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  1. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    Yes, Kalu Miah, I am a supporter of Ron Paul and his son. That just isn't true about them being controlled by anyone. Ron Paul has been singing the same tune since the 80s (Austrian Economics). It was on the Ron Paul Forums, in 2007, that one of the members came up with idea to have an online...
  2. susano

    Iranian hashish smuggling gang busted; 1 killed

    I'm curious; what is it that you fear that makes you think taking a life, over marijuana sales, is somehow right?
  3. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    I'll look at the thread. My understanding of the conflicts and alliances is exactly as you've laid out so we are in agreement on that much. The US and friends have long had Syria on their to-do list of regime change - and not for some kind of altruistic purposes, either. I would not describe...
  4. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    There is ZERO evidence that the Syrian government used chemical weapons. On the contrary, in fact, the last time they were used the UN said it was the 'rebels' and the sarin was determined to be homemade, delivered on homemade rockets. Syrian forces not only don't need to resort to such idiocy...
  5. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    Unfortunately, because I'm new, I cannot yet post links, but you must take into account covert arms trafficking. Benghazi was one place from which arms were being funneled to Syria.
  6. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    If I may... I live in the US and pay close attention to this government. By the time that overt involvement is admitted you can be guaranteed that the covert involvement has been going on for a long time. We are, after all, talking about the CIA whose black budgets are not even subject to...
  7. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies[1][2]) is an assertion made by Mike Godwin in 1990[2] that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler...
  8. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    Yes, the United States is funding and training terrorists. There were training bases in Turkey and the operation was moved to Jordan. These are CIA run. I see you flying an Israeli flag. Well, the Project for a New American Century, a group of neocon (neocons came from Trotskists) Zionists...
  9. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    I can address that but it will take me while to write and I've been up all night. I'll do it later today. Suffice it to say it's an atrocity that our corrupt government is in bed with these monsters. My heart breaks for the Syrian people. They must be terrified. Damascus is the oldest...
  10. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    The terrorists are in control, not "moderate" Syrians.
  11. susano

    Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

    Because I'm new and don't have 30 posts, I cannot post a link. Put this in Google and read the thread: "Lunatic Outpost Syrian rebel massacre of 230+ Abducted Civilians and more vids" I could only watch the first couple and had to turn off the third. Beware because they cannot be unseen...
  12. susano

    Egyptian authorities close 55,000 mosques

    33 million Egyptians, the vast majority of them Muslims, the biggest protests ever seen in history, took to the streets to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia of fundamentalist knuckle draggers. They're sick of the MB ****.
  13. susano

    Turkey: "Syrian rebel" groups sought to buy materials for chemical weapons

    Thank you so much for posting this! I just posted it to three other forums. I'll tweet it when it's a better time of day in the US.
  14. susano

    Why Arabs are so desperate to pay for US Syria strike?

    I didn't say Taliban, I said Al Qaeda: Remember that Al Qaeda arose when Zbignew Brzezinski and President Jimmy Carter decided to fund the Mujahideen, in Afghanistan, in their war against Soviet occupation. Brzezinski said he wanted to use the Mujahideen "to give the Russians their Vietnam". It...
  15. susano

    Iranian hashish smuggling gang busted; 1 killed

    How fitting that a psycho such as yourself should put your location as the "Abyss" The key of the bottomless pit = refers to a very important biblical concept. The term "bottomless," which is a transliteration of abussos (abyss), occurs nine times in the New Testament, seven of them in the...
  16. susano

    Rebels preparing to smuggle Ghaddafi’s chemical weapons into Syria via Turk

    Yzd Khalifa, Spare us your bullshit about caring so much for the Syrian people. Nobody here was born yesterday. You want to talk geopolitics then be an adult and drop the rhetoric. Hillary Clinton is a world class criminal and the Egyptians figured that out. You might learn something from...
  17. susano

    Rebels preparing to smuggle Ghaddafi’s chemical weapons into Syria via Turk

    Couple of questions: That flag under your AV - that's Saudi Arabia? Whatever, it's not Syria, so who are you to say Assad must go? Isn't that the business of Syrians? Aside from the fact that this is for Syrians to decide, lets say Assad must go. WTF is he going to be replaced with considering...
  18. susano

    Why Arabs are so desperate to pay for US Syria strike?

    BTW, I see that this is a very long, and I might not have time to read it all, so I will give you all this excellent link on Qatar's and the Saudis' role in this horrible war against the Syrian people: *NOTE: I see I cannot post links until I have 30 posts, so to see these articles in full...
  19. susano

    Why Arabs are so desperate to pay for US Syria strike?

    Remember that Al Qaeda arose when Zbignew Brzezinski and President Jimmy Carter decided to fund the Mujahideen, in Afghanistan, in their war against Soviet occupation. Brzezinski said he wanted to use the Mujahideen "to give the Russians their Vietnam". It was at that time that Bin Laden went to...
  20. susano

    Rebels preparing to smuggle Ghaddafi’s chemical weapons into Syria via Turk

    Looks like that is exactly what happened.
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