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  1. M

    Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

    Just get the hell out here, omg Indian Bollywood doesn't look like Indians, wtf kind of statement is that? !! 800 million Indo Aryans and 400 Million Dravidians make up India!
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    Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

    HELL NO, India is not any less succesfull than CHINA!!! we are just 1 DECADE behind... I am sorry but we will see when, Come talk to me when a Democracy kills it's own citizens... :triniti: I like my women taller than 5'5 and look hot and sexy like Aishwarya Rai or Katrina Kaif(muslim...
  3. M

    Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

    The Dalai LAMA is a Monk for godsake, he deserves all the respect in the world, He is peacefull leader!!! are u seriously blaming India for Supporting unarmned peacefull relgious members of society the TIBETANS.... God i think i am the idiot for talking to some of you!! Dalai LAMA...
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    Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

    Sorry but India is too big too be a PAWN of some sort... India is a democracy that is why the soft shoulder from the U.S. ... other than tht India is under No Alliance policy... where it doesn't get cozy with a specific ally
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    Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

    HAHAHA well yeah you are the one that posted in terms PPP, and by nominally wrong again, India already surpassed Canada this second half of this fiscal year...
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    Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

    O ok Since now that I have a Solid Point across that its none of My business!!!???? I am not BLAMING people of Pakistani or the Chinese, I am blaming the Corrupt India Politicans, the Arrogant Chinese officals, and The Cheap Pakistani leders(Zadari lived in lavish home in U.K on a...
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    Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

    I am sorry, but Pakistanis should be rooting for their country to be competing in the World market, why are u wishing for China to over take U.S. Pakistan should be competing economically and I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS DEEP ROOTE FREINDSHIP... It appers the Pakis are more excited about the China's...
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    Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

    Come on i want a little more self respect from you, When will you Realize this, Pakistan's ISI is supporting LET, Talian etc... Americans are here to kill the ppl respeonsible for 9/11 and they are simply in revenge and they want to erradicate this ... ANSWER MY QUESTION, Why are there no...
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    Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

    No Ephone is right on the money, the top of the goverment, officals, ISI, are still supporting taliban!!! how come there are no reported deaths of ISI agents!! or HOW COME THERE ARE NO ATTACKS FROM TALIBAN on PAKISTAN"S GOVERNMENT!!!!!
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    Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

    Please Also Tell me how else North Korea was capable of developing Nuclear Arms, when it's much more capable twin south Korea cannnot... It is because China has spread Nuke Tech to likes of Rogue states like North Korea, and Now that North Korea is uncontrollable and is facing international...
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    Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

    I don't mean to cause any disrespect, but it is quite a satire, when China mentions peace, where it brutally slaughtered it's own 10,000 + Chinese students on Tianamen square... I hope you get my point, If Red China was so cold hearted on it's own people, one can only imagine how it will react...
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    India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

    India was provked and so it martyred her soilder
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    India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

    We can't afford a war, its pakistan that has nothing to lose.. but India is on the move to be rake econmic progress, and we do not want this train to be abruptly halted, Our defence budget is 37 billion dollars( 2011) and that is about near 25% of Pakistan's GDP... to think pakistan has...
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