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  1. D

    US must deny Pak army aid: Brajesh Mishra

    Apprecited. Cutting of aid ought to happen. Whether India pushes for it or not. US has realised how Pak has been playing it. Obama's no fool.Its not a coincidence he has made Pak uncomfortable about EVERY comment issued towards South Asia, since he has joined office. Tough times ahead for...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Well I was actually expecting this from Pakistan, from the moment they said "we are goin t invstigate". They accused their much loved ISI over Benazir's killing, demanded a UN probe cuz they didn't have "faith" in their country. Now, they expect INDIA, to agree to their findings. I, myself...
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    Indian Army thread

    love the guns the SPG are carrying
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    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Kashmir is a probably remain on the back burner for many years to come. With both sides refusing to budge, there will never be a solution to the issue. There will be more Milibands and Kofi Annans, but the there is not much international community can do now, even little in the future. Kashmir...
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    Pak incapable of action against terror: Pranab

    Clearly your president seems to think differently, so does the entire world. Maybe its time to get a president that reflects your views, even though they maybe untrue. Indian occupation of what? The Maharaja proposed annexation treaty with India, and not Pakistan. Now if you begin to doubt an...
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    Permanent UNSC Seat for India

    Its time the world realizes India's role as a major global player. US, Russia, France have been quick to realise that. A permanent seat in UN Security council is India's right. I believe we will succeed just like we did at the NSG where India became the only country in the world to be able to...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    India boosts arms modernisation after Mumbai ReutersPublished: January 29, 2009 By Bappa Majumdar India is speeding a nearly $1 billion (704 million pounds) domestic weapons development programme to modernise its armed forces, the defence research department said on Thursday, following...
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    Indian Army to have amphibious force in a year

    Indian Army to have amphibious force soon New Delhi (IANS): The Indian Army is all set to get next month its own amphibious brigade, modelled on the lines of the Indian Navy's marine commandos and specialising in land and marine warfare. Experts see it as a “necessary adjunct” to meet India's...
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    Pak incapable of action against terror: Pranab

    Pakistan has not supported terror, yet you have terrorists organisations operating in ***.Yet you have your President admitting to the "cancer in your country"..and also to the fact that those are not freedom fighters but "terrorists", yet JuD got banned. And despite overwhelming evidence...
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    Pak incapable of action against terror: Pranab

    LeT, JeM are not terrorist organisations then?..And what is "legitimate support"..how can you justify terror? Neither US nor India has directed terror against "civilians"..get you facts correct.India has never pursued terror as a state policy. US did it against Soviet military. Rebellion...
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    Pak incapable of action against terror: Pranab

    A ministry is not run by a minister, it is headed by a minister. And in any case you should be more worried about your economic condition than India's.
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    Pak incapable of action against terror: Pranab

    Kashmir! Kashmir! Kashmir!...what the hell does Kashmir have to do with Pak acting against terrorists on ITS soil promoted by ITS intellegence agency? Kashmir was a problem created by Pak, by doubting claims of annexation which was accepted even by Lord Mounbatten. Ever since Pak has been...
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    Indian Terror in Srilanka and Balochistan

    Total crap. 1. India has officially claimed??..Claimed what? when? any media report? article?..No country claims its intellegence activities in other countries?..Did the US claim for carrying out attacks on terrorists inside Pak?..And has pakistan ever formally accused India..formally doesnot...
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    Geopolitical Diary: India's Afghanistan Option

    Russia with Iran and PAk? Not really.. Russia has realigned with NATO, after it broke ties last August over Georgia. Take a look http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1874320,00.html Next India I believe will be careful with alliance with US. It would always prefer Russia. So...
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    Geopolitical Diary: India's Afghanistan Option

    Washington (IANS): Advocating a regional approach to Afghanistan, the U.S. defence chief has said that India has an important role to play there despite historic tensions with Pakistan accentuated by Mumbai terror attacks. In "Afghanistan, a regional approach is critical. And it includes not...
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    Obama's Kashmir conundrum

    Arun Kumar, Asian News Service Washington , January 28, 2009 First Published: 08:45 IST(28/1/2009) Last Updated: 08:51 IST(28/1/2009) Print The United States has made it clear that its newly appointed special envoy on Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke...
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    'CIA plans to split India by 2015'

    All pakistanis and bangladeshis can do is dream, talk about things that "could have been"..and how the world "could have been different", cuz its evident they can't face the reality, perhaps even we wud have been doing the same had we been citizens of a failed state like them.
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    'CIA plans to split India by 2015'

    Just cause you can't make a counter point, and us indians are much quick witted doesn't mean they are abusing you..LOL...It just means you go playstation in your thoughts, which is suggested by your bizzare predictions. We prefer logical discussions. Sorry for abusing you again.LOL And...
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    'CIA plans to split India by 2015'

    Definetly it doesnt. Speaking of history, 60 years earlier India and PAk were one. You have grown up in the same civilasation as we did.You've learnt the same art, science, maths as we did. Just the difference is we have build up on it, while Pakistan seems to have lost it in the word "history".
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