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  1. E

    China Says Navy Ship Hits Rocks In Disputed Waters

    i think thats another way & excuse for china to send more ships & stay put longer:cheesy:
  2. E

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    i dont quite get your 1st paragraph. what hidden? crusade? sorry, bible believers r unlike that! stoning is the law of theocratic jewish state at that time. it was the law of moses which was done away under the new covenant. surely u dont believe bible believers do such today, do u? the veil...
  3. E

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    hi, first the "terrible violence" in old testament has reasons. usually that was the result of human wickedness. but there are also good things too... may be u can cite an example or incident to discuss? second, your attraction to christianity is misled by senses. all the cathedrals...
  4. E

    Thousands of Christians Pray for Democracy in China

    hi, real bible-based christians dont assault other people. that is not taught in the bible. u have misconceptions about the bible christianity led by the misbehaviour of so-called christians.
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