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3 Indian Navy officers dismissed from service for divulging onsocial media

In the IA...or any of the Indian armed forces, if you screw foreign women, you can kiss your career good bye.

Its been like that for quite some time. This is why they don't recruit married men or women......to make sure they only marry Indian.

Atleast, that's what i think....:D
A few years back, it used to be the case that serving officers were not allowed to access the social media at all. Now with social media becoming such a part of people's lives, I suppose they have changed the rules, and sensitized all the personnel about how to remain confidential. It seems that they are allowed to use social media, under strict instructions not to reveal anything official.

In fact it is quite the opposite mate- regulations have only got stricter! The Indian military were a bit slow in catching on to the use of social media by their servicemen and this lead to a few incidents the Military would've preferred to avoid. Consequently the Indian military imposed a ban on all serving personnel from having any sort of social media account unless officially authorized (ie if they are part of the PR dept for instance).

My uncle who has just recently retired from the IA told me that the military were incredibly tight about these things now and he knew for a fact that the Military Intelligence and such monitored such sites and internet traffic on military bases to ensure this ban was imposed.

+ if you are even tagged in a picture on a social networking site you can be in serious trouble, if you are in uniform in the picture then you are in deep, deep sh!t.
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