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  1. takeoff

    Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge

    Of course Japan weakened JPN YEN on purpose, the question is, will JPN YEN still be weak in 20 years time? How are you so sure about that? Like America QE, the money Japan printed will not be injected domestically, the money has to be injected into global market; the best way is by loan or by...
  2. takeoff

    Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge

    Vietnam is of great potential, but Japan will not transfer highend technologies to VN just because VN has great potential, why should they? Japan wants an ally to counter China, not a competitor.
  3. takeoff

    Don’t abandon Taiwan for better China ties

    From my point of view, like it or not, Taiwan will be reunited by China in twenty years by either peaceful meaning or military force. No country can stop it when China turns to be the No.1 economy in the world, and no country has the right to point figure at China for its attempt to end the...
  4. takeoff

    Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge

    I agree that Japan is hoping to collaborate with VN and Philippine to fight against China, by which eases China's pressure on Japan solely; but it doesn't mean Japan has the intension to transfer high-tech to VN to make it powerful. Japan has a population of 127 million and VN has a population...
  5. takeoff

    Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge

    Please be aware of the difference between financial aid and technology transfer. Japan has never transferred any high-tech to any of other countries, period. Think of it, what do Japanese live on when they transfer their "high-techs" to other countries? They are happy to export final high-tech...
  6. takeoff

    Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge

    "Japan helps itself by helping ASEAN", really? by what meanings? by 20$bn aid? In year 2013 Japan drastically/artificially devalued JPN Yen by 16%, the current exchange rate is about 100 (USD VS. YEN), how if the exchange rate back-down to 85 when ASEAN have to payback the loan? It's not aid...
  7. takeoff

    Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge

    The Japanese $20bn aid is pretty tricky, it benefits Japan in many ways. 1. Attract ASEAN to agree with Abe's stand and make an announcement against China. 2. Enable ASEAN to buy more Japanese products mass produced under Abenomic theory recently, which will positively stimulate Japan's economy...
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