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  1. S

    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    Do Pakistan's special forces (ssg, ssw, and ssgn included) have super specialized units such as those found in the US sf very specific for certain jobs? Ex the green berets who are fluent in various languages are sent in when they need to be in the shadows giving logistical and training support...
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    Pakistan tells US to cut CIA, special forces number

    one thing that I don't get is the apparent surprise our intelligence community exhibited about the revelation of Davis type agents in Pakistan. Why didn't the ISI or any other intelligence agency in Pakistan have eyes on these guys? Every agency in has a counter espionage division, yet when...
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    Gwadar - A Jewel in the Crown

    thers been all this hype of gwadar being a big asset to pakistan, and making it into a dubai type of place, and a big port. so has anything started hapening til now? has there been any international interest in it or are there even any ships passing through it nowadays?
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

    i was hoping not to have to do a phd on the subject and read thru 87 long pages for one question, but whatever....
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

    wat about my other question, what version of the f 16 is the jf17 most comparable to in terms of performance and capability, im hoping its one of the newer versions...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

    iv asked this before, but the last thread got lost before i could read a response. my question was, how comparable is the jf 17 to the f 16. in terms of performace, wat version of the f 16 could it match? and another question, if the jf 17 is exported, who will take the profits, will china and...
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    F-16 Block 15MLU/50/52 Fighter

    how comparable is the jf17 to the f 16? are they as good as these old 90s era birds that wer getting?
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    How good are the SSG's

    does anyone know much about the ssgn? is it quite similar to the ssg? and considering all the operations that have been going around the last couple of years, do the ssgn take any part in them for example things that may be going on in waziristan? and do the ssg have any marine experience as...
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    Camouflage net made by Pakistan.

    like 23march said, i liked the idea. would it be a good idea to make soldier uniforms out of similar material? to avoid infra red for nightime misions?
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    Pakistan International Airlines reports a loss of $207.5 million for 2007

    iv never liked pia. once wen flying on pia, the plane smelt like a diaper, this was after they dilayed the flight several hours, and told us the smel was becuz they hadnt had time to clean the plane, and i actually had cockroaches roaming around me.
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    How good are the SSG's

    doesnt anyone think that the ssg mortality rate is quite high? i just read that in afghanistan on a total of 16 seals have been killed, and 11 of them were killed becuz their helicopter was shot down.
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    Bio fuel in Pakistan

    what about solar panels, are ther any companies in pakistan that manufactures solar panels?
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    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    i love karachi, but its the ugliest city in the world iv ever seen, in my opinion, and iv seen quite a few
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    Gwadar port starts operating

    one question, what is allll this residential being planed for, is all of pakistan gona move to gwadar or somthing? whoes gona occupy the entire city? they did some work in lahore, made huge plazas, and expected them to turn into big malls, and theyr all still empty.
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    Pakistan's national airline to sell planes due to fuel, maintenance costs

    i didnt know pia had that many jumbo jets
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    Bio fuel in Pakistan

    does anyone know if pakistan produces or manufactures solar panels or wind turbines?
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    Bio fuel in Pakistan

    i dont knwo about wind, but solar energy is so expensive, the panels are expensive to manufactre, and very inefficient, research is being done across the world to improve the efficiency, but i dont think pakistan has much of a research infrastructure, we should just wait and see how solar tech...
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    Bio fuel in Pakistan

    today brazil uses sugar cane to produce some kind of ethanol fuel. all cars there are fitted with 'flex fuel' kits, wer either normal gasoline or sugar cane ethanol blend can be used (car adjusts automatically to what you fill it up with). acording to them, theyr almost, or totally self...
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    Gwadar port starts operating

    i herd that the balochis have some messed up mentality, they should be able to work, anywere, do anything, yet not anyone but balochis should be given jobs or refuge on their territory, that creates problems!
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    How good are the SSG's

    i personally dont trust the goverment anymore, they have no credibility. was there ever a list of people killed in the lal masjid incident? atleast i havnt seen it. thats how its done all across the globe, but for us, we here 10 different numbers in 10 diff. days, and wer fine with it. who cant...
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