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  1. A

    BSF shot dead a Pakistani women on Indo-Pak border

    I might not post regularly at all on this site but a year ago the trolling was pretty bad and now it's gone down to ****. I am really disappointed at senior members on both sides of the aisle. This site really needs to get dedicated mods that will ban everyone and anyone who is trolling. At...
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    Dream of fitting indigenous Kaveri engine into LCA-Tejas over

    Atleast we can dream of making an engine, while your country can't even do that. Stop trolling and go home kid. Please do tell me the quality of the lca tejas. We can play the trolling game all day buddy, at the end of the day, india is always going to be ahead of pakistan.
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    ADA's AMCA Stealth Fighter: Some Canard?

    I'm guessing he means as in for a fifth generation fighter it is better. Don't get me wrong the Chinese can produce high quality products but to maintain absolute stealth plane you don't want canards because it makes it less stealthy.
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    Yeah, cool story bro. You guys just took the hull of the ship and added your technology, the Russians had to extensively modify the whole hull and integrate adavnced systems that aren't plastic like Chinese technology. Plus we are making our own aircraft carriers. Oh, by the way I like how you...
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    LOL, export? We both make BrahMos together and India wants to export it to friendly countries. Don't talk as if you didn't know that when prices they go down the margins still stay proportional. Secondly you don't know that it doesnt't meet Russian needs, maybe the price is too high maybe that...
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    IAF to deomstrate gears up for Iorn First at Pokhran

    Superior Muslims my ***. With the rest of the post are you trying to talk about yourself? I mean Pakistanis come for the Indians. I like how Pakistanis talk about Indians, doesn't matter if your Muslim or Hindu in India, your indian and that's what counts. And religious countries that think that...
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    Tanknutdave ranks Arjun as the 5th best tank and Al Khalid as the 10th best tank. Does it mean its true? Youtube isn't a reliable source. Secondly tanks are only good where they are meant to be used. In other words Arjun is only good in solid ground environments and deserts. Al Khalid's are good...
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    IAF to deomstrate gears up for Iorn First at Pokhran

    Then again nuclear secrets of all kinds are kept secret, so basically everyone who talks about nuclear weapons talk out of thin air.
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    Oh you know it was fixed and the boilers exploded because of cheap Chinese brick.
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    What makes arjun failure? Give me reason. Last time I checked LCA can fly and has zero crashes. Maybe I am crazy, no seems like you are. Iran has better space program then you even with extreme sanctions. Don't be an idiot, and don't underestimate African countries, people just don't give them...
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    Hmm interesting, you guys seem to make ammunition, except we make the same amount of ammunition you make. Source: Indian Ordnance Factories: Ammunition, Explosives, Propellants & Chemicals
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    SU 30 crashed near Jaisalmer

    Crashes happen, doesn't matter who makes it, impossible to avoid. All that matters is the crew is safe.
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    Actually we do have a squadron of lca tejas and actually we also make tank rounds and basic artillery rounds and we make one kind of rifle rounds. Don't get cocky, my friend. And don't tell me you don't by ammunition from china because we know that's a lie.
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    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    And I thought the Chinese could figure out why Anthony is urging Russia to but the BrahMos. Anthony is urging Russia to buy the missile because the missile is really expensive, to be exact it is the most expensive cruise missile and more missiles made, more price goes down. India can't afford...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    After Su-30 MKI gets the Super Sukhoi upgrade then you guys won't have chance to counter the plane with plane of your own. You guys probably have to rely on SAMs and other air defense. But really in a war scenario would kinda be useless especially if India moves far into pakistan territory then...
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    India’s Operating System to be ready in 3 years: Saraswat

    All those world class products you talk about are not made in a day. They have been in the field for decades of years and have gained knowledge. DRDO is no way in hell are they going to make this the best OS, but it will be learning experience and they can use that to improve on it. All those...
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    India’s Operating System to be ready in 3 years: Saraswat

    Your little pessimistic. There is a reason we are called the IT powerhouse and I will be optimistic and say that it will be full blown OS, sure it isn't going to be a pretty OS, you would know how some IT company OS's are terrible looking, but they get the Job down, our encryption are going to...
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    India urges Israel to speed up defence projects

    Your just a tinny but US centric. (Insert Sarcasm) Russia, Israel and France will continue to be out best allies and continue to give us the best of the best equipment they have to protect us from threats.
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