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what are the chances of just the terrarists passport suviving and no one elses did he jump out with a parachute :lol:
there must be something seriously wrong with some one that always keeps finishing his posts as epic fail ,did your mamma drop you on your head when you were a baby:lol:
Let me drop one for you -- Epic fail. Move along. :lol:
I'm confused on this matter. There are too many things which make me believe that maybe it was an inside jobs then there are claims that it was a terrorist attack, maybe they were simply brain washed people as the suicide bombers which are targeting in Pakistan. Inside job or not lot of people died including 300 pakistani nationals so i don't think it's correct to label all the Muslims as terrorists. The other thing no jew died in all this....a miracle although :angel:

Anyway the only one which get benefits from all this is U.S. They invaded Iraq with false claims infect till date no proofs of WMD's! istead of weapons they found lot of OIL!!:yahoo::rofl::victory:they invaded Afghanistan bcz they want to control this strategic region. On these facts nobody can debate bcz you can't say that in Iraq or Afghanistan U.S. prime mission is to restore democracy!! It's total BS :blah: at least i think in this way that this all game is for $$$ :D
I'm confused on this matter. There are too many things which make me believe that maybe it was an inside jobs then there are claims that it was a terrorist attack, maybe they were simply brain washed people as the suicide bombers which are targeting in Pakistan. Inside job or not lot of people died including 300 pakistani nationals so i don't think it's correct to label all the Muslims as terrorists. The other thing no jew died in all this....a miracle although :angel:

Anyway the only one which get benefits from all this is U.S. They invaded Iraq with false claims infect till date no proofs of WMD's! istead of weapons they found lot of OIL!!:yahoo::rofl::victory:they invaded Afghanistan bcz they want to control this strategic region. On these facts nobody can debate bcz you can't say that in Iraq or Afghanistan U.S. prime mission is to restore democracy!! It's total BS :blah: at least i think in this way that this all game is for $$$ :D

1. Jews DID die on 9/11.
2. The Iraqi's auctioned off their oil to RUSSIA, not the US.
3. You sound like a child.

:woot: Ah...just forget to mention:

Restore democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan by U.S. ------> EPIC FAIL!:lol:

Pakistan was the one who destroyed the chances for democracy in Afghanistan anyways and now today we have to put up with the aftershocks of radicalizing those Afghans and others.
26 pages and still not proven whether it was inside job or not. :lol:
:woot: Ah...just forget to mention:

Restore democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan by U.S. ------> EPIC FAIL!:lol:
Establishment of democracy in the ME by muslims -- Epic fail.

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------

26 pages and still not proven whether it was inside job or not. :lol:
Proven to be: not.
The other thing no jew died in all this....a miracle although :angel:

Another circulated rumor that the truthers eat up. Again i'm not suprised, you people will beleive anything no mater how foolish it may be.

How Many Jews Died at the World Trade Center on 911?

“A total of 2,071 occupants of the World Trade Center died on September 11, among the 2,749 victims of the WTC attacks. According to an article in the October 11, 2001, Wall Street Journal, roughly 1,700 people had listed the religion of a person missing in the WTC attacks; approximately 10% were Jewish. A later article, in the September 5, 2002, Jewish Week, states, “based on the list of names, biographical information compiled by The New York Times, and information from records at the Medical Examiner’s Office, there were at least 400 victims either confirmed or strongly believed to be Jewish.” This would be approximately 15% of the total victims of the WTC attacks. A partial list of 390 Cantor Fitzgerald employees who died (out of 658 in the company) lists 49 Jewish memorial services, which is between 12% and 13%.”

26 pages and still not proven whether it was inside job or not. :lol:

Clearly you have not been readingg through the thread because if you did you would know that the loonie 9-11 claims have all been debunked. Moreover, there is not one credible source that the 9-11 truthers can back their claims with--yes not one. To add injury to insult the 9-11 fanboys make complete fools of themselves when it comes to anything related to science or critical thinking.
Having followed this debate, I must say that it is beyond ridiculous.

To those who are trying valiantly to be the voice of reason and logic, I will quote this advice:

"Never argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!"

Carry on, ladies and getlemen, please carry on, if you must! The entertainment quotient remains high, and for that, I thank you!

Seriously though, these endless claims of a conspiracy have in them equal parts of ignorance, fearmongering and USA-bashing, and persist only because they attempt to preach only to the gullible. They will achieve nothing, for flights of fancy such as these do not have any foundations to stand on.
wow now you guys are funnnnyyyy.... debre from WTC can come from many place . you guy on one hand are saying that aluminum metal will melt and at the same time showing pictures where the soo called fireball was... ha! everything should have been destroyed, from missing black boxes and the most funnyiest damaged black boxes ha!
I was only referring to this thread. not to the whole theory of 9/11. i believe too that 9/11 was not inside job.

but i am not interested in making a fuss about it. know that there are who believe that it was inside job, but hey better just to ignore them.

i have tried convincing many in the past, but did not work.
wow now you guys are funnnnyyyy.... debre from WTC can come from many place . you guy on one hand are saying that aluminum metal will melt and at the same time showing pictures where the soo called fireball was... ha! everything should have been destroyed, from missing black boxes and the most funnyiest damaged black boxes ha!

Do you even know what you are talking about??Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.It makes you look like a big fool.

Firstly,melting point of aluminium is around 1200 degree farenheit.A temperature that can be achieved in a fire like that in the WTC towers.
Yes,aluminium,will actually melt at that temperature,but definitely not steel.It is time that you revisit high school.

Secondly,where did you get the information that black boxes were not found??All the black boxes were found.The black box of flight 77 was partially damaged,hence voice recording could not recovered while the rest of the data was recovered.But then,flight 77 is not the one that hit WTC.
A Few FACTS Proving WTC demolished using explosives!
1.Pyroclastic clouds are formed
2.Secondary explosions caught on cam Before collapse
3.Squibs seen at reinforced points of Towers
4. Lobbies of Towers destroyed Before collapse
5. Fell under 10 seconds
6. No evidence of Pancaked floors
7. Molten Metal Found At ALL 3 Towers
8. Giant Steel Columns Blasted Hundreds of Feet Away
9.Fires Burned for Months
10, 1100 Bodies Unaccounted For
11.complete Destruction speaks 4 its self

REALLY Investigate 911!

The 5 Israeli mossad who were filming on 9/11 from before the time the first jet hit a tower to beyond the time the second jet hit a tower. They danced and shouted and applauded as each jet hit.

the more than 200 Israeli mossad who were all quietly deported to Israel all around the 9/11 event.

the nanothermite that was used to bring down all three buildings.

that it was the jews who did 9/11.
Over 72 000 Jews took a day off from work and school on 9/11

It takes an idiot to believe that some bearded cavemen got into a plane and flew it into the WTC.

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