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413 armed forces personnel have committed suicide since 2012: Central govt


Mar 30, 2010
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At least 413 armed forces personnel have committed suicide since 2012, the government said on Friday. The army alone has reported 334 such cases during the period.

The air force was next with 67 suicides, while the navy has reported 12.

The revelation was made by Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply in the Lok Sabha.

In the same time period, there were eight incidents of fratricide in the army. The air force had one such incident, while Navy reported no such case.

Giving out reasons for such incidents, Singh cited occupational hazards and inability to withstand stress.

“The major reasons for such incidents include occupational hazards, family issues/domestic problems, perceived grievances, personal issues, mental built, financial problems and inability to withstand stress,” Singh said.

Asked about psychological counselling to avoid such incidents, he said: “A large number of (military) officers have been trained, as counsellors, to provide psychological counselling to the defence personnel and their families.”

In the list of measures taken to avoid such incidents, Singh listed making yoga and meditation a part of routine along with other measures.

413 armed forces personnel have committed suicide since 2012: Central govt - Janta Ka Reporter

If these two evils are present in any organization, then it can't be a positive power, but a negative one.......

Most of Suicides happen in Kashmir, thanks to intense pressure by militants and cruel response of Indian police and army towards civilian population..... You cannot live in peace if you take innocent life or rape some one..... that's the reason you lose your mind control and commit suicide to avoid embarrassment in front of your own self... . This is also the reason why both these things (rape,suicide,) exist together........
Indian Establishment needs to take it seriously... These are quite a numbers.
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Well policy of state oppression and crimes against humanity do have a toll on some of the conscientious and less insensitive soldiers especially whenever they are asked to kill members of their own communities and also see their colleagues indulging in rapes and other disgusting acts without any regrets.
Pilots are left to die in flying coffins and widow makers
Sailors are left to burn and sink in ill maintained submarines
Soldiers in army are committing suicides

Don't understand what are the plans of their government. Their keyboard warriors don't get tried of bragging about their MODERNIZATION PLANS which mostly remain plans only. As a human I feel sorry for these men who are professional enough to put their lives on the line but their elite does not give a d**n about their lives.
suicide is the way of cowards and the one who are brave daily slaughter pigs in kashmir, armed forces is for the fearless and not for those who surrender in large numbers....

Suicide is for Pu$$ies ... and Fighting for freedom .. and fighting for Occupation is two different things ..
but i doubt that you will ever understand ..
you said the right thing, suicide is for pussies.....and pussies don't deserve to be in the forces, ever heard about suicide bombers???they are also pussies belonging to a *U*** country

yes agree , Suicide Bombers are pu$$ies as well , but soldiers are not like Suicide Bomber aren't they ?
they take oath to protect their country , and put a bullet in their own heads and die ..
its your duty to understand why they are doing this ? maybe they are guilty ? or just can't live with the burden of killing innocents ?
You dont see suicides in pakistani army. The soldiers are mentally strong even though they are fighting against the taliban continuously in much worse conditions and pressure as compared to the indian army...and we are fighting alone unlike nato in afghanistan. I have seen our injured jawans who have to leave the army after losing a leg or limb and they learn to become taylors or mobile phone repair. They only get 20000 from the army and yet they are thankful and face the problems head on!
you can do the help by accepting bodies of your soldiers when we give them back.....you can do more for your soldiers.....think about it...
But how will that help Indian soldiers, specially if you transport dead Indian personal in garbage trucks. !!
yes agree , Suicide Bombers are pu$$ies as well , but soldiers are not like Suicide Bomber aren't they ?
they take oath to protect their country , and put a bullet in their own heads and die ..
its your duty to understand why they are doing this ? maybe they are guilty ? or just can't live with the burden of killing innocents ?
soldiers are killing machines and emotions are thrown out during the training, its the land and its people they are fighting for, the ones who try to harm our people will be sent to hell, its easy....soldiers kill and die for their nation......weak have no place in the forces.....kill yourself if you are incapable of killing inbreds, come victorious or don't come back....we train for war, we kill for country and we win for our people.....

But how will that help Indian soldiers, specially if you transport dead Indian personal in garbage trucks. !!
yes it does....when you take back those bodies it will be proved that your army sends these personals to kill people in india, this way pakistan ki insult hogi, then we will get Kashmir through UN support and it would be proved that pakistan is incapable of handling another state.....wapas le liya karoo yaar bodies 8-)
morale of forces goes high up when pigs are slaughtered daily in Kashmir
May be its time people realize who are pigs and who are innocent Kashmiris. This is the reasons why Pakistani flags are found so often in IOK. Since you are so interested in pigs getting slaughtered you should visit Waziristan where your sponsored pigs are slaughtered on daily basis.

our soldiers stand and fight for their country and its people, your soldiers fight for a general, who doesn't even care if they die
Btw my point was the same that your soldiers are loyal to your country but the govt doesn't give a $*it bout them. And yes our soldiers follow their generals that is the reason why our armed forces are considered amongst most disciplined in the world. Since now we are talking about senior personnel, in PA, PAF and PN seniors fight in the battles the best eg is our ACM who regularly takes part in Zarb-e-Azb when he bombs the real pigs.

dont make yourself so delusional that you can't even make difference between right or wrong...
And I advise you the same.
I am sure in Pakistan, no soldier has ever committed suicide. It is a special country, no suicides, no missile test failures. Everything is just perfect.

So how many PA soldiers committed suicide after the rapine and genocide in East Pakistan?
1: You are correct, no soldier in the Pakistan army has ever committed suicide - it is something we take pride in, our men believe in what they do; our men believe that they are soldiers of Allah.
We are doing much better than you in missle launching and testing.

2: Those "PA" soldiers themselves were ethnically Bangladeshi; also "rape and genocide" in Bangladesh is over-exaggerated, Mukhti Bahini them selves raped and killed, then blaming it on PA.

We are a very very special country compared to India.

soldiers are killing machines and emotions are thrown out during the training, its the land and its people they are fighting for, the ones who try to harm our people will be sent to hell, its easy....soldiers kill and die for their nation......weak have no place in the forces.....kill yourself if you are incapable of killing inbreds, come victorious or don't come back....we train for war, we kill for country and we win for our people.....

yes it does....when you take back those bodies it will be proved that your army sends these personals to kill people in india, this way pakistan ki insult hogi, then we will get Kashmir through UN support and it would be proved that pakistan is incapable of handling another state.....wapas le liya karoo yaar bodies 8-)
Then i guess your soldiers are very weak, since all they do is rape, kill their own civilians and suicede.

suicide is the way of cowards and the one who are brave daily slaughter pigs in kashmir, armed forces is for the fearless and not for those who surrender in large numbers....
Thanks for admitting Indian Soldier are cowards.
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