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25 years of Al Qaeda


Sep 18, 2011
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A quarter of a century since it came into existence and 15 years after the al-Qaida burst on the scene with the spectacular bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, the outfit continues to be the most powerful driver of global terror.

the outfit has metastasized into a global network of regional and local terror affiliates . It follows a dual track of local agendas tied to ideologies and goals of a pan-Islamist jihad.

The al-Qaida functions through affiliates , both autonomous and linked. Their leaders are local men, such as Pakistan's Bahawal Khan and Mullah Nazir, or Syria's Al-Amir Gazi al-Haj . These could be groups like Tunisia's Ansaral Sharia, or Somalia's Al Shabaab or Ansar Eddine or Boko Haram in Nigeria, Tehreek-e- Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan . All of them function as al-Qaida arms. They wear their affiliation as a badge of honour.

These groups have dodged drone strikes to evolve. They use the new media to coordinate strikes. They share resources and suicide attackers, build weapons, move fighters from distant countries to fight local wars.

The al-Qaida threat in Syria is evident — groups like the Jabhat al Nusra and Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya aren't only fighting Bashar Assad, but if Assad were to fall, they'd control Syria's chemical weapons. But in Pakistan , if al-Qaida affiliates dislodge the state, they could be adding mobile nuclear weapons to their arsenal. In Pakistan, al-Qaida affiliations run deep. Closest to it is the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) Pakistan, which directly threatens the state. Lashkar-e-Taiba , the Haqqani network, Gul Bahadur and Mullah Nazir are more complex. They're as close to al-Qaida as they are to the establishment, which uses them to attack Afghanistan and India.

Within the past month al-Qaida groups received a boost with almost coincidental jailbreaks in Libya, Iraq and Pakistan sending thousands of ****** fighters to places like Syria. Nasir al Wuyashi, AQAP's general manager, promised to free another tranche of jailed militants in Yemen, where the al-Qaida has now struck roots. On July 21, about 500 jihadis were taken out of Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib prison, putting a big terror talent pool at the front. On July 30, TTP took out 250 prisoners from a Pakistani jail. On July 28, 1,117 inmates fled Benghazi's Kuafiya prison in Libya.

Analysts say these are clear signs that TTP is re-grouping with a new generation of more violent, better armed, more committed fighters . Syria is the new battlefront . Syria & Iraq affiliates have merged to form ISIL (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), that's claimed series of bombings across Iraq end of Ramadan.

Not far behind is Egypt and Afghanistan, which will be up for grabs after US troops draw down in 2014. But terror watchers are keeping an eye out for Myanmar as well, where the conflicts between Buddhists and the Rohingyas look ripe to be adopted by global jihad.

Al-Qaida still a clear and present danger - Times Of India
AQ's Pakistan wing goes deep - LET, TTP, Mullah Nazir group, Haqqani Network, LEJ, Uyigur group - great future ahead for Pakistan - maybe the next Syria, Egypt in the making. We are f***ed being their neighbors.

TTP, Haqqanis already are getting their training in Syria and will soon bring it to Pakistan.
The more alQuada 'achieves', the more they will be pruned.. No matter what country they put their camps in.

Al Qaeda changed their tactics.

From a blind terrorism into a politics stage, by supporting separatism in the issue of human right, and winning election in secular Muslims country (then transformed it to Islamic country).
The more alQuada 'achieves', the more they will be pruned.. No matter what country they put their camps in.

Pruned?? - they have emerged as the premier terrorist organization to many local terrorist groups.
Pruned?? - they have emerged as the premier terrorist organization to many local terrorist groups.

Not to mention enticing violence against civilians. Those barbarians should be crushed with an iron fist.

TTP, Haqqanis already are getting their training in Syria and will soon bring it to Pakistan.

Not true :no:
Trying to merge the LeT as an organization with AQ is more fantasy then fact.
Off course somewhere along the line ex members of LeT might have joined AQ but overall i dont think there is much crossover.
Trying to merge the LeT as an organization with AQ is more fantasy then fact.

Fantasy is denying - fact is all terrorist groups operate under an umbrella.

has it occurred to you how organized these groups are? where they get their men, money, weapons and training?
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