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  1. C

    Xi Regime: US and China Must Be Friends

    Well, here's a pictorial brief on Peng Liyuan, China's to-be-1st lady....transition from earlier bouffant, over-the-top glamor to a matronly, look.... Peng Liyuan, China's Next First Lady—Photos - WSJ.com Gazing into the crystal ball: Recent musings on Xi's forthcoming accession and, oh...
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    Grestest Warrior of World - Genghis Khan

    A little long but funny read and angle..... The Heart Attack that Saved the Western World You know how every comic book villain and James Bond mastermind has some convoluted plan to take over the world? Totally ridiculous, right? The entire world? Come on. Nobody can possibly hope to do...
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    Made in India, faked in China- $5bn loss

    To the contrary, there is a HUGE market for 'grey' and 'black' market Indian pharma/generic drugs in China. Especially, life-saving and related anti-cancer drugs like "geftinat." You will get a lot of hits if you do on-line searches in Chinese. here's a quick example: ???,?, I have had...
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    ABC News: China has a scary dragon stamp

    Not just a chinese thing but other parts of east and se asia as well (there are fringe elements elsewhere but miniscule in comparison). tigers, rhinos, elephants, bears and the list goes on.....decimation of endangered wildlife for 'expensive delicacies' or 'medicine'...:tdown: Check these...
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    The forgotten history of Indian troops in China

    hahahaha........what a degenerative thread!! Loving it :tup: From Indian troops in China (under the yoke of the brits) to Who cares? to bulldogs of colonial masters and damn proud of it, gosh darn it! to A San? to What's to gloat about? to Dogs and Chinese not allowed to Indian...
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    Chinese Mainland cities set to overtake HK

    Since we are talking about property here (something close to my heart)..... Although prices have retreated somewhat over the last year or so, buying an apartment still remains an expensive proposition for the average "Zhang" (Joe). I have 2 apartments in China, one in Sanya ( a resort city...
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    China's economy 'will grow' despite 'grim' 2012 outlook

    From Ping-pong diplomacy (70's) to ping-pong spats (40 years on).....will be interesting to see if these actions are on an acceleration curve or if they will just kinda zig-zag along as in recent times. China Imposes New Tariffs on U.S. Vehicles Peter Parks/Agence France-Presse — Getty...
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    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Arrogant, brutal, cruel NATO! I stand by my Pakistani friends on this!
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    India push spurs US to knock at Myanmar doors

    Well, it's all part of the "Great Game", so-to-speak For those interested, here are musings in a 4-part series: 1) China's Embrace too Strong for Naypyidaw Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news and business from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam 2)...
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    China vs. India: Will the “contest of the 21st century” lead to war?

    Hahaha......hilarious.....fair enough! Just one last one b4 I am out for now....from Beijing on an overcast day. 言多必失。(pinyin: Yán duō bì shī) Literally: If you say too much, you have to have made an error Meaning: He who talks too much...
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    China vs. India: Will the “contest of the 21st century” lead to war?

    一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥(一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥) (yi ke lao shu shi huai le yi guo zhou) Literally: One mouse dropping ruins the whole pot of rice porridge. Chill and relax...
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    China vs. India: Will the “contest of the 21st century” lead to war?

    A little sad but "hopefully" not true... There is an old Chinese proverb... 一山不容二虎 Literally: One mountain cannot abide two tigers. 一山不容二虎 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin yī shān bù róng èr...
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    India: Unity in diversity

    wow, just an AMAZING thread! Congrats "terabaap" on posting these wonderful pics....especially Looooved the map showing food delicacies across India! It's in my briefcase for my next India trip. Shows how India is truly a microcosm of humanity across the entire spectrum....something to...
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    India Invests Abroad

    INDIA"S TOP GLOBAL ACQUISITIONS Top 10 global acquisitions by Indian companies | Independentvoice.in The quest began when Tata Tea took over a company twice its own size, Tetley Tea in 2000. From 2003 onwards, the trend of taking over other companies by Indian companies gained substantial...
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    Indian & Russian armies to conduct joint exercise

    a little dated but... IAF will take part in the next Red Flag exercises, 2013 at Nellis AFB, Nevada. It’s the world’s most realistic air-war exercise. It’s been called "harder than combat" by some pilots. IAF to match top guns in Nevada - Times Of India Last time IAF participated was...
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    Indian & Russian armies to conduct joint exercise

    Good news. These on-going joint exercises with disparate countries around the world are great to continually enhance familiarization & interoperability, doctrine, tactics, combat effectiveness, "esprit-de-corps," cross-pollination of best practices. Really helps to hone fighting edge. The...
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    India "frustrated" by China's rise: Chinese Media

    As a follow on to the above post and since we are on the topic of India - China media blah blah blah, here's an "odd and not-so-typical" article in the same paper (globaltimes). India's spiritual guidance for new Chinese culture (add www)...
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    India "frustrated" by China's rise: Chinese Media

    China's Fox News: Meet "Global Times", the angry Chinese government mouthpiece that makes Bill O'Reilly seem fair and balanced (comparison to O"Reilly notwithstanding - stands on its own merits). For those of you interested in getting a quick peek into the workings of a leading Chinese...
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    India "frustrated" by China's rise: Chinese Media

    Beg to differ! Chinese KTV's (karaoke places) have a lot of Indian (bollywood) soundtracks. Indian music can be frequently heard from store stalls and random places around china (small, big towns, countryside, etc). Quite a few chinese are aware of Indian celebs like Shah Rukh, Aishwarya...
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