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  1. G

    China buying oil from Iran with yuan

    Exactly what I am saying :) but our Pak friends think different But it's NOT a real solution to the problem. A real solution would be creating a parallel finatial system that can with stand USA pressures. China-India-Russia should come together on this part USA did it when there wasn't a...
  2. G

    China buying oil from Iran with yuan

    You missed my point. I am not advocating USA or dollar. It was a economy point of view. Hard currency is something stable. All favouring countries make resevor of it. If this happen for yuan now guess who will buy yuan in most percentages ??? USA. Strange ??? If your currency is second hard...
  3. G

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    Yes but still the MEN who fly them are proud of them and the whole Nation is also proud of what they had achieved over the long period of time. Can you say that about your NATIONAL BIRD :D ???
  4. G

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    I personally want the DRONE to be named as "National Bird" of *******
  5. G

    China buying oil from Iran with yuan

    No country can print bills on its will dude :D you need something to support your currency like GOLD or bonds of Forgin govts or SDRs. It's not that simple to print the currency at will whole economy will collaps if any govt try to do that It's not that simple. If you want to make yuan a hard...
  6. G

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    No I definately NOT :D I love wild imaginations :D keep doing that. I am liking it :D
  7. G

    Muslims in India Demand Breaking Ties with Israel

    That was past stance. Now GOI is muted on the topic itself but just oppose the violence morally :D You can say thanks for that to Iran's famous statement on India and Iran-Pak relations
  8. G

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    hahaahah and when did I say no Plz :D I will always come back with NEW account :D I think same thing Give you a ban too :D
  9. G

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    Last time in similar kinda thread I defined the characteristics of a terrorist state/ state sponcering terrorism And I was banned for insulting a Nation even when I didn't write a NAME there so I have to open this new account :D I think insult to a nation is applied only for one country :D...
  10. G

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    This Pak fan boy sitting in UK has more knowledge on India :D good work. Just try harder. You aren't at the level you was before getting banned :D you need to improve or regain your old skills :D good day
  11. G

    Gujarat :- NSG HUB with 5150 commandos.

    I think there is mix up here. Shooter boys were and are always in Mansear. After 26/11 they started deploying 9/10 teams in Delhi to reduce reaction time. Before 26/11 and even on 26/11 NSG team started their journey from MANESAR in bus to Delhi Airport. Waited for plane and then fly to Mumbai...
  12. G

    Its time to declare India a terrorist state

    I think Mr. Haffizz Sayeed would be the ideal man for this declaring JOB :D
  13. G

    Gujarat :- NSG HUB with 5150 commandos.

    are you sure about the 500/700 shooters ??? What I hear from a trusted source(don't ask) was "1500 shooters" at Manesar and is going to be 2500 shooters now.
  14. G

    Pakistan has formally proposed Siachen pullback - India

    Leave the god dam situation as is. We don't want war on this issue again. How can GOI trust the word of civilian government of Pak when they themself aren't sure when the COAS takeover the power from them ??? So it's better to keep the status Quo. Let Pakistan solve its own problems and be more...
  15. G

    Gujarat :- NSG HUB with 5150 commandos.

    If I am not wrong the capacity of Manesar hub has already increased. The smallest one is going to be in Mumbai. But actual figures aren't out yet. It is said to be between 1500-3000.
  16. G

    IAF to get fifth gen fighters only after 2019

    Clearence in 2019- production for Russian AF 2/3 years. So it going to 2022/23 for IAF :(
  17. G

    Gujarat :- NSG HUB with 5150 commandos.

    No it might be the actual number of commandos. GOI has decided to create more regional hubs of NSG after 26/11. The Hub in Kolkatta was reduced in strength due to less land given by WB govt and I think support staff don't need more land to get accommodate. It must be for training purpose. So...
  18. G

    Nicolas Sarkozy Defeated

    Why people talking about the Forgin policy of the French President who has just taken the office ??? Let the guy deal with internal policies first. Then he will improvise Forgin policies. As far as Forgin relations are considered policies don't change 180 degree without strong reasons. New guy...
  19. G

    Indian Missiles: Development is at alarming rate: Western Defence Expert

    So ??? Don't be alarmed. We are just catching up. We aren't producing and developing the things WORLD don't know
  20. G

    Soldiers yet to get bulletproof vests, ballistic helmets

    I am not expecting to change the situation for couple of more years. Useless people handling the most critical departments in this government and adding more mess to already heavy head burocrates
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