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  1. I

    Pakistan's Missile Technology

    The day Pakistan builds its own rocket and sends satellite in Space, then I will think that Pakistan has done something substantial in technology.Other-wise boasting on the borrowed chinese missile technology and terming it as your own is stupidness. India, having a missile but not have...
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    Indias "Avatar"

    I believe that Pakistan if forget enmity with India and co-operate with us then both countries can achieve technological heights and can provide their citizen a much betterl ife.
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    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    If thats true then by doing such things, they are wasting there valuable time in something that can make you feel good but dont forget terror has only one face applicable for both Pak and India
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    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    If thats true then by doing such things, they are waisting there valuable time in something that makes you feel good but dont forget terror has only one face applicable for both Pak and India
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