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  1. J

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    BTW, even if I didn't like Vietnamese , but compare with Filipinos , at least Vietnamese behaved with great courage. their Vietnamese men fight with U.S and fight with us~~ but what you Filipinos men doing ? just fawning on your white master? what a shame of yellow race, what a shame of...
  2. J

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    how can you so stupid? Japan was castrated by U.S as a loser after their war. but China has no chains on neck, you can't compare this two countries in that way. looks like you slaves prefer to be oppressed by U.S, or , I mean, white man. the Philippines is a shame of yellow race.
  3. J

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    西方人总是持有一个论调。 不要计较过去的事情,应该看一个人现在是怎么样的&#12290...
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