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Feb 5, 2008
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[Ottoman State]
[Allies: England, France, Australia, New Zealand, British India, Ireland, Scotland]

The Gallipoli Campaign (Dardanelles Campaign or the Battle of Gallipoli) took place at the peninsula of Gallipoli in the Ottoman State (in modern day Turkey) between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916, during the First World War. A joint British and French operation was mounted to capture the Ottoman Capital of Istanbul and secure a sea route to Russia.

Dardanelles and Gallipoli witnessed a great Victory of the Ottoman History, against the Allies. It was on 18 March 1915 that Allies gave a start to massive naval offensive in Dardanelles against Ottoman fortifications and were defeated in the end of the day leaving heavy casualties behind..

The battle of the Dardanelles started off with the joint offensive of the British and the French in a bid to capture Istanbul and to give support to their ally Russia. The offensive expected to be crowned with victory in a very short time was pushed back by the Ottomans' unprecedented and unusual defence both at sea and on land. The British and French armies were defeated in the battles at the Strait of Dardanelles and in the Gallipoli peninsula and coerced to withdraw. This is considered an important breaking point in terms of both Turkish and World history.

One of the characteristics of the battle was that it was the last example of the classic imperialist wars. Europe's imperialist nation-states which started burgeoning in the 19th century finally decided to occupy, partition and parcel out the Ottoman State among them. Another indication of the classic imperialist characteristic of this battle was that the British and French Armies were also composed of soldiers from their colonies. The coloniel troops from Australia, New Zealand, India, Nepal and Africa Countries were shipped to Çanakkale to fight the Ottomans. And as well as Soldiers from Russia, Canada, Greek Islands and the Zion Mule Corps (Jewish Troops) under the command of the British.

The most important aspect of the Battle of the Dardanelles is that it was the last battle won by Ottomans. This had a very favourable psychological effect on the Turkish Nation, strengthening their belief that they still had the power to hold out against imperialism.

Çanakkale was the place where the army fought against a might multinational force supported by the strongest navy of the time and managed to stop the enemy and prevent them from invading the Turkish homeland. The size of the loss makes the importance of the campaign even bigger.

The Dardanelles failure has put an end to the British Empire's apogee. From then on Britain's influence in her dominions had gradually declined. Despondent Africa and India have revolted. A period of awakening had begun in the dominions with the sense of national identity. In 20-30 years time, the British Empire has came to an end. The British has sailed for the world sovereignty but the Dardanelles campaign has misled their route.

According to the Turkish sources, the Allies' total casualties are 187.000 soldiers. The Ottoman causality is 57.084 soldiers in the land attacks and 179.000 soldiers in the naval attacks and totally 211.000 soldiers. The Allied Navy had failed to open the straits and to capture Istanbul; thus, the fear of losing Istanbul disappeared. Ottoman soldiers showed great courage in defending the Dardanelles and they became an example for the Ottoman Independence War. But in these wars, many educated, intellectual Turkish people had died. Their loss had negatively effected Turkey in coming years.

The Victory of the Dardanelles or Çanakkale in Turkish marked with ceremony every year contributes to the strengthening of the Turkish nation's feeling of power and victory coming from history.
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Dur yolcu! Bilmeden gelip bastığın,
Bu toprak, bir devrin battığı yerdir.
Eğil de kulak ver, bu sessiz yığın,
Bir vatan kalbinin attığı yerdir.

Bu ıssız, gölgesiz yolun sonunda,
Gördüğüm bu tümsek, Anadolu’nda,
İstiklal uğrunda, namus yolunda,
Can veren Mehmed’in yattığı yerdir.

Bu tümsek, koparken büyük zelzele,
Son vatan parçası geçerken ele,
Mehmed’in düşmanı boğuldu sele,
Mübarek kanını kattığı yerdir.

Düşün ki, hasrolan kan, kemik, etin
Yaptığı bu tümsek, amansız, çetin,
Bir harbin sonunda, bütün milletin,
Hürriyet zevkini tattığı yerdir.

Necmettin Halil Onan

Şiirin İngilizce Tercümesi


Stop wayfarer! Unbeknownst to you this ground
You come and tread on, is where an epoch lies;
Bend down and lend your ear, for this silent mound
Is the place where the heart of a nation sighs.

To the left of this deserted shadeless lane
The Anatolian slope now observe you well;
For liberty and honor, it is, in pain,
Where wounded Mehmet laid down his life and fell

This very mound, when violently shook the land,
When the last bit of earth passed from hand to hand,
And when Mehmet drowned the enemy in flood,
Is the spot where he added his own pure blood.

Think ,the consecrated blood and flesh and bone
That make up this mould, is where is where a whole nation,
After a harsh and pitiless war; alone
Tasted the joyce of freedom with elation.
Necmettin Halil Onan
Ottoman Islamic Empire was the honor of Islam and Muslims. All problems in the Islamic world today has its root in the abolishment of the Caliphate.

The next Islamic empire would return with the advent of the Mahdi (as). Till then, Muslims, especially the Arabs, will have to face oppression by their proxy-rulers. The darkest part of the night is still ahead when Israel becomes a superpower and conquers all territories from Egypt to Iraq.








You know if I was born but a 100 years ago...I would have fought proudly alongside these brave Mujahideeen !

P.S Why didn't the Ottoman Empire have something along the lines of the French Foreign Legion ? Because the potential of recruitment from Muslim lands was immense...don't you think ?
Whenever i think of Gallipoli this is the first image that comes to my mind always. A real leader!

Gallipoli - Memorial at Anzac Cove by Ataturk.

"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives…
You are now living in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours…
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace, after having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."
Ataturk, 1934

I cannot think of finer and more kinder words that could be said to a foe!!!

this is what we need the most "Humanism"
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