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  1. spliterz

    Lieutenant Hakeem Ullah – A real Tiger

    Rest in Peace !!!! Pakistan Zindabad,
  2. spliterz

    Tere Bin Laden

    worth wasting time,
  3. spliterz

    TALIBAN vs ISRAELIS who is the bigger terrorist

    TTP and Israel, Both are 2 faces of 1 coin for Pakistan,
  4. spliterz

    Cyclone Phet approaching Pakistan’s coastal areas

    May Allah bless and keep safe every1,
  5. spliterz

    “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba attacked Lahore”

    maybe because GOI is not serious in solving that issue ? if that issue will be resolved then won't they have to come to the table for talk ? for Kashmir issue ? for making unauthorized dames in India ? for giving answer of your Indian involvement in Baluchistan ?
  6. spliterz

    “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba attacked Lahore”

    A terrorist/killer is not awlays one who kills/Terror with AK 47 or other weapons, rather also one who kills with any mode of violence (beating to death, giving poison, killing under vehicle, elecrrocuting, forcing one to suicide, strangulation or mob violence)..... the mode of terror used...
  7. spliterz

    Defece.pk Should have another section : TURKEY

    it will be very good to create a section for Turkey, Turkey developing its country day by day with new technology and it will be good if all these news get highlighted in their own section instead in any sticky thread where no1 usually care to visit, Just my 1 cent opinion
  8. spliterz

    Punjabi Taliban preparing for major terror attack

    Mate i highly doubt if they will be vanished like this, do you remember Sofi Mohammad in Sawat ? when gov wanted a peacful solution he was showing his red eyes with flaming statements ? but after gov took action he got agree with accepting all conditions of GOP. it doesn't mean that taking...
  9. spliterz

    “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba attacked Lahore”

    Its India who is wasting time, what was the point of sending proofs in Marathi language ? does it make any sense ? why your gov is not giving proper answers of question which Pakistan raised ?
  10. spliterz

    “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba attacked Lahore”

    you got any independent Source for proving that Pakistan have all terrorist organizations ? why do you forget to mention that you also have dozens of terror organizations such like bajrang dal, wishva hindu parshed etc. as well as your gov is involved in creating and supporting terrorist...
  11. spliterz

    Pakistan buying 150 railway engines in emergency Chinese suppliers fail to deliver

    Root problem in Pakistan Railway is Corruption in procurement department, We used to supply V-Belts to Railway, for example, cost of B-76 belt cost 75 rps to us, and we give them price 100 rps per pc but there officials ask us to fill tender as per their instruction, they instruct us to fill...
  12. spliterz

    “Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Taiba attacked Lahore”

    You better ask your gov to give proof against Hafeez Saeed, if he found guilty in our courts then i don't think you will see any1 supporting Hafeez Saeed in Pakistan, Unless he is not guilty you or your country have no right to announce him terrorist, What camps are you talking about ? if you...
  13. spliterz

    Punjabi Taliban preparing for major terror attack

    I do agree with your all points but mate you don't have right to call him yazeed nor he has any right to call you anything, bashing any firqah or flaming any1 will not help any1, I was big supporter of PML(N) but the way they are doing politics make them look pathetic to me, they doesn't look...
  14. spliterz

    Indian General:India actually lost Kargil war: Gen Pal

    whatever if it make you feel happy :what:
  15. spliterz

    PLAAF vs. USAF

    they weren't able to do that in Afghanistan who didn't had any Jet at the time they were conquering Afghanistan :what: let alone China. Mate i understand the wound you got from China in 60's and i understand the feelings but it doesn't mean you do bad wish's for China just because they are...
  16. spliterz

    Indian General:India actually lost Kargil war: Gen Pal

    My friend do you care to show any independent source ? the source you gave is not authentic, or you want me to give you few examples of how Hindu in India forcing Christians to become Hindu ? Hindu nationalists threaten Christians in Madhya Pradesh India Militants Forcing Orissa...
  17. spliterz

    PLAAF vs. USAF

    what is the point of having world greatest Air force or Navy if they can't even win a war ? Vietnam = No Iraq = No Afghanistan = No they used to conquer Afghanistan with B-2 but still they can't go in more than 40 % areas in Afghanistan, they have super sonic missiles, World Greatest...
  18. spliterz

    Indian General:India actually lost Kargil war: Gen Pal

    its amazing to see my Indian friends twisting the truth just in fear of losing in debate from Pakistani guys ? please get some courage to face the truth and accept realty, you lost the war in Kargil but you claimed it YOUR WIN by propaganda, your media is so good in hiding truth and giving you...
  19. spliterz

    Why Are Hindu Honor Killings Rising in India?

    these links doesn't show that Pakistan have more Honor killing than India, mate please don't try to compare Pakistan in honor killing with your country,
  20. spliterz

    Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

    that's what i thought when i saw that slide on TV, i was really shocked to see Ahmedi nijad's statement about blaming Pakistan, I don't think so that Pakistani people were expecting such statement from him or maybe not that early..
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