State group’s claims could not be independently verified.

The government of prime minister Sheikh Hasina has repeatedly denied any organisational presence of the Islamic State in Bangladesh.

The government blames the country’s main opposition party for the attacks, which it says are a way for the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami party to create chaos and derail the ongoing crimes trial in the 1971 war of independence.
Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims
Tuesday, 1 December 2015 - 9:22pm IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country,"
  • 400392-shashi-tharoor.jpg
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday quoted some "Bangladeshi friend" to contend that a "cow is safer in India than a Muslim" to suggest "growing intolerance" in the country.

Participating in the debate on intolerance in the Lok Sabha, he said the Modi government cannot promote 'Make in India' while there is "hate in India". Targeting Narendra Modi for his "silence", Tharoor said he was a "different person" before becoming the Prime Minister as cited how he had avoided resorting to "divisive" politics unlike any "clever politician" when bombs exploded during his rally in Gandhi maidan in Bihar in the run up to the Lok Sabha polls. "The government must know you cannot promote 'Make in India' abroad while condoning 'hate in India' at home," he said.

India cannot sell itself to the world as a "land of pluralism, tolerance and Gandhianism while encouraging intolerance, communal hatred and minority insecurity within the country," Tharoor said. In this context, he said a Bangladeshi friend of his on a visit told him that "Islamic fundamentalists in his country were having a field day attacking India as a place where it is safer to be a cow than a Muslim."

The member from Kerala said Modi was "silent" even when his party colleagues are resorting to "political polarisation" in the country. "They are such explosives who can destroy Indian ideology," he said as he went on to reciete urdu couplet 'Mazhab nahi sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna (Religion does not teach animosity against each other)'. Tharoor said he had seen a "different" Modi before the 2014 Lok Sabha elections when bombs exploded in Gandhi Maidan in Patna during his election rally. Modi had not used divisive politics or provoked, he said. "He (Modi) continued his speech peacefully and so no one in the crowd of 3-4 lakh came to know of the blasts that had killed six people."

His positive message at the rally was that Hindus had options of fighting either poverty or Muslims. "In such a situation a clever politician could have said that his rivals or a terrorist from a particular community has tried to distrupt the rally. But Modi knew that if he said that it would provoke communal violence in which innocent people would be killed. At the end of the rally, Modi asked people to go home peacefully so there is no stampede," Tharoor said. "Modi did not try to reap benefits of divisive politics," he said. "But what has happened to Modiji now. Where has he lost is voice. After he became Prime Minister, he has forgotten the policy of taking along everyone. His senior party leaders are using political polarisation but he is silent."

Shashi Tharoor claims that Islamic fundamentalists in Bangladesh say India safer for cows than Muslims | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
I can't speak on behalf of the cows but one thing is for certain that the late Ms.Sunanda Pushkar was much more safer before marrying Mr.Tharoor:sarcastic:!!One who can't even protect his lawfully wedded wife(most probably he is the one who murdered her in the first place) shouldn't talk about safety and danger in India:rolleyes:!!
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