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  1. H

    Riding a tiger: China's resurging foreign policy aggression

    The effect of Agent Orange was so brutal that I'm surprised that the current generation of Vietnamese forgives it already. I guess that is good. But, I just cannot understand why being sprayed by toxic herbicide that kills and mutates babies is better than having your book burned or assimilating...
  2. H

    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    What are you trying to say? Are you saying that you don't know enough about Asian countries outside of China to predict their future, or are you saying that Asian countries outside of China will not be successful in the future? I hope it's the former because the latter is not cool.
  3. H

    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    It's good to know that China doesn't hate India. I hope the feeling is mutual and can spread to all levels of the society. I am not trying to trivialize the national boundary issue or any other issue. But, if we can always keep in perspective who started the whole problem, i.e. the colonizer...
  4. H

    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    My gosh, all these disputes are getting really toxic. The saddest part is the inherent hatred among Asian people. This is why all countries in Asia were managed to be colonized by even small European countries for a long time, e.g. Indonesia by Dutch for 350 years. Having lived in Singapore, I...
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