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30,000 for Iraq


Feb 12, 2013
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Bangladesh has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Iraq to send 30,000 workers to the war-ravaged Middle Eastern nation.

Details of the kind of employment have not been finalised.

Expatriates’ Welfare and Foreign Employment Minister Khandker Mosharraf Hossain and visiting Iraqi Labour Minister Naser Al Rubayet singed the MoU on Saturday in Dhaka.

Ministry officials said another Iraqi delegation would visit Bangladesh on Sep 8 before recruitment of the workers start.

They said these workers would be chosen from among the 1.45 million of those enlisted as 'interested to go abroad' with the government.

They will be sent in phases, said the ministry officials.

The registration was done to send workers to Malaysia on a government to government (G2G) arrangement.

Thousands of workers have already been sent to Malaysia.

However, the ministry officials said the nature of jobs and salaries were yet to be finalised with the Iraqis.

Manpower is one of Bangladesh's top export and earnings from remittances send in by expatriates the second largest foreign exchanger earner after garment exports.

source: 30,000 for Iraq - bdnews24.com
The Iraqis gained far more out of the 03' invasion than America will.

Iraq gained a multi-party democracy, 10% annual GDP growth (higher than even China), access to their oil reserves, and an ability to control their country by electing whomever they wish to positions of power.

America gained boos and sneers from the turd-worlders, not least of which were the Iraqis themselves.

Just more proof that we should stay out of the mess outside of our borders. We should never interfere in another country again, unless they challenge our interests. Syria, Libya, and Somalia case in point.
The Iraqis gained far more out of the 03' invasion than America will.

Iraq gained a multi-party democracy, 10% annual GDP growth (higher than even China), access to their oil reserves, and an ability to control their country by electing whomever they wish to positions of power.

America gained boos and sneers from the turd-worlders, not least of which were the Iraqis themselves.

Just more proof that we should stay out of the mess outside of our borders. We should never interfere in another country again, unless they challenge our interests. Syria, Libya, and Somalia case in point.

BUT tea baggers like you were rah, rah(ing )the Iraq invasion fro the longest. Flat_ top56
BUT tea baggers like you were rah, rah(ing )the Iraq invasion fro the longest. Flat_ top56

OK JayAtl aka PlanetWarrior, go back to India if you hate our policies so much.

Stop trying to dictate to us what we should or should not do. We will do what we want without your Indian advice.
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