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  1. M

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    Its always funny when followers of one religion criticize followers of another religion because they think their beliefs are "funny" or "ridiculous". The fact is that their own beliefs are funny and ridiculous to the people who don't follow their religion, but they are simply incapable of...
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    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    He's no scholar. He's a "self proclaimed expert" with no formal education in any religion. Infact, he was a doctor before he began preaching his stuff. I'll give it that he's far better than a lot of the Islamic evangelists out there ( the formerly hard-drinking and smoking guy from Britain...
  3. M

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    I guess the results of perfect god-made laws can be seen by one and all the Islamic world. On one hand you extol the virtues of the one perfect religion, and on the other you advocate difference of opinion on religious matters. The fact is that I see the eastern religions...
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    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    I took the liberty of seeing some of his videos, and he's not better than the numerous televangelists here. He'll preach peace, but always conclude that his religion is the best and should be converted to ASAP, preferably his brand of it (Wahabbism) Brought up on the heavy dose of Saudi...
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    Video - Girl of 17 flogged by Taliban savages in Swat

    Great to see the unambiguous disgust of some people here.
  6. M

    EDITORIAL: The state has given up...

    Reminds me of the fall of Rome to the barbarian hordes. I hope it doesn't happen!
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    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    I've seen a lot of these evangelical preachers on TV here - they sell snake oil to make people feel better about themselves. I'm pretty positive this guy is making tons of money reminding his "flock" how great their religion is.
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    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    Haha, funny to see muslims criticizing other religions for being "confusing". I really don't see hindus killing each other over petty issues, while for muslims its an everyday affair. I think Islam is the most confused religion on the planet right now. Everybody fighting with each other over...
  9. M

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    You might have a point here - Pakistan seems to have kinda like a gun culture - like the US but much worse... What's like the guns-per-capita comparison between India and Pakistan? Can someone get that info?
  10. M

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Was - please stop flooding the forum - put all your pictures in one post Thanks
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    They seem much better equipped than the ones in Bombay - I'll give 'em that. The ones in India seemed to be right out of the 1930s.
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    ^His face omg - what a waste of a life - look at the hopelessness in his eyes...
  13. M

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    I agree with Cheetah - what's with the wild-west style firing in the air? That's not how a disciplined unit behaves. That's how untrained militia react after they win. If you've studied the law of gravity - which I think you have - you'll realize that the bullet will come down at pretty...
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Can't blame them - and sorry for being so harsh - but terrorist attacks in Pakistan are too common to keep viewer interest.
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    That's fantastic news. (I guess I don't really need to tell you this)
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Congrats to all the policemen and Pakistan Police!
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    :D Did you wear a burkha and walk around to test it? :shocked:
  18. M

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    A lot of these attacks can be prevented with good community policing. People should know who their neighbors are and report suspicious people to the police. Here in the US, we have neighborhood watch, so any outsider in the community is spotted and he gets some attention. That's...
  19. M

    UK hate preacher wants Sharia law in Britain

    Yeah rite. Afghans are busy killing each other anyways. Atleast the ISAF is trying to set up a working central government. Be grateful for that.
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