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8 US aircraft carriers are underway


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
But, no money for the schools in the underprivileged neighborhoods! More African American males are serving their times in prisons than serving their duties in parenthood...
I have seen many commentators say that the US military buildup is so huge that it cannot be purely for a deterrence. That they envisage a major conflict.
Israel has made it clear that they will not stop this war. it will go on one by one, it will take 3-4 weeks before Gaza is controlled and then Lebanon will be dealt, and finally west bank will be annexed. the war will go on now till primary objectives are met, and then Syria or Jordan will be next…
Israel has made it clear that they will not stop this war. it will go on one by one, it will take 3-4 weeks before Gaza is controlled and then Lebanon will be dealt, and finally west bank will be annexed. the war will go on now till primary objectives are met, and then Syria or Jordan will be next…
The Iranians made a comment that they don't rule out a pre-emptive strike ( by Iran).

Unlike the Iraqis they will not sit and watch a buildup meant for them.
The Iranians made a comment that they don't rule out a pre-emptive strike ( by Iran).

Unlike the Iraqis they will not sit and watch a buildup meant for them.
Those who want to do it will do it and those who don't will bark.
Time of the carriers is pretty much over.
All that military power and scared of a small AIPAC lobby, what a shame that people who once stood for values they build their country on are on the wrong side of History, Sad affairs.
This time Arabs will lose without fighting, END OF TIMES

They are going for greater Israel. period
The Iranians made a comment that they don't rule out a pre-emptive strike ( by Iran).

Unlike the Iraqis they will not sit and watch a buildup meant for them.

They should launch that preemptive strike immediately than

Time of the carriers is pretty much over.

Oh really? You might want to tell that to the Chinese who are planning to build quite a few of them.

In other words, the day of the carrier is not over. Not by a long shot
But, no money for the schools in the underprivileged neighborhoods! More African American males are serving their times in prisons than serving their duties in parenthood...
And still living better than the rest of the world, spare me your concern
This time Arabs will lose without fighting, END OF TIMES

They are going for greater Israel. period
Yes. Virtually surrender without firing a shot.

The only caveat is that the Israelis are so buoyant with both US and Nato support that they might go for broke. War with Iran and Lebanon, and the ethnic cleansing of both Gaza and the West Bank. Popular opposition in the Arab world will be so overwhelming that even the most servile slave rulers will be forced to act.
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They should launch that preemptive strike immediately than

Oh really? You might want to tell that to the Chinese who are planning to build quite a few of them.

In other words, the day of the carrier is not over. Not by a long shot

I'm not saying that the carriers will be decommissioned from service. They will remain in service for functions like fleet defense. That said, the days when carriers roamed the high seas unchallenged are numbered. The carriers are no longer able to challenge a near peer adversary and go unscathed. This applies to China's carriers as well. However, to be fair, the Chinese fleet is not looking to deploy their carriers for power projection. Their doctrine is focused on extending the range of their air defenses at sea, essentially an extended area denial strategy.
Israel has made it clear that they will not stop this war.
Sure, talking is free and cheap
it will go on one by one, it will take 3-4 weeks before Gaza is controlled
Lets screenshot this, for the record, because Israel's time estimate to take Gaza fully will likely prove to be false and greatly underestimated.
and then Lebanon will be dealt,
A hypothetical scenario for now, IDF will be too exhausted to deal with Lebanon effectively . Hezbollah will also make sure that if Lebanon gets destroyed, then Israel will also get destroyed.
and finally west bank will be annexed.
Another hypothetical -lets see it happen first!
the war will go on now till primary objectives are met, and then Syria or Jordan will be next…
Lol....Israel will not meet any primary objectives, and definitely not on or in time. Who will provide the manpower for fighting Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Yemen/ Houthis? Neither US nor ISrael have the ground forces today to fight these groups, so do they plan to win again from the air like they did in Afghanistan? LOOL. It is not the time for US and ISrael to win, and definitely not their time to win against Palestinians - the world (and especially some Muslim countries) will not let that happen this time.
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