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  1. TheCivilian

    Career in Special Br. Computer System and Software Engr.

    "Short Service Commission is basically for five years which may be extended and converted into permanent commission." So, it's quite clear to me it's not a long term solution after 5 year it's again starting point.
  2. TheCivilian

    Career in Special Br. Computer System and Software Engr.

    ok, I got it, they are recruiting first batch for Spl br. (CS&SE), but still i have a question why there is a difference in army and navy rank after training e.g. for same course (AFAIK) captain in army. If i am not wrong army CAPTAIN equals to navy LIEUTENANT (Lt).
  3. TheCivilian

    Career in Special Br. Computer System and Software Engr.

    Hello Everyone, I would like to know few details about career in Spl (CS&SE) in Navy 2015A. what's the difference b/w Acting sub Lieutenant & sub Lieutenant? what's the starting pay(approx) of Acting sub Lieutenant? Promotion period to next Rank(career ladder)? I am computer engineer(spl in...
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