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  1. exmechman

    South Africa, Brazil ready for A-Darter missile test

    It has been confirmed this week that the first practice A-Dater missiles will be available to the air force for training purposes during 2012 with the first production missiles for operational use coming of the production line at the beginning of 2013. A further development was a summit held...
  2. exmechman

    South Africa, Brazil ready for A-Darter missile test

    In response to Karem #56 Dear sir, I do not usually post on this website and only did so to answer questions that were posted and I am really not interested in having an emotional and meaningless argument. I will therefore only respond once to your statements. I was a member of the South...
  3. exmechman

    South Africa, Brazil ready for A-Darter missile test

    To the best of my knowledge the military agreement between South Africa, Brazil and India is limited to joint Navy exercises, sending observers to each others military exercises and making training available for military personnel, the strongest focus however is on the naval security of the...
  4. exmechman

    South Africa, Brazil ready for A-Darter missile test

    Hi Everybody I am no longer part of the South African arms industry and can obviously not reveal anything that is not in the public domain. I think however that I might be able to give some insight in relation to some of the questions posed in this thread. Some background: South Africa and...
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