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  1. C

    Dancing in presence of PM Gillani

    For a nation with so much on its plate right now, I find it rather perplexing the rigorous debate being waged in this thread. I find the Pakistani people as a whole are facing identity crises at every step of a legitimate war against militancy, which is in actuality a fight against a skewed and...
  2. C

    India Pays Baitullah Mehsud To Attack Pakistan’s Nuclear Sites, Plan Deployed

    Because we all know Pakistan is desperate to convey to the rest of the world that their nuclear program and stockpiles are completely unsafe and almost in the hands of AQ and Taliban. You should write more often, it's amusing.
  3. C

    India Pays Baitullah Mehsud To Attack Pakistan’s Nuclear Sites, Plan Deployed

    What would be wrong with discussing a possible scenario, not everything I have seen discussed on these boards is always backed by verifiable sources and documents. Does this mean that the whole Iraqi WMD issue and theater of conflict must be a locked and banned topic because of rehacked...
  4. C

    The Benefits of an Indo-Pak Alliance

    Agreed though in my opinion these steps will fall into place once India is aiding Pakistan in it's war and Kashmir receives joint administration or something that isn't lines drawn in the sand.
  5. C

    The Benefits of an Indo-Pak Alliance

    The past 10 years look nothing like present day. If you keep maintaining stringent criterion to be met before any glimmer of joint cooperation can surface, nothing is going to happen much like the Israeli-Palestinian issue. I see what you are saying but settling border issues, etc. was already...
  6. C

    The Benefits of an Indo-Pak Alliance

    I urge members to think outside the box here, remove your tunnel vision glasses for once. Right now I think is the best time otherwise it will be a missed opportunity, I think my nation can get 2 birds with the same stone if they focus on India-Pakistan instead of solely the...
  7. C

    The Benefits of an Indo-Pak Alliance

    If both nations were able to revert their stance regarding a host of issues, much would be gained for both nations and the world. Not only would they anchor the immediate region as a stable wedge against communist and imperialist expansion via China, Russia, and from a neutral perspective NATO...
  8. C

    "Restraining Pakistan and Closing In On Iran: Proposed US Agenda"

    I doubt war will be declared on anyone else after Iraq, but to give the mapmaker my bit of possible geopolitical-drama... If Iran was the sole object of our desire then you would see it rife with insurgency, instability, and bouts of political turmoil with regional powers threatening war every...
  9. C

    Osama hiding in Pakistan: CIA

    Mindless conspiracy theory at work. If he was a CIA asset you wouldn't know about him, for starters.
  10. C

    Osama hiding in Pakistan: CIA

    I wish the Pakistan military good hunting. Capture him and his right hand men alive if possible...they owe Pakistan, Afghanistan and my country an apology.
  11. C

    Blast at Jamia Naeemia; Dr Sarfraz martyred

    Then you are not worthy of your opinion if you cut down cold hard facts with talks of science.
  12. C

    The Pak-Lankan Relationship and India

    We keep hearing the unproven accusations that India is responsible for staunch support of the LTTE, though if you are a keen observer of the ground reality Pakistan in fact supported the LTTE through it's infancy.
  13. C

    Blast at Jamia Naeemia; Dr Sarfraz martyred

    It would be better if you provided us with an argument based on the scientific analysis that you claim to have undergone with regards to anything in this thread, be it your views on September 11 or the actual topic of this thread which has been casually derailed.
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