I think our brothers get confused about the ethnic demographics of the region, Koshur speaking folks are a minority the bulk of the AJK people are differing ethnicities.
Yes the AK regular forces were the first to fire, I know many accounts of this conflict from my grandfather.
Support came from all quarters bro and do remember that ex servicemen retained their weapons, ammo and bayonet. They literally poured into the region armed, which made the Dogras go white in the face.
The Baloch fought with great vigour brother, but why wouldn't they? You only need to read about their exploits in Burma and how tough these men were.
Good to see you have your grandfather's possessions, I have my grandfather's service medals, both the BIA service medal and the following Pakistani army one for service in the 47 war. We have his old rifle and bayonet in Pakistan. My cousin brothers keep the possessions of their grandfathers who fought.