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  1. Metaldew

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Pakistanis are making such hue & Cry over some Stray Cattle in Kashmir when the entire Herd is with India!!! Everyone knows the fate of misguided stray cattle.:azn: Need I say more.....:
  2. Metaldew

    Devastating Floods in Pakistan: U.S. Secretary of State Calls for Worldwide Help

    There are some "Patriots' in Pakistan who will not accept Humanitarian Aids from everyone in the name of Islam. US, UN or any sensitive countries or Organization can call for millions of help, unless establishment in Pak changes their nonsensical approach, general people will keep dying.
  3. Metaldew

    Pak filmmakers up in arms against ban on Indian movies.

    Crap to you but your countryman drools over the same craps. Baseless criticism of anything India not going to pay any dividend.
  4. Metaldew

    China is number 1 victim.

    Although it's a slightly old article, but enough to satisfy your curiosity.
  5. Metaldew

    U.S. arms makers adjust to new realities

    Brace for more regional conflicts and it's escalation in next few years.
  6. Metaldew

    Pak filmmakers up in arms against ban on Indian movies.

    Requested, not to demean any community.
  7. Metaldew

    what brings you in to PDF

    Never knew would be able to interact with some of Pakistani Social & Political think tanks!!! PDF happened to me through Googling.
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