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  1. G

    J-10: Chinas new fighter!

    China is not Pakistan's friend. China is helping Pakistan because it wants to weaken India who it views as a strategic rival. China has disputes with almost every one of its neighbours - and China views ethnic Chinese living abroad as being Chinese citizens. Even in the US where there is a...
  2. G

    College graduates flocking to military

    It will be interesting to see how many of these new graduates regret their choice once the shooting starts, or once their units are required to put down civilian protests. Few of the Chinese that I have met in the US have struck me as being particularly military-minded. They have mostly been...
  3. G

    Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise

    1) The US could have destroyed North Vietnam at any time by using nuclear weapons - they decided not to because of public opinion in the US not because of anything the vietnamese or the europeans did. 2) The US was not: "kicked out" of vietnam - we left because of public opinion in the US. 3)...
  4. G

    Why is Pakistan not purchasing the Rafale?

    Frankly I could care less what happens to Pakistan but if you want my opinion you either win the WOT or you will be under sharia law in 6 months. If that happens you will be at war with India 6 months later because if the taliban controls nuclear weapons they will use them and India won't take...
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