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  1. S

    Pakistan's Intellectual Brain Drain

    The growing trend of the intellectual elites leaving Pakistan to pursue better economic or academic lives abroad had always been around but at no stage up until now this phenomenon had reached the threshold where people are not merely leaving on their own accord but forced out of their homeland...
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    Man sentenced to death for blasphemy

    Victim of Blasphemy Law Dr Younus Shaikh (M.Younes Sheikh), a renowned rationalist and founder-President of the Pakistan based organization 'Enlightenment' who was in the prison under sentence of death for blasphemy and then released at the end of 2003, sent the following article for...
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    Man sentenced to death for blasphemy

    It is not a fairly serious offence in its own right to associate a man-made law with God and call it a Divine Law which is what the mullah is doing in this instance. Please observe the following verse of the Holy Quran, They swear by God that they said nothing (evil), but indeed they uttered...
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    Man sentenced to death for blasphemy

    You're more accurate in this post when you state that the "Ummah" have concensus on the issue. Ummah which constitutes of mere mortals like ourselves. Yet the promoters of the death punishment claim that it is a Divine Law to kill one who commits blasphemy and your very own posts demostrates...
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    An open letter to Maulana Ilyas Qadri

    Your protests are falling on deaf ears as this is how Maulana sahab likes to spend his time and profess to his followers,
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    Amazing Swat !!

    There is something amazing about these photos. I have travelled to most parts of the world including Switzerland seen some breathtaking scenesbut you feel a strange connection going over these snaps. Many thanks for sharing these and for making me realise there is still some part of me that...
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    Saudi Women Driving issue

    LOL - good question. Well I note you are Indian but as a Pakistani I would say, we've got our own share of problems to deal with than to worry about others. Besides if Mullahism spreads the way it is going in Pakistan - we would have young girls scared of leaving their house to go to school...
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    Saudi Women Driving issue

    Poor Abdul Wahab gets the stick for the actions of his son when he himself was a pious man. I think you meant to write Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab. Abdul Wahab was his father and his other son Sulaiman Bin Abdul Wahab were both of the orthodox views and ferociously rejected the idealogies of...
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    Saudi Women Driving issue

    Good point and the same also holds true for parts of Quran and its "age-old" interpretations. It appears simple to you and I and but the mullah curriculum has failed to take this consideration into account when deriving laws pertaining to the present times and hence we still persist to work...
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    Saudi Women Driving issue

    It does as far as Saudi Arabia and its influence in other parts of the world in particular the Indo-Pak sub-continent is concerned. I'm talking about before Najdiyat was born. The Wahabi movement is fairly recently - give or take 300 years as originated by Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab. We have to...
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    Saudi Women Driving issue

    I have to agree with this statement. The only reason why Saudi Arabia features into anything for the non-Muslim world is because of the Oil. The only reaon Saudi Arabia features for me as a Muslim is because of the Holy Cities of Makkah and Madinah and everything in between that is associated...
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    Saudi Women Driving issue

    I'm not a fan of the salafi idealogy myself, infact quite the opposite but I don't think its fair to lay this one solely on the salafis/wahabis/najdis. The issue of inhibiting the rights of women is deep-rooted within the Islamic curriculum and is not limited to any particular sect. In my...
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