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93 girls molested on Bihar train

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Ya its easy to identify perverts because they have Big Bold letters saying PERVERTS on their forehead :lol:

Maybe the recruited should be put in a room full of young girls to see how they behave. :tongue:

Window glass of buses and trains are polarized which means the visibility is only one way. Usually from inside to outside.

I am not required to suffer fools gladly. You need to stop replying to me or expect my replies.

We are talking about security establishment and their rules here , not about some rag tag agency. There are protocols to follow and whom should be allowed for monitoring, which also include ladies.

Regarding Bold part you have no idea.
giving smiley does not make you worthy or a troll, you lack in it lol

No I am agreeing with you.

All widows in India were gathered and thrown into the fire :bounce: ........This used to happen every week on Sundays and on special occasions. :enjoy: This is the real reason for the lack of firewood and shrinking forests in India, we have used it all up to burn widows. So nowadays we just dump them in the ganga and they all float into BD. :hang2:
No I am agreeing with you.

All widows in India were gathered and thrown into the fire :bounce: ........This used to happen every week on Sundays and on special occasions. :enjoy: This is the real reason for the lack of firewood and shrinking forests in India, we have used it all up to burn widows. So nowadays we just dump them in the ganga and they all float into BD. :hang2:
this is also reason of lack of toilet in india :enjoy:
We are talking about security establishment and their rules here , not about some rag tag agency. There are protocols to follow and whom should be allowed for monitoring.
Regarding Bold part you have no idea.

Oh well, if its the security establishment then I am sure they will not peep on women and record images :partay: Thank you for making that clear.

I am not equipped to debate with a intellectual giant like you. Please show some mercy and spare me your dazzling intellect. :cry:

this is also reason of lack of toilet in india :enjoy:

Yes, we dump that too into the ganga and they too float their way into BD. Every-time you take a drink of water, think of me :enjoy:
Yes, we dump that too into the ganga and they too float their way into BD. Every-time you take a drink of water, think of me :enjoy:
it is protected by your own dam, so actually you are eating your own shit LOL
it is protected by your own dam, so actually you are eating your own shit LOL

Try to imagine people dumping their daily quota right from Himachal, to Delhi, then collecting dump from UP, Bihar and Bengal and finally flowing into BD, making your land fertile. :lol: Now imagine the same thing happening from Arunachal, Assam and then flowing into BD, again making your land fertile.

Now you know how India helps BD increase land fertility so that you can eat well. :azn:

Seriously, do you really want to go down that flow ?(pun intended) You cant win this argument and I really do not want to humiliate your further. Let us call it quits.
If harassment of girls/women in trains/buses/roads are benchmarks, in south asia the number must reach in many of thousands per day. Since India is bigger, much more of these cases.
Try to imagine people dumping their daily quota right from Himachal, to Delhi, then collecting dump from UP, Bihar and Bengal and finally flowing into BD, making your land fertile. :lol: Now imagine the same thing happening from Arunachal, Assam and then flowing into BD, again making your land fertile.

Now you know how India helps BD increase land fertility so that you can eat well. :azn:

Seriously, do you really want to go down that flow ?(pun intended) You cant win this argument and I really do not want to humiliate your further. Let us call it quits.
do not worry, u have built so much dams to keep shits in your land. wining argument ? was it even argument ? and humiliation ? ahahaha, check posts carefully lmao
Some comments on TOI:

"Nitish want to investigate what? As if he is not aware of the regular state of affairs in his state? That there is no such thing as reserved berths/seats in trains running through Bihar? That cops look the other way when hooligans create troubles in the train?"

"In Bihar there is nothing like reserved seats. Goons entering the reserved coaches in en route stations and asking the bonafide passengers to shift or vacate the seats for them is quite common. The TTEs conveniently disappear from the scene, till the major station arrives. Since the aggrieved party is girl students from school, the matter has been investigated.This type of things happen only in Bihar where no law and order prevail."

"The only job RPF jawans of BIhar do is to check toilets to catch smokers so they can earn two paisa fro them. You will never see a RPF person patrolling when large number of local crowds board reserved compartments. We face it regularly"

do not worry, u have built so much dams to keep shits in your land. wining argument ? was it even argument ? and humiliation ? ahahaha, check posts carefully lmao


He is an Idiot, but I thought you were smart enough to smell the troll.
do not worry, u have built so much dams to keep shits in your land. wining argument ? was it even argument ? and humiliation ? ahahaha, check posts carefully lmao

You need to recognize charity when you see it. Think of me every-time you feel thirsty. :coffee:

He is an Idiot, but I thought you were smart enough to smell the troll.

Be careful who you step on kid...........don't be over-smart. It wont end well.
You need to recognize charity when you see it. Think of me every-time you feel thirsty. :coffee:

To be honest, you have to be very young in age.

It reminds me of a time when I was younger. Going through school. My cousin Faisal was a topper. Every week my phoopo(older sister of father) would come visit our house. During these times, she would happen to mention all of my cousin's academic achievements. Being the same age, I wasn't a great student, but a master test taker(no cheating). His marks would still outshine mine, as he would perfect every assignment given to him.

I really couldn't compete with him.

My father was furious and would constantly berate me for being just as poor as their family, but scoring less. It was never ending. The sarcastic remarks were there, every time I stepped into the house. I would always try to put down my other cousins like Rehan, to give my father satisfaction. I started to feel comfort in their sub-par abilities.

It took me a long time to realize that I have to fix my own faults, and not worry about #1 cousin, or the ones that could never get higher marks than me.

The struggle should only be about improving your life and your situation.

You might find comfort by deflecting the issues that your country is facing, drawing up comparisons, or 'finding excuses', but none of it will change your situation.

I hope you understood what I was trying to say.

This is the longest convo, I've ever had with a bhartee.
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No need to be Sorry, I thought you were wasting your time on him, he doesn't deserve any attention.
actually i was having with him, he has no idea how much he has been humiliated, lol poor guy. Anyway i leave it here :-)
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