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  1. ParamVir

    India says US protectionism is regressive

    The quality of service of Indian IT companies delivered are captured through customer satisfaction index. For your information, the customer satisfaction survey done by customers in more than 90% in most of the tier-1 Indian IT companies. It seems most of the customers are happy with the...
  2. ParamVir

    How Rich are Pakistani MNAs?: PPP MNA tops list

    Hope they participate in charity work. In south asian countries participation in charity is very less compared to western countries. Take an example of Bill Gates. We need people like Bill Gates, not Mittals or Mehboob Ullah Jan
  3. ParamVir

    Gurgaon (India) will get POD taxi – A futuristic transport system

    I agree to you. Current situation don't allow us to look into this kind of fancy untested options. Better to invest on already built-in infrastructures like metro, roads etc. We can get some expertise from Japan. The way they created the train infrastucture is awesome.
  4. ParamVir

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Kashmir is an integral part of India. It cannot be negotiated at any cost. I donot think anybody participating in any anti-national activities can be termed inncocent. Keepup the great work Indian Army.
  5. ParamVir

    Diplomat's wife smuggled Jews out of Pakistan

    Seems like a Sidney Sheldom novel. Cheers
  6. ParamVir

    Mullah Omar is in Pakistan and everyone knows it: France

    Wow..He learnt English language so quick..Must be having very good I.Q. New he should concentrate in learning French.
  7. ParamVir

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Never label any country's army (whether Indian or Pakisthani) as terrosist. Please ban this author.
  8. ParamVir

    Gurgaon (India) will get POD taxi – A futuristic transport system

    We should invest in grade one infrastructure like concrete roads which can be sustained in long run. We should take into account the exponential growth of traffic instead of adressing the current situation only. In developing coutries like India there are no alternatives to mass transit like...
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