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  1. R

    China's War Plans For India

    not an option ! its our land . and not a disputed territory like the one which we are discussing .
  2. R

    China's War Plans For India

    1948 UN Kashmir resolution should be met 1. Pakistan forces exit kashmir 2. india reduce number of troops to significant levels . 3. Then let plebisite happen in kashmir under UN supervision. The options to be freedom, india or pakistan . That would be a fair stuff .
  3. R

    China eyes 20% of global space market by 2015

    should be possible :-)
  4. R

    The World'd Riskiest Sovereign Debt - Pakistan Placed 3rd

    cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2078rank.html accept the reality and work harder to achieve . However this is my first post and I do not find it good to try to prove somebody wrong ..but somebody need to face truth and come out of the dreamland :china:
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