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1857- Jihad Against Christianity Commence

The interesting point to note here is that the Jihad against WCC (Western Christian Civilization) was begun by Sayed Ahmed Shaheed (1786–1831). Of Rae Bareli, his power base was the Bengal Presidency. The Sepoys of 1857 were greatly inspired by his teachings. The Sepoys - both Muslim and Hindu,had considered the 1857 Uprising as Jihad. Their war cry, "Khalqe Khoda, Takhte Padshah, Hukumate Sepahee" was yelled by both Hindu and Muslim Sepoys and population.
Behind 1857 revolt there were many reasons and the fear of conversion was just one of them. It was not at all an essentially Anti Christian mutiny.
it was against british not christianity, at least thats how it was in india.

First documentary tried to create a lie that 1857 rebellion was mainly between Christians and Muslims.

Behind 1857 revolt there were many reasons and the fear of conversion was just one of them. It was not at all an essentially Anti Christian mutiny.

In Western countries there are lots of lies about the British rule in India. You will find lot many British claiming how they saved Hindus from the Mughal rule without knowing the fact that defacto Mughal rule never existed since 1758 after Delhi fell to Marathas. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
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Syed Ahmad fought Sikhs not British wtf LOL.

War against British was a jihad against their occupation not against their religion which was like the last thing on the mind of the Sepoy at the time.
i wanted to know do rest of Muslims share the same view as the above person,as a christian myself i have noticed when ever some on post contents regarding Islam it will be taken off immediately from pdf while person like above can say and spread hatred and his post will gather 1000s of comments.
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