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sometimes i feel RELIGION shud be on the top of the list

coz world wud have been much better without it!
sometimes i feel RELIGION shud be on the top of the list

coz world wud have been much better without it!

Or worse-

dont forget the morals even the atheists abide to were first written in Holy Books-
For me the guy who invented airconditioner!!!!
This list should definitely include Karl Marx who bought a revolution in nearly all parts of the world, though his principle was badly applied.
invention of electricity:-
Electricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Michael Faraday formed the foundation of electric motor technology
The rest were Muslims- :woot:-

this is the worst problem human is facing now a days.religion and god is biggest lie the man has invented.and that is the reason all muslim countries and hindu country are backwart.just kill the god and see how everything change.that may hurt you that i know

The rest were Muslims- :woot:-

this is the worst problem human is facing now a days.religion and god is biggest lie the man has invented.and that is the reason all muslim countries and hindu country are backwart.just kill the god and see how everything change.that may hurt you that i know
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