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  1. S

    Pakistan & China vow to boost strategic ties

    we indians dont like chinese becouse we feel inferior ,i even feel like a low caste here in sydney they call me bud bud ding ding,and all kind of nasty names such as i drink cow urine,imagine my shock ? we get stick from everyone even our white masters play games ,am sick of it ,am planning to...
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    Pakistan & China vow to boost strategic ties

    so how many went through your mother godless bastard :rofl: :lol: :china: :welcome::pakistan:
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    Punjab: Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy

    you know somethin love how do we know you are a muslim or even a :pakistan:y ,this is the anonimous internet right ? ,for all we know you could be an indian shinin cow like me yes ?:devil:
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    China is going to attack India very soon, says Mulayam

    please CHINA no attack we surrender :china:
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    Dr. Qadeer responsible for N-proliferation: Musharraf

    we shining cows love to pretend who we not, i wish you guys in the west :pakistan:where sunshines better than this dull cow in the east play there game kick ***,we need a mali :pakistan:
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    hey guy do you understand controlled demolition ,nforce gambit ptld one acount post some videos to shw diference between a real controlled demolition and a building falling due to fire ,what you say ?
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    this guy knows to much Webster Tarpley always on RT,well done webster,expose them hound them and hangem high.:sniper:
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    larry silverstien the zionist owner of the wt centers he said lets pull it regarding building 7, pull it is used in controlled demolition termsyou are not going to say lets pull it refering to the firemen now are you, common sense he got cought out :agree: have you seen any other building...
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    Are we obsessed with Pakistan?

    i am obsessed with :pakistan: :smitten:
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    Zulqarnain Haider seeks British asylum after match-fixing threats

    i think he just wanted a british passport ,he was looking for an escuse ,shame on him.
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    India, Pakistan tone down Wagah border show

    to be truthfull ,its not about our boys hurting there feet its really got to do with a lot of videos on youtube, where we allways seam to be on the recieving end of these ceromonys like one vid one of our guys even pi..'s his pants:eek:,so please spare us more humiliation .We have to show the...
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    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    Damb this indian shining cow has lost all its glory ,these Pakistanis , persians kurasan guys must have been real men , more than likely still are ,can i come over to your side guys.this shining cow is dull without you. :pakistan::devil: :sniper:
  13. S

    Zaid Hamid at Shooting Range

    let me tell you the truth we indians are petrified of this guy of yours called zaid hamid.please stick with mr 10% ,we will raise it to 20% but please no zaid hamid i dont want to hear of him again.
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    what are the chances of just the terrarists passport suviving and no one elses did he jump out with a parachute :lol:
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    Are you Loyal to the country where your located?

    i am indian and i want india to over run australia becouse you are all rascist :agree:
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    there must be something seriously wrong with some one that always keeps finishing his posts as epic fail ,did your mamma drop you on your head when you were a baby:lol:
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    members, state your present occupation

    i work at the petrol station in sydney , came as a student :agree:
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    why cant we just all acept that yes 9/11 was an inside job and it was good for the business ,why do these muslims and the truth sayers have to tell the truth.my american friends and us hindu's love to lie it is our right as a demoncracy,i get the shakes my legs start wobbling when we get exposed...
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    so what if 9/11 was an inside job,its all about decieving for MOLOK bush promised us the world ,at momment we still waiting ,:rofl:we wont wait long if the ship is sinking , dont expect the rats not to jump ship,we dont want to be on wrong side of history:agree: :usflag:you my american friends...
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