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A Chinese spring?


Jun 18, 2009
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United States
While Chinese petitioners and dissidents hold protest rallies every day in defiance of unaccountable officials, few of them question the necessity of upholding a strong executive authority. Thoughts on revolution and reform by a Chinese student in Cairo.

Ongoing uprisings in Arab countries have led policymakers, journalists and investors to speculate about China’s potential for instability. They try to identify indicators for the country’s elusive future and reach conclusions that waver between two extremes. Some observers emphasise the regime’s vulnerability, positing that social and political movements in Arab countries will spark unrest among Chinese youth. Others say that the Communist Party has little reason to worry about a similar scenario, and that Beijing will continue to pose a threat to the “free world” in the coming future.

Domestically, there has been no less contradiction among the Chinese public. University graduates who savagely criticise the Communist Party on the Internet make every endeavor to become party bureaucrats in the real world. Their parents – some of whom rallied around youth leaders in 1989 calling for democratisation and political freedom – acknowledge the need for reform but grudge risking their economic welfare on fundamental change. Angry citizens bitterly resent corrupt officials accumulating personal wealth and political power, but ask why ordinary people cannot get rich through similar means with impunity.

While not dumbfounded by the downfall of authoritarian rulers elsewhere, the Chinese leadership is nonetheless alarmed by rapid changes in Arab countries. Their anxiety is intensified by the growing discontent and resistance from elites both inside and outside the party. Nevertheless, it is an exaggeration to say that the regime is in imminent danger of collapse. Given the established governing structure and China’s prevailing political culture, an Arab-style uprising is unlikely to happen in the short run. The way forward depends on the ability of the Chinese leadership to build consensus and instigate a new round of political and economic reform. If the regime learns insightful lessons from it, the Arab Spring can be a catalyst for China to establish a more justified distribution of power and wealth. But if officials refuse to take a step forward, they are unlikely to find a way to mitigate long-term risks.

To begin with, the current political system in China is very different to those in Arab countries, whether it be a relatively open Jordan and pre-revolution Egypt or a more totalitarian Syria and Libya. The former imitate European countries in terms of state-building, advocating legal and bureaucratic systems under which freedom of speech, social diversity and opposition movements are tolerated – if not encouraged – by the executive authority. Political parties are allowed to participate in parliamentary elections, but only one party plays a substantial role in the legislature.

Contemporary politics in China draws less inspiration from the west than from its own eccentric dynastic history. Just like its predecessors, the Communist Party of China (CPC) founded a 'red dynasty' in 1949 after years of violent struggle. Since then, it not only monopolises government process but is the ultimate source of power in Chinese society. Under a dual administrative system, CPC chiefs are able to determine personnel changes and the direction of policy within each level of government. A similar structure applies to the People’s Congress and Political Consultative Conference – the upper and lower houses of China’s legislature – and to state-owned enterprises, which control vital areas of the economy. Last but not least, the CPC commands its military arm, the People’s Liberation Army. Since the party’s founding in 1921, its leadership have quashed all potential sources of opposition and suppressed rival factions that threatened party unity.

Western commentators criticise the CPC for monopolising civil society and blurring the line between party and state. Some critics therefore compare the Chinese regime to the second type of Arab countries. Yet China’s ruling party also differs obviously from the Baath parties in Syria or Iraq. The ruling power within those totalitarian Arab countries is confined to a clique of closed autocrats – state has become a private estate of the ruling families. To a certain extent, the party leadership in China involves more constraints and incentives. State affairs are determined by the votes of nine members within the Standing Committee. The nine leaders at the top aim to retain a careful and harmonious balance in representing the diversified interests of China’s ruling elites, yet competition among them is often zero-sum. Checks and balances exist between current power-holders and senior mentors, and between Beijing and provincial chiefs.

Additionally, the past three decades have seen a deliberate retreat of the party from society, with the regime tolerating a limited but progressive loosening of control over the public sphere. Whereas organised resistance is still forbidden, the party nevertheless chooses not to enforce its will at all times. The decision-making process is slowly opening up, as party leaders consult a growing number of actors outside the ruling circle and become more receptive to the ideas of some pressure groups.

Lastly, the CPC – in contrast to its Arab counterparts – rules with renewed vigour, since it can attract university graduates and outstanding scholars with assorted knowledge backgrounds. It was historically characteristic of Chinese meritocracy that students with good grades were selected to administer the country. Joining the ruling party provides a direct and instant way for college graduates to ensure material wellbeing and climb up the social ladder. The same goes for intellectuals, and this partly explains why they have historically failed to constitute a distinct institution against unfettered executive power. A lack of resistance to the lure of power distinguishes intellectual-bureaucrats in China from the scholarly class in the west and the Arab world, and significantly limits their capacity to counterbalance the party leadership.

A centralised governing structure coupled with a long tradition of respecting and worshipping authority ensures the solidity of party rule. In a society that has just recovered from a century of foreign invasion, political chaos and economic hardship, it is only natural for Chinese to cherish peace, stability and predictability. But this prevailing sentiment also makes the public reluctant to take risks, and may ultimately render China’s political and economic development stagnant.

China has seen in recent years a rise of social unrest, yet these demonstrations are not necessarily a push for political reform. While petitioners and dissidents hold protest rallies every day in defiance of unaccountable officials, few of them question the necessity of upholding a strong executive authority. In other words, activists tend to challenge disgraceful local chiefs who abuse power rather than casting doubt on power itself. Even some of the most ardent reformers in China do not want to abandon the CPC in carrying out reforms.

This attitude is not shared among Arab citizens, who generally believe that political power has to be supervised by the people and constrained by Islamic principles of government. In this sense, the Arab Spring was more than a western-style democratic uprising, since it revealed to the world a unique revolutionary ideology of Islam: when corrupt leaders no longer rule according to God’s law, disobedience becomes not a right of Muslims but a duty. For similar reasons, long before the first uprising took place in December 2010, moderate and radical Islamic groups provided organised channels in almost every Arab country to challenge the existing power system. By catering to the needs of the silent and poor majority, the Islamists were able to compete with and finally depose once formidable leaders.

Notably, there is an absence of organised opposition in China. This is above all due to the ruling party’s monopoly on political organisation, which makes it very difficult for any opposition to mobilise against the regime. But that is not the only source of the problem. Another reason is the broader public’s distrust of self-righteous political activists, since – unlike their Islamic counterparts in Arab countries – they have not built up social and political capital within Chinese society.

The Tiananmen protests of 1989 are a case in point. After the crackdown, demonstrators and citizens felt betrayed by student leaders who pursued personal interest through inciting the masses to fight the military. While still considering the CPC repellent, many protesters conceded that they were themselves too amenable to the sensational ideas of others, and that their quality of life would in the end have been worse had student leaders managed to force regime change. In the 1990s, Tiananmen was gradually forgotten by a wider public fascinated by economic gain. The young generation even justified the crackdown, arguing that the reassertion of political order paved the way for economic prosperity. Simply put, broad segments of Chinese society take personal welfare much more seriously than political doctrine. For their part, democracy is consequential but not an end in itself. If pro-democracy dissidents cannot articulate their political ideals in ways that connect to the priorities of the average Chinese – safety, growth and employment – then the masses are inclined to reject them.

So what does civil resistance in Arab countries mean for the Chinese? Getting a precise picture is difficult without public opinion surveys. But it is certain that the overturn of authoritarian Arab leaders has won some applause from the public, especially those who are indignant at the party’s political repression and media censorship. Nevertheless, many also contend that pushing for a few leaders’ ouster cannot alone help the situation in Arab countries. They deem it overly credulous when protesters – although well-intentioned – follow rhetorical revolutionary slogans which divert people’s attention away from real and more pressing issues such as poverty reduction and unemployment.

To be sure, the Chinese public is much less knowledgeable about the Arab world than citizens from the west. Many college students have no idea Egypt is a country dominated by Muslims, let alone the role played by Islamic parties during the protests. A typical view in China is that the so-called Arab democratic wave is in essence nothing more than a new round of bloody power struggle. As several countries are still in persistent chaos over a year after the uprising, some feel that the Arabs have over-idealised the revolution.

This is not a startling response, given that the broader public in China is uncomfortable with the very concept of revolution. The first thirty years of the People’s Republic was characterised by a bewildering range of mass movements, during which the country became politically paralysed and economically bankrupt. This bitter experience rendered the Chinese disillusioned with political propaganda and forced them to come to terms with reality. Since reform and opening up in 1978, a market economy has been restored and a pragmatic logic of putting economic growth before ideological debate can be seen in almost every corner of the country. Revolution is seen as old-fashioned, treacherous, and above all harmful to social advance.

When Chinese observers see no improvements in the Arab countries that have rebelled, but rather a deteriorating security and economic situation, they are inclined to compare the Arab Spring to the disintegration of Soviet Russia and treat it as a negative model for China to learn from. Recent uprisings in the Arab world may also add to the public’s fear of social chaos and economic degradation, providing an excuse for the Chinese leadership to evade concrete political reform.

However, whereas economic performance has consolidated the CPC’s rule over the past three decades, it could also put the party in imminent danger if a majority of the population believe the existing political system hinders their economic well-being. Over the years, the party leadership has been affected by widespread discontentment caused by the unbalanced distribution of wealth – a pressure much more difficult to resist than criticism from petitioners and activists. A growing wealth gap coupled with endemic corruption outrages many, because powerful elites can always disdain the rules and misuse state resources for private gain. This tension is particularly alarming as the CPC becomes less capable to mandate and monitor China’s state-owned enterprises, which, relying on a combination of political and economic privileges, expand into various private sectors and grab the lion’s share of the profits. As a result, small and privately owned enterprises are going bankrupt without restitution. And it is now generally acknowledged that ordinary people’s living standards have not improved abreast with the rise of national power.

The Chinese leadership is by no means immune to the wave of civil resistance around the world. For party officials, espousing economic equity, political justice and human dignity is the only meaningful prospect for soothing escalating social antipathy and maintaining power. The dissolution of the Soviet Union twenty years ago impeded this reform process. Since then, Party leaders are averse to controversial liberalisation and fear being labelled “China’s Gorbachev” – meaning someone who brings destruction to the country.

The Arab Spring rang the alarm bells again for Beijing. In Chinese, the word “spring” rekindles hope and passion. It also serves as a figurative expression of the progressive reform and opening up of the 1980s. A second round of steady reform is eagerly awaited by a country still in fragile stability.

Interesting read!
May be in Hongkong.. not in Shaxi, Guangdong. You are aware of whats going on there , don't you? or CPC has blocked the access?

What access, I'm traveling to Guangzhou once every 2 weeks and am traveling through China on my super motorbike. I'm welcomed and enjoyed everywhere I go. As long as I pay I can eat in the best restaurant and stay in 5 star hotels. you know what a 5 star hotel is, do you not? The place where the maid brings your breakfast at 5PM local time with the latest edition of Wall Street Journal Asian Edition. If I don't feel like riding my bike I can fly to Xian and have someone transport my bike there. BTW I also am stay in the 5 star hotel that owns by the same chain.

I don't know what freedom is in your interpretation however I though I am free, perhaps I'm wrong. Am I?
I don't see China having some huge revolution any time soon. Sure hope it doesn't either. Considering history, China does not need more bloodshed, anarchism or civil disobedience at all. Let it enjoy its rise because IMO it's doing no harm.
That's true. Indians have a much higher tolerance for injustice than we do. Over here, any little thing sparks immense outrage, but in India, the same things would be unimportant. India has the 2nd highest fatalities per passenger-km in the world for railways, yet it does nothing to change, and no one is outraged, but we have the lowest, and people still complain every day.
Wow, this is actually one of the best article written by a westerner (Assuming so, link please?). It gives a good summary of current Chinese's mind set.

University graduates who savagely criticise the Communist Party on the Internet make every endeavor to become party bureaucrats in the real world.

Only mistake the author makes is to assume that CCP does not change and adapt. If you watch Chinese closely, actually middle class have more and more voices. Probably no government responds to public rage as fast as China. In my hometown, public questioned why police department bought a few expensive SONY VIAO laptops and officials got busy answering that.

I don't think western type of democracy is good for China. I hope with more and more middle class, a public reviewing system is introduced to exammine officials and the score decides their promotion, salary etc. Chinese are obsessed with exams so let public score their performace.

The focus should be still economy at this point. Democracy naturally comes with prosperity. I don't believe a violent spring movement can ever give you real democracy.
The western and indian hope the Chinese spring happens!! Indian want chinese spring can mess china up, that's their daydream, they can't catch up with china, so they want it!! It is loser mind, everyone know it, But, they can't do these, except their big mouth, they have nothing, Or, they have outdoor sh!t!! let they indulge in these daydream, we just need work hard!
Only mistake the author makes is to assume that CCP does not change and adapt. If you watch Chinese closely, actually middle class have more and more voices. Probably no government responds to public rage as fast as China. In my hometown, public questioned why police department bought a few expensive SONY VIAO laptops and officials got busy answering that.

Exactly correct. :tup:

What access, I'm traveling to Guangzhou once every 2 weeks and am traveling through China on my super motorbike. I'm welcomed and enjoyed everywhere I go. As long as I pay I can eat in the best restaurant and stay in 5 star hotels. you know what a 5 star hotel is, do you not? The place where the maid brings your breakfast at 5PM local time with the latest edition of Wall Street Journal Asian Edition. If I don't feel like riding my bike I can fly to Xian and have someone transport my bike there. BTW I also am stay in the 5 star hotel that owns by the same chain.

I don't know what freedom is in your interpretation however I though I am free, perhaps I'm wrong. Am I?

These Indians don't understand how easy it is to move between Hong Kong and the mainland, it is just a simple train journey. And the New Territories is physically attached to the mainland.
Another small discussion on why a Chinese sprint is unlikely to happen:

June 29 - David Schlesinger, Chairman of Thomson Reuters China, tells Felix Salmon that the authoritarian dictatorships found in the Middle East are very different than what we see in China today
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What access, I'm traveling to Guangzhou once every 2 weeks and am traveling through China on my super motorbike. I'm welcomed and enjoyed everywhere I go. As long as I pay I can eat in the best restaurant and stay in 5 star hotels. you know what a 5 star hotel is, do you not? The place where the maid brings your breakfast at 5PM local time with the latest edition of Wall Street Journal Asian Edition. If I don't feel like riding my bike I can fly to Xian and have someone transport my bike there. BTW I also am stay in the 5 star hotel that owns by the same chain.

I don't know what freedom is in your interpretation however I though I am free, perhaps I'm wrong. Am I?

I recently stayed at the Sky City Marriott there in Hong Kong. The softness of the beds and the world class food was AWESOME (lobster dumplings were the best). Especially After almost 3 weeks of traveling around Thailand and Burma.
China shows force in Shaxi after worker riots

The BBC's John Sudworth reports on the atmosphere in China's Shaxi, a manufacturing town in Guangdong province, following clashes between hundreds of locals and migrant workers on Monday.

There's a chance, certainly if you're reading this in the Middle East or Africa, that those jeans you're wearing were made in Shaxi.

It's a typical Chinese factory town, just across the Pearl River estuary from Hong Kong.

There's a Kentucky Fried Chicken here, probably not much more than an occasional treat on a migrant worker's salary but a sign nonetheless that China's decade-long export fuelled boom has been driving up incomes.

Hundreds of enterprises employ more than 40,000 workers who make tens of millions of garments a year.

Most are mass produced, ready-made goods, which is the reason that they are bound for those cheaper markets.

Civil strife

In the day or so that we've been here, we've met workers from Sichuan, Hebei, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, as well as other parts of Guangdong.

For years this has been China's bargain with its mobile masses - steadily increasing wages in return for hard work far from home.

But increasingly it seems that the bargain is not always a happy one, and Shaxi's recent outburst of civil strife appears to be further evidence of the mistrust and simmering tension in China's migrant communities.

We kept a low profile on the streets of the town last night.

To say the least, foreign journalists are not always welcome at what China calls "mass incidents".

We saw hundreds of chanting, marching riot police, moving in formation through the streets, the black plastic of their helmets and shields reflecting the street lights.

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The police just started beating people without reason, any migrant on the street they just beat him”

At one point, I found myself ducking behind a row of beanstalks in a tenement garden while about 80 police gathered outside, just one of dozens of such groups guarding government buildings, banks and petrol stations.

Clear message
It was an overwhelming show of force designed to send a clear message that the rioting and trouble of the previous two nights wouldn't be tolerated.

And it appeared to have that effect - we saw evidence of only a few minor incidents and small-scale property damage.

Certainly nothing that looked like the scenes of rioting crowds, overturned cars and serious violence of the previous two nights.

That unrest was triggered by an allegation of police brutality against the son of a migrant family, said to have been detained and beaten following a fight with a local boy.

People in Shaxi watched the police march along the streets
But if Shaxi has been calmed, there is still smouldering anger, not only over that particular allegation, but over the way the riots have been policed as well as more general grievances.

"The police just started beating people without reason, any migrant on the street they just beat him," one woman told us.

And the riots are driving a wedge between the migrant and host community, with internet posts from locals talking of the need to defend their homes from the mob.

Civil unrest
The trouble in Shaxi has echoes of an outbreak of trouble in another one of Guangzhou's satellite towns in June last year.

Three days of rioting followed a report that a pregnant migrant worker had been pushed to the ground by security guards in the town of Zhengcheng.

Such incidents are certainly at the more serious end of the scale, but they are examples of dozens of cases of civil unrest and protest that take place somewhere in China every day.

There is anecdotal evidence at least to suggest they might be growing in number.

As China's export boom hit the buffers of the world financial crisis, migrants found their wages being squeezed, delayed or sometimes unpaid.

Coupled with rapidly rising living costs, it might just be that some of the inequalities migrant workers have long put up with are becoming a little bit harder to stomach.

In particular, they have limited access to social benefits because free schooling and healthcare can only be accessed in their home provinces.

'Social management'
The government appears aware of the dangers.

The country's senior politicians have been speaking of the need for better "social management", and at the same time, of course, increasing spending on internal security.

China is a long, long way from widespread unrest, let alone anarchy.

A predicted GDP growth rate of about 8% this year takes care of that.

But the experience of the producers of those cheap, made-in-Shaxi jeans is changing is subtle ways.

The shifting currents of the global economy have made their lives a little more turbulent of late.

There's video also::

BBC News - China shows force in Shaxi after worker riots
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