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2000 palestinans about. To. be. Made. Homeless ,ISREALI order destruction. Of. Their. homes

if israel was smart [which they are] they would try to peace fully merge the Palestine and Gaza into Israel. Israel has every thing. its a shame their government are pushing harsh policies.
Jews are clever in business, but are lack of political wisdom, this is why they can not build up a country although thousands of year history
After ww2, with the help of world powers under the mercy of their sufferings, they build up Israel. But Israel overuse their harsh policies, raised hate seeds with all their neighbors
Jews are clever in business, but are lack of political wisdom, this is why they can not build up a country although thousands of year history
After ww2, with the help of world powers under the mercy of their sufferings, they build up Israel. But Israel overuse their harsh policies, raised hate seeds with all their neighbors
i think we need to give tham state in one condition transfer all isralli arabs to west bank
Only this way will really two states for two peoples

Jews are clever in business, but are lack of political wisdom, this is why they can not build up a country although thousands of year history
After ww2, with the help of world powers under the mercy of their sufferings, they build up Israel. But Israel overuse their harsh policies, raised hate seeds with all their neighbors
they still lose all wars no arab country can
Even deal with us militarily and technologically then?
i think we need to give tham state in one condition transfer all isralli arabs to west bank
Only this way will really two states for two peoples

they still lose all wars no arab country can
Even deal with us militarily and technologically then?
Compared with Muslim country, you are militarily strong.
But remember, don't let yourself used to solve problems with hard way, try to use soft way especially when you are strong
We have good relations with the Gulf States, even they are not official because of the Palestinian issue which I think has no solution there are even rumors we sold them weapons but you never know if this is true with Turkey had good relations even strategic to the beginning of the 2000s, Erdogan came from Egypt this cold peace based interests

We have good relations with the Gulf States, even they are not official because of the Palestinian issue which I think has no solution there are even rumors we sold them weapons but you never know if this is true with Turkey had good relations even strategic to the beginning of the 2000s, Erdogan came from Egypt this cold peace based interests
We are mainly looking for a friendly military developments partners because of financial difficulties with China that is not possible because of the US, but with India and other countries like Japan it might be possible I think that China could develop higher-level weapons Americans

Israel approved 35 Palestinian structures in area C, ordered demolition of 2000 others

5 days ago Human Rights, National News

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The Israeli daily, Haaretz on Tuesday said that the Israeli “Civil Administration” during the past three years had approved 35 Palestinian structures in C areas of the West Bank, and gave demolition orders to over 2000 other structures. And so the number of structures demolished is 18 times more than those approved.

According to the information from the Civil administration, in 2014, nine building permits were approved, in 2015 seven were approved, and in 2016 37 were approved. In exchange, 2000 demolition orders were given, 983 of them have already been demolished.

The Civil Administration said that it has no information on the number of permits given to Israeli settlements because they are not responsible for that issue. However, it said that in 2014, 865 demolition orders have been given to settlement units, and 438 of them have been demolished so far.

Area C constitutes over 60% of the occupied West Bank, and falls under Israeli Civil and Military control. Israel continues to demolish Palestinians homes in the area and building Israeli colonial settlements that are illegal in international law.

It sad to see 1 tiny country dictating Muslims and unfortunately Muslims are busy killing each others so this was destined to happen.

Of the topic i feel in future Israel will be expanding its borders
Actually ur Palestinian link says nothing about homeless people. Just some "structures" which can be anything.
so tomorrow when they fire a rocket at their own structures you will call them terrorists when you are making them terrorists by doing a terrorism.
Gcc has more than enough weapons and money to liberale palestinians.

Israel is the sole regional nuclear power with unconditional political (economic and military too) support from the US (unconditional superpower of the world), the entire Western world and Russia as well.

Israeli military is also heavily armed. Their air force is the best in the region IMO.

Such a thing would not work for obvious reasons.

Also I am not sure why GCC should liberate Palestine but not other Muslim countries? Arabs (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, KSA (early days with soldiers later mostly key economic help - oil boycott in the 1970's that paralyzed the world economy for a while) and Iraq) already tried. It's time for someone else to act instead of just talk.

The people who rule Iran today and have done it since 1979, have used the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as their biggest political trump card but they have never dared to attack Israel directly.

Israel is a special case. Many see it as just that little country but in reality Israel = US/West.

What do you think would happen if say KSA suddenly waged an war against Israel? The American military bases scattered all across the region from Turkey to Oman would within hours be occupied and turn their eyes towards KSA. Essentially rendering any resistance useless. Even if we assume that a lot of damage against Israel would be caused, in case of an existential threat of Israel, they would not hesitate to use their nukes.

This is crazy nonsense talk.

Let Israelis and Palestinians solve it among each other. Eventually nobody else will solve the conflict for them. We can aid the Palestinians politically, financially and morally. Not sure what we can do otherwise in the current era. Is that not what the Mullah's have been doing aside from smuggling some weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah which essentially is not going to win any wars whatsoever. Money wasted.

Unless you have some better advice.

No, it's not realistic to deport all Jews from Israel/Palestine. The only realistic solution is a two-state solution.

Also let's be honest no leaders today in the Muslim world would ever risk doing such a thing if that meant that they would lose their throne. Also I am not sure that any people are ready for such an adventure if it would mean that their country would be destroyed. Nowadays nation states only act in their own interests. If something is not beneficial for a nation state they will not pursue such policies usually.

For instance if Tajikistan was invaded by Russians again and occupied for the next 70 years (every odds against Tajikistan and every party trying to aid them) would you then want your country's leaders (Iran) to wage a war that cannot be won and in return have your own country destroyed? I don't think so.
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Israel is the sole regional nuclear power with unconditional political (economic and military too) support from the US (unconditional superpower of the world), the entire Western world and Russia as well.

Israeli military is also heavily armed. Their air force is the best in the region IMO.

Such a thing would not work for obvious reasons.

Also I am not sure why GCC should liberate Palestine but not other Muslim countries? Arabs (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, KSA (early days with soldiers later mostly key economic help - oil boycott in the 1970's that paralyzed the world economy for a while) and Iraq) already tried. It's time for someone else to act instead of just talk.

The people who rule Iran today and have done it since 1979, have used the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as their biggest political trump card but they have never dared to attack Israel directly.

Israel is a special case. Many see it as just that little country but in reality Israel = US/West.

What do you think would happen if say KSA suddenly waged an war against Israel? The American military bases scattered all across the region from Turkey to Oman would within hours be occupied and turn their eyes towards KSA. Essentially rendering any resistance useless. Even if we assume that a lot of damage against Israel would be caused, in case of an existential threat of Israel, they would not hesitate to use their nukes.

This is crazy nonsense talk.

Let Israelis and Palestinians solve it among each other. Eventually nobody else will solve the conflict for them. We can aid the Palestinians politically, financially and morally. Not sure what we can do otherwise in the current era. Is that not what the Mullah's have been doing aside from smuggling some weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah which essentially is not going to win any wars whatsoever. Money wasted.

Unless you have some better advice.

No, it's not realistic to deport all Jews from Israel/Palestine. The only realistic solution is a two-state solution.
Slap arrogant ones on their mouth, they will run like dogs, sanction them, block suez, close their bases, kick them out of region.

What is so special about israel/west power?
Look what Hezbollah did. You have 1000 Times more money, weapons, men,options than hezbollah.
No it's also your problem and people who suffer. Didnt arabs participate in wars against Israël?
Slap arrogant ones on their mouth, they will run like dogs, sanction them, block suez. What is so special about israel/west power?
Look what Hezbollah did. You have 1000 Times more money, weapons, men,options than hezbollah.
No it's also your problem and people who suffer. Didnt arabs participate in wars against Israël?

How when the West and Israel are 1 billion times more powerful than KSA/GCC let alone the Muslim world in its entirety? Economically, politically, technologically, militarily, diplomatically etc. If Israel alone wanted they could nuke the entire region to the ground (it would impact themselves eventually but that is another discussion) and nobody from the region could do anything about it.

You are comparing a paramilitary group composed of a few 1000 active fighters who live next door to Israel and who employ guerrilla tactics and who cannot threaten the existence of Israel or win any wars against them (as in winning against Israel in Israel) to national armies?

I never said that I was indifferent but just that I am a nobody in terms of solving the conflict or stopping Israel from building illegal settlements or preventing Palestinians from having their own national state.

Another completely different discussion, can you mention a single regime/leader in the region who would do such a thing knowing very well that it would be the end of their rule and that their country would most likely be destroyed.

How many Iranians for instance would be willing to fight Israel just for the sake of liberating Palestine knowing what would happen if they did? Percentage wise. 2% at most? Be honest. Would you do it. I doubt so.

See my example with Tajikistan/possible Russian occupation again.
Thats 1.6 million people... 1.6 million volunteers (not conscripts)... just sayin'...

Fair enough. You have a point. However do you believe that, if we assume that 2% is a fair percentage, those 1.6 million would be willing to give their lives in order to achieve such a goal? Also we both know that numbers matter less and less in todays military conflicts. I am afraid that such a large number of soldiers would just be sitting ducks and how would they even be transported to the borders of Israel and who would pay to feed them, arm them etc.?

I mean I am all for a two-state solution, an separate independent Palestinian state, the end of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, end of the blockade of Gaza etc. but that is another discussion.

What @Shapur Zol Aktaf proposed, I am afraid, is more fantasy than reality for the reasons I mentioned and others. This also goes for Iran, Turkey or any Muslim state. In fact Pakistan would be the best candidate as the sole Muslim nuclear power and due to is big population (200 million). Yet not even a state like Pakistan, founded upon Islam as the main dominator, have attempted to start such a war and may I dare and say that such a thing will never occur either.

A more realistic proposal is for the region (everyone together or at least most) to develop and advance economically, scientifically, militarily, politically and speak with 1 united tongue. Separate regional states with their own separate agendas cannot do much against an Western-backed Israel.

Call me a pessimist (I am mostly a pessimist lately) but that's how I see it. I might be wrong but I would like to hear why that is if so.
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Fair enough. You have a point. However do you believe that, if we assume that 2% is a fair percentage, those 1.6 million would be willing to give their lives in order to achieve such a goal? Also we both know that numbers matter less and less in todays military conflicts. I am afraid that such a large number of soldiers would just be sitting ducks and how would they even be transported to the borders of Israel and who would pay to feed them, arm them etc.?

I mean I am all for a two-state solution, an separate independent Palestinian state, the end of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, end of the blockade of Gaza etc. but that is another discussion.

What @Shapur Zol Aktaf proposed, I am afraid, is more fantasy than reality for the reasons I mentioned and others. This also goes for Iran, Turkey or any Muslim state. In fact Pakistan would be the best candidate as the sole Muslim nuclear power and due to is big population (200 million). Yet not even a state like Pakistan, founded upon Islam as the main dominator, have attempted to start such a war and may I dare and say that such a thing will never occur either.

A more realistic proposal is for the region (everyone together or at least most) to develop and advance economically, scientifically, militarily, politically and speak with 1 united tongue. Separate regional states with their own separate agendas cannot do much against an Western-backed Israel.

Call me a pessimist (I am mostly a pessimist lately) but that's how I see it. I might be wrong but I would like to hear why that is if so.
Iran doesn't border Israel so we're not exactly going to march on Tel Aviv, I was just saying... 2% of our population is a lot.
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