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  1. P

    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    To: Kiss_of_the_Dragon 临时抱佛脚,上网到处搜的呢。 不服气,凭什么被无知的人乱诋毁嘛&#12290...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    To the one claiming "The History of Chinese (the language) is based on a script of Indo-Sino-Tibetan": First, Chinese characters are an unique pictographic symbols representing both meaning and syllable different from all other writing forms in the world including Indic and Tibetan scripts...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    Eh, made a mistake before, I said the birth date of Kana being 500B.C., first, I actually meant A.D., second it should be much later. and the introduction of Hanzi into Japan was believed to be around 5 Century. To certain creature, you just keep entertaining yourself by your invention of...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    Oh, this is funny, didn't you see I was citing the other one's remarks, it was he that used the word "patent". go back to have a more clear look. What I was stressing was that Hanzi was an undoubtedly and absolutely sole invention by Chinese, you disagree with this? By the way, if...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    To: gambit Sorry, I'm not a tiny bit interested in playing the game of words with anyone, just sick of it. "patent" or "not patent" , it's a sheer fact: Hanzi was invented created by Han Chinese, we say "仓颉造字", we even have the name of the...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    So desperate! You just keep lying and inventing history to make yourself comfort? Indo contributing to the Sino-Tibetian langauge ? you're brainless? you don't know Indo-European language family is totally different from Sino-Tibetan language family? since the two language don't share any...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    To: jhungary You think you're smart by playing trick of confusing and converting concepts? you just make yourself a fool. Let's just stick to Kanji using right, ok? which is what this thread is about. You claimed "China did not have patent on Chinese as in any other modern language in the...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    Respond to: jhungary Could you be more ignorant and ridiculous? Chinese language is not Chinese' creation? Who else could you indicate helped Chinese invent Hanzi while themselves not speaking Chinese and of course having no idea of Chinese? Chinese actually should be called "Hannese"...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    It's not that whether Kanji is allowed for use or not, it's just that it's absurd Japanese still sticks to an unnecessary and incompatible foreign writing form till today. Simple fact: monosyllabic Hanzi is not for multi-syllable Japanese. For example: Hanzi "山"("mountain") pronounces...
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    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    Japanese sticking to Kanji is just a demonstration of sense of inferiority, they're not confident of their own writing, although Kana is a complete writing system totally compatible with Japanese language. Every kanji are explained and can be displaced by Kana, the use of Chinese characters was...
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