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  1. P

    China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

    Western lives are more Precious than other . Pakistanis killed 3 to 7 million people in Bangladesh Forget about forgetting world even helped Murderers.
  2. P

    Indian shot in Nairobi mall for failing to answer query on Islam

    what is Problem with Muslims ??? More wonder is even they don't Realize that ! All over world killing People . It's Most Hated and Hateful Religion On Earth For Sure . Every continent on earth have Islamic Terrorism , From Philippines East to America West.
  3. P

    TTP reject any links with Peshawar curch bombing says its conspiracy

    well i am sure , Pakistani Christens Suffered more From Pakistani Constitution and Pakistani Muslim than TTP . I am Sure Most Pakistani Pleased with this Attack , Few more Kuffers Cleaned from land. Hard to Believe once upon a time this land was origin of Indus Culture , now only Arab...
  4. P

    After Pakistan and China, Myanmar Army intrudes into India

    It's Islamic English , Everywhere they see incest . Pakistan is Top for Searching "Different" Types of incest on Internet.
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    Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

    i heard , US army provide joining bonus for young people to inspire , something like 25 k $ or something .
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    Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

    you can say it's Death lottery - Many Independent organizations , communities also offer Money or benefits in some way , Their Family Enjoy all Military benefits in daily life as well (there are many like army good store , Travailing Benefits etc.) . in short Alive Soldier can never earn...
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    Indian firing on LoC kills Pakistani soldier

    hmm........... 3 remaining.
  8. P

    Should China export J 20 to Pakistan and if yes when?

    Chinese Aeroplane :rofl: :rofl: My 7 year old nephew used to play with them , got crashed in 1 week After that We never Purchased Chinese Plane , Tank , Rocket and guns for him , now If you say "china" in front of him for any "thing" he never touch that :lol: :taz:
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    India far behind Pakistan's 'powerful' Submarines: Report

    Pakistani forgot their Marine Power disaster in 1971 , Pakistan's Paper Navy start sinking as soon as land in water against India.
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    India: Muslim Share in Government Jobs crosses 10%

    that's what i am saying only 2 times in last 25 years , and Pakistan only in 2011 - 2000 non-Muslim girls got Victimized. Even supreme court are with Rapist for "Islam" , Where we did that 2 times and all got locked up in jail why we should free them and give some competition to Pakistan ...
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    India: Muslim Share in Government Jobs crosses 10%

    I don't understand Why Muslims are not second class citizen in India when non-Muslims are in Pakistan , zanazt hi khatam kar dalate hai Secularism ka.
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    India: Muslim Share in Government Jobs crosses 10%

    But wonder still Muslims girls not get kidnaped , raped , converted and sold Just because they are "Muslims" We lag very behind Pakistan where "Constitution is made to discriminate non-Muslims" . and day day lagging more and more behind , We should do something about that. If Pakistan...
  13. P

    India releases water into River Sutlej, worsens flood in nearby villages

    a good comment from news paper comment section--- I have heard that “You can fool some people some time” BUT “You cant fool all the people all the time ” Here in Pakistan “You can fool all the people all the time”…. Common sense ha s gone to dogs !!!
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    India releases water into River Sutlej, worsens flood in nearby villages

    now take your pakistani "Water cars Out of garage" :omghaha:
  15. P

    Harrapa Ancestry project?

    well It's More about culture , Pakistanis Muslims don't belong to this soil . they belongs to their Arabi Lords now.
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    We will give terrorists the respect they want: Pervez Khattak - PTI ¬ CM

    "Respect for Terrorist" Oxymoron :lol: :rofl: Who said Indian needs to Destroy Pakistan , Pakistani are Enough for that ...... :lol: :lol:
  17. P

    Telangana could open Pandora's box of statehood demands

    MIM will get baned sooner or later , It's Islamist terrorist supp. Party they don't get even 1 vote from non-Muslims. Be careful what you wish for ! Fascist People Produces Fascist Opposition , It will Produce some Hitler for Muslims and eventually mass killing of Muslims .
  18. P

    Pakistan Replaces India, Sri Lanka Military Training Expands

    well don't care much , it's just strategic thing , In General Srilankans Hate Muslims , After Attack on Bodh gaya there is increase in that in all Buddhist countries . I heard even Myanmar is doing some Military exercise with Pakistanis :lol: :rofl:
  19. P

    I need an answer, it's important to me.

    Sorry Friend But History Contradict with you . same Happened in Iran Egypt and many Countries. Many Persian ran to India to save their Religion Lives from Islam , we call them Parsi in india today.
  20. P

    I need an answer, it's important to me.

    well i don't believe in that , Only Man who believe on Vedas and God and it forms will go in Heaven all other false worshipers will Burn in Hell,
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